River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Kandi Kain's Precious Diva
(F) 02/12/2007
; Harlequin
COI: 0.23%
Redwings Fullmetal Jacket CD
WP99222103; Harlequin
Magic Waters Mister Marquis
WP92483504; Mantle
Am CH Harlwood Archangel Gabriel
(M) 12/14/1994
WP59545901; Harlequin
Bis Biss Am Ch Amherst-Harlwood Bubba Rondo

(M) 11/21/1991
WP38522108; Harlequin
Am CH Riverwood's Rondo
(M) 03/25/1989
WG383756; Harlequin
Ruths Rambo N'Co
Riverwood's Ringtop Nevey
Dan-Mar's Jazmin Potpourri
(F) 11/01/1989
WG408103; Harlequin
Am CH Chauffeured's Dr. Levy Jr.
Dan-Mar's Jazmin v Riverwood
Am CH Amherst-Harlwood Gabrielle
(F) 05/28/1992
WP41677903; Harlequin
Bis Biss Am Ch Steigerhill Trailblazer
WF998059; Harlequin
Am CH Chauffeured's Dr. Levy Jr.
La Bella Benicia J R
Am CH Amherst's Jilly
(F) 04/11/1988
WG160488; Harlequin
BMW Robin Goodfellow
Am & Can Ch Amherst's Gingerbread Girl
Magic Water's Dream
WP76974702; Mantle
Brew Ha Ha of Hidden Cove
WP40701908; Harlequin
Brittany's Bridgette
WP59005708; Harlequin
Red Wings Polkadot Prize
(F) 01/31/1996
WP68225202; Harlequin
Am CH Kramer's the Dominion
(M) 10/26/1990
WP31667705; Harlequin
Am CH Jetero Axl Rosedane Camco
(M) 06/22/1989
WG347838; Harlequin
Duffnbain Terminator Jetero
(M) 03/07/1987
WF988324; Harlequin
Am CH BMW Olympian V Duff n Bain
BMW Olympia
Campbells Dollywood
WG011922; Mantle
GMJ's The Courier
Am CH GMJ's The Cassie Von Tonka
Kramer's Gretta
WG152669; Harlequin
Arlechino's Hurricane
(M) 08/17/1983
WF491865; Harlequin
CH Walhalla's Walzerkoenig
Walhalla's Gigi D'Arlechino
Doc Cline's Hilda Walhalla
WF623387; Harlequin
CH Walhalla's Walzerkoenig
Doc Cline's Elsa of Bismark
Lace's Dashing Impression
(F) 09/16/1991
WP37848103; Harlequin
Delta Dasher V Meistersinger
(M) 10/22/1988
WG218848; Harlequin
Rambo Von Meistersinger
(M) 05/12/1985
WF700633; White
Am CH Keetra's Lance
La Paloma V Meistersinger
Lady Crystal Chantel
WF815056; Black with White
Talisman V Meistersinger
Am CH Valeska V Meistersinger
Lace's Baby Grand
WG188624; Harlequin
Veto Wing Commander
(M) 07/11/1984
WF981900; Harlequin
Catain Fantastic
Ebony Lace
Ebony Lace
Kjos's Domino
Albert's Smuttie
Rhodens Precious Midnight
WR06004013; Mantle
Rommel Ima Ding Dong
(M) 06/19/1995
WP64705002; Black / White
Cedarmists Geronimo
(M) 12/07/1989
WG483084; Harlequin
Ecko Cedar Mists Dream
(M) 09/05/1980
WF370808; Harlequin
Oxbow War Dance of Chopmist
(M) 12/21/1978
WE263304; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Strawser's Justin
Am CH Oxbow's Cara Mia
Mikadon's Maile Dream
(F) 05/25/1974
WD386933; Harlequin
Am CH Admiral von der Berg Arras
Bantry-Hazeldane Secret Love
Harriet's Harlequin Romance
WF978430; Harlequin
The Bandit V Meistersinger
(M) 11/19/1981
WF110253; Harlequin
Am CH Carrousels The Showboat
Tabetha Von Meistersinger
A Harlequin Romance
Brandy Porsche Howard
(F) 09/10/1992
WP44007702; Black / White
Cedarmists Geronimo
(M) 12/07/1989
WG483084; Harlequin
Ecko Cedar Mists Dream
(M) 09/05/1980
WF370808; Harlequin
Oxbow War Dance of Chopmist
Mikadon's Maile Dream
Harriet's Harlequin Romance
WF978430; Harlequin
The Bandit V Meistersinger
A Harlequin Romance
Katie Elvira of Cedar Mist
WG410740; Black / White
Rhoden's Divine Diva
WP99043805; Harlequin
Dakodas Dominoe Diego
WP81522308; Harlequin
Big Jake's Rising Son Dakoda
(M) 06/22/1996
Rhoden's Big Jake
(M) 06/27/1995
WP63708408; Black
Shadow Oaks Black Max
Lacy Von Hess
Rhoden's Stormi Jo
(F) 01/28/1995
WP60219604; Harlequin
Sir James Henry of Allis
Destiny Danielle
Midnight Run Roxy
(F) 05/02/1996
Jamie's Toby Joe
(M) 12/24/1988
Duke Von Schwarzenegger
Sasha Rhea
Rebecca's Foxy Roxy
(F) 12/16/1994
Kyle's Maximilian
Brandy Anne
Sea Island's Fancy Corky
(F) 05/20/1996
WP72249906; Black / White
Branson Stingray Richardson
Sea Island's Dark Side O' Moon
WP44234805; Black