River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Justinian Calphurina
(F) 01/20/1994
COI: 0.02%
Calbren Saint & Sinner at Justinian
(M) 08/19/1976
; Black
Am CH Dionyx Benchmark

WB666694; Black
Am CH Chateau's Bourbon

WA778253; Black
Am CH Sir Knight Vodka of Crestwood
(M) 01/10/1963
WA400904; Black
Killer of Riderwood
Kalmar Countess of Club Drive
Honey Hollow Holdout
Honey Hollow Mancuso's Mavric
Honey Hollow Black Ava
Auburn Hill Baroque
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle

WA566064; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Forager of T R
Am CH Inner Sanctum's Olivia
Loch Tara Chaida Ebony Noria
(F) 05/04/1966
WA789213; Black
Am & Can Ch Honey Hollow Jabar's Thunder
Heidi's Golden Bonnie of Kyle
Moore's Ace the Space
Justinian Diana
(F) 12/22/1991
; Fawn
Duke of Kurdistan at Justinian
(M) 07/19/1986
5836BY; Brindle
UK Ch Devarro Mister Sullivan
(M) 07/11/1983
; Brindle
Devarro Director Bains
(M) 11/11/1979
; Fawn
Eng Ch The Contender of Dicarl
Dicarl The Lady 'B' of Devarro
Dicarl The Autumn of Devarro
Impton Borg of Devarro
Dicarl The Only Wun
Juno Night Joy
(F) 03/07/1984
; Fawn
Dellcourt Adagio
(M) 08/14/1980
; Brindle
Salpetra Billy Boy of Dellcourt
Dellcourt Amber
Lisa Alveston
(F) 08/27/1978
Tobevan Tudor Roller
Avocks Caissa
Ranpura Yasmin at Justinian
(F) 05/20/1989
; Fawn
Ranpura Zajiv Sahib of Algwynne
(M) 07/30/1987
4525BY; Brindle
Algwynne The Traveller To Ranpura
(M) 03/11/1986
Course A Dicarl With Algwynne
Algwynne The Dreambreaker
Ranpura Zarah
(F) 05/31/1984
; Fawn
The Dicarl Who Waits
Aust Ch Ranpura Chotarahn
Algwynne Romahni at Ranpura
UK Ch Dicarl The Alliance With Algwynne
(M) 01/26/1981
; Fawn
Eng Ch The Wrestler of Dicarl
UK Ch The Grandaughter of Dicarl
Algwynne Chesney
Algwynne Sonny Boy
Sweet Sioux of Algwynne