Am CH Baron Wilhelm V Eichewald
(M) 10/22/1971 WC108079; Harlequin COI=1.05%
Am CH Vi-Dayne's Bandit of Devrok
(M) WA866765; Harlequin COI=15.06%
Am CH Vi-Dayne's Warlock
(M) WA566197; Harlequin
Am CH Charbo's Quicksilver
(M) 12/10/1962 WA320556; Harlequin
Am CH Pee Vee Meistersinger
Am CH Upland's Asta v Obertraubling
Vi-Dayne's Vanessa
(F) WA234353; Harlequin
Elco Runar
Tammy of Highland
Vi-Dayne's Enchanted Astra
(F) WA505694; Harlequin
Am CH Vi-dayne's Lord Chesterfield
(M) WA223258; Harlequin
Elco Runar
Charbo's Enchanted Evening
Charbo's Tina of Vi-Dayne
(F) WA383099; Harlequin
Am CH Pee Vee Meistersinger
Am CH Upland's Asta v Obertraubling
Am CH Xani Our Dane CD
(F) WB412404; Black COI=0.52%
Am CH Dixie's Joker of Manchester
(M) WP83093001; Harlequin
Indigo's Black Bodo
(M) ; Black
Am CH Indigo's Luster of Downcrest
Kalmar's Salome
Dixie's Harlequin of Choctaw
(F) ;
Am CH Dixie Dane's Sashay CDX
(F) 02/03/1968 WB358106; Black
Am CH Berdane's Grand Marquis
(M) WA519778; Black
Am CH Frefin's Herr Bodi
Berdane's Annie
Ann of Dixie Dane
(F) WA719003; Black
Honey Hollow Robbie's Ranger
Dominique of Lindi-Dane
Edelweis Von Meistersinger
(F) 03/04/1973 WC629678; Harlequin