River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Komodia Amalthea
(F) 03/17/2005
S25765/2005; Mantle
COI: 1.05%
Horsebjerg High Time For A Hero
(M) 06/15/2001
DK11849/2001; Harlequin
Horsebjerg To Hot To Handel
(M) 04/04/1997
DK08137/97; Harlequin
FINCh DKCH ESTCH Kingsize Destination Denmark
(M) 08/24/1993
S55710/93; Harlequin
Swd & Int Ch Helmlake Que Kingsize
(M) 09/06/1987
S18311/88; Harlequin
Imperial Emperor of Helmlake
Helmlake Optimist
Nor, Swd & Int ch Batworth Gladys
(F) 08/10/1989
S19847/90; Harlequin
Batworth Argus of Chantlands
Batworth Angelina
Pinza's Calafornia Blue
DK19265/94; Blue
Nord Ch Sirblu Jamie of Blubak
(M) 08/27/1993
WP50270102 / DK05458/94; Blue
Am & Mex Ch Sajcs SGT Will B Blu V Rocon
Sirblu Coleridge Carol LMBRD
Grand-Apso Blue Carrii
DK26514/90; Blue
Boarhunters Einstein
Grand-Apso Blue Toyan
Genedda Gotta Love Me
(F) 01/30/1997
FIN16282/97; Harlequin
Countryrun's Joey T
(M) 06/20/1995
WP64493602; Harlequin
Cntryrn Earl The Pearl Vwlrn
(M) 06/13/1992
wp425761; Harlequin
Am CH Manatasquot's James Taylor
Countryrun Sweet Talucy
Countryruns Gretel Goes Solo
(F) 03/10/1993
WP50095001; Harlequin
Countryruns Antonio's Dream
Cntryrn Diamond In the Rough
Pir-pauken Donna
SF05653/93; Harlequin
Boarhunters Goldfinger
S56716/88; Black
Boarhunters Einstein
Gitte vom Backhaus
Pir-pauken Gorinne
SF13439/87; Harlequin
Pir-Pauken Tao-Tao
Pir-Pauken Tanya
Great Beauty Gladys del Pilar
S35273/2002; Black
Sjökullen's Luke Skywalker
S36935/99; Black
Boarhunters Presley
(M) 08/08/1997
S46756/97; Blue
Yaghan von der Bocksleite
(M) 01/05/1996
S49171/96; Blue
Ndl, Lux, Esp, Gmy Ch Florian vom Mendener Berg
Int, Dan, & Gmy Ch Olivia von der Bocksleite
Bullcronans Corazon
(F) 03/12/1993
S33694/93; Blue
CH Boarhunters Ivanhoe
Boarhunters Fairy
Ymegård's Charicma
S45989/92; Black
Kingsize on To The North
(M) 08/09/1989
S53112/89; Harlequin
Kingsize Exellent Exhibitor
Kingsize Italian Grand Daugther
Ymegård's Azurina
S60128/90; Blue
Grandios Gamza
Ersgården's Cleopatra
Great Beauty Amore Amorina
(F) 03/31/1999
S27553/99; Black
Faxe Indigo Jellico
(M) 06/28/1997
S42751/97; Blue
Swedhouse Nikolaj Alexandrovitj
(M) 06/05/1995
S42515/95; Black
Danehouse Mr Barrister
Faxe Indigo Genelva
; Blue
CH Boarhunters Ivanhoe
Faxe Britta Pe
Danemain Anubis
(F) 12/24/1997
S48709/98; Black
Haltmeiers More Than Words
(M) 02/12/1995
WP67292112; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Egoiste'
Am CH Haltmeier's Zorina
Alaraada Deisy
(F) 11/09/1992
EST06012/92 / FIN17447/95; Black
K Cinzano Mystik de la Gardie
Aprilflower Le Grand