Pedigree of:
Jengrens the Sphinx (F) 03/25/1991 ; COI: 17.51% |
Jengren the Footpad (M) ; COI=12.64%
Jengren Robber (M) ; COI=0.01%
Oakhatch Carbon Copy (M) 07/30/1983 ; Harlequin
Sebastian von Harlekin of Oakhatch (M) H95184H05;
Int Ch Minos du Dogue de Vexins (M) LOF14566/01849; Harlequin
Jaarhus du Domaine de L´empereur (M) LOF 11265/1075; Harlequin
Ger Ch Karus von der Nürburg |
Sandra v d Nurburg |
Ischka du Domaine de l'Empereur (F) LOF 9236/1098; Harlequin
Tarot de la Foret de Kaysersberg |
Toscane |
Asya von Harlekin (F) DDC79398; Harlequin
Odin von der Materborner Schweiz (M) VDH/DDC 71865; Harlequin
Manta von Harlekin |
Nora v Harlekin |
Tina v d Nurburg (F) VDH/DDC 75170; Harlequin
Int , Gmy & Swd Ch Diamant von der Nürburg |
Xandra von der Nürburg |
Grandeeta Cassandra (F) ;
Oakhatch Toll (M) ;
Bonnoakleigh Black Donna (F) ;
Blead If (F) ;
Chief of Impton (M) ;
Gaylord v. t. Buitengebeuren of Impton (M) E9066903E09; Blue
The Old Favorite Castor (M) NHSB 738789; Blue
CH The Old Favorite Blanka |
The Old Favorite Alwina |
Am CH Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood (F) 10/21/1974 WC957397; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love |
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood |
Caskayd Black Lace (F) 11/01/1979 ; Black
Aldenicks Sibelous (M) ;
Impton Kiwa (F) 04/28/1975 1806BK; Black
Obispo of Impton |
Impton Wichita |
Minny Bonbon Bleard (F) ;
Fownhope Black Bart (M) ;
Kenny of Kilcroney (M) 05/11/1967 ;
Eng Ch Moyalism of Oldmanor |
Ir Ch Kara of Kilcroney |
Minora Trust of Oldmanor (F) ;
Blue Velvet Mist (F) ;
Seekapetra Tito (M) ;
Corkers Little Emma (F) ;
Jengrens The Countess (F) ; COI=0.00%
Naleeta Moonquest of Woodbounder (M) ; Harlequin
UK Ch Yaresville Washington (M) 10/13/1979 0828BR; Harlequin
Helmlake Gitano (M) 07/04/1976 1191BN; Harlequin
Montego of Helmlake (M) 02/28/1975 602BK; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico |
Leslie's Taura von Glenbrae |
Helmlake Esmeralda (F) 84633/74; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico |
Helmlake Ulanova El Eick Von Furst Bismarck |
A Black Pearl of Geojan (F) ;
Pride of Evansville (M) KC 112730; Black
Astelle Double Duty |
Harlequin Duchess |
Byebrue Trade Wind (F) ; Blue
Sarzec Vileo |
Sarzec Scintillation |
Naleeta Moon Charm (F) 11/13/1981 ; Harlequin
Bentaura's Cartier of Tarus (M) 12/08/1979 ; Harlequin
Thor-Kourt's Tartan V Luur (M) 07/02/1978 WE062591; Harlequin
Lubin of Tane'lorn |
Thor-Kourt's Ursa V Sigi |
Obeah of Helmlake (F) 02/28/1975 WE424851; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico |
Leslie's Taura von Glenbrae |
Odivane Moonlight of Naleeta (F) ;
Blead If (F) ;
Chief of Impton (M) ;
Gaylord v. t. Buitengebeuren of Impton (M) E9066903E09; Blue
The Old Favorite Castor (M) NHSB 738789; Blue
CH The Old Favorite Blanka |
The Old Favorite Alwina |
Am CH Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood (F) 10/21/1974 WC957397; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love |
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood |
Caskayd Black Lace (F) 11/01/1979 ; Black
Aldenicks Sibelous (M) ;
Impton Kiwa (F) 04/28/1975 1806BK; Black
Obispo of Impton |
Impton Wichita |
Minny Bonbon Bleard (F) ;
Fownhope Black Bart (M) ;
Kenny of Kilcroney (M) 05/11/1967 ;
Eng Ch Moyalism of Oldmanor |
Ir Ch Kara of Kilcroney |
Minora Trust of Oldmanor (F) ;
Blue Velvet Mist (F) ;
Seekapetra Tito (M) ;
Corkers Little Emma (F) ;
Jengren Queen of the Nile (F) ; COI=0.27%
Jengren Robber (M) ; COI=0.01%
Oakhatch Carbon Copy (M) 07/30/1983 ; Harlequin
Sebastian von Harlekin of Oakhatch (M) H95184H05;
Int Ch Minos du Dogue de Vexins (M) LOF14566/01849; Harlequin
Jaarhus du Domaine de L´empereur (M) LOF 11265/1075; Harlequin
Ger Ch Karus von der Nürburg |
Sandra v d Nurburg |
Ischka du Domaine de l'Empereur (F) LOF 9236/1098; Harlequin
Tarot de la Foret de Kaysersberg |
Toscane |
Asya von Harlekin (F) DDC79398; Harlequin
Odin von der Materborner Schweiz (M) VDH/DDC 71865; Harlequin
Manta von Harlekin |
Nora v Harlekin |
Tina v d Nurburg (F) VDH/DDC 75170; Harlequin
Int , Gmy & Swd Ch Diamant von der Nürburg |
Xandra von der Nürburg |
Grandeeta Cassandra (F) ;
Oakhatch Toll (M) ;
Bonnoakleigh Black Donna (F) ;
Blead If (F) ;
Chief of Impton (M) ;
Gaylord v. t. Buitengebeuren of Impton (M) E9066903E09; Blue
The Old Favorite Castor (M) NHSB 738789; Blue
CH The Old Favorite Blanka |
The Old Favorite Alwina |
Am CH Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood (F) 10/21/1974 WC957397; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love |
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood |
Caskayd Black Lace (F) 11/01/1979 ; Black
Aldenicks Sibelous (M) ;
Impton Kiwa (F) 04/28/1975 1806BK; Black
Obispo of Impton |
Impton Wichita |
Minny Bonbon Bleard (F) ;
Fownhope Black Bart (M) ;
Kenny of Kilcroney (M) 05/11/1967 ;
Eng Ch Moyalism of Oldmanor |
Ir Ch Kara of Kilcroney |
Minora Trust of Oldmanor (F) ;
Blue Velvet Mist (F) ;
Seekapetra Tito (M) ;
Corkers Little Emma (F) ;
Bronsworth Sarah Jane (F) ; COI=3.48%
UK Ch Yaresville Washington (M) 10/13/1979 0828BR; Harlequin
Helmlake Gitano (M) 07/04/1976 1191BN; Harlequin
Montego of Helmlake (M) 02/28/1975 602BK; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico (M) 05/05/1972 1329BH-12589/72; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies |
Helmlake Magic Columbine of Merrowlea |
Leslie's Taura von Glenbrae (F) 19540/74; Mantle
Count Igor Von Meistersinger |
Am CH Leslie's Raggedy Ann |
Helmlake Esmeralda (F) 84633/74; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico (M) 05/05/1972 1329BH-12589/72; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies |
Helmlake Magic Columbine of Merrowlea |
Helmlake Ulanova El Eick Von Furst Bismarck (F) 09/15/1969 44BE-120929/70; Harlequin
Int, Gdr, Ben & Swz Ch Eick Imperial |
Inka von Fürst Bismarck |
A Black Pearl of Geojan (F) ;
Pride of Evansville (M) KC 112730; Black
Astelle Double Duty (M) KC 115300;
Harlequin Duchess (F) KC 47639;
Byebrue Trade Wind (F) ; Blue
Sarzec Vileo (M) ;
Sarzec Scintillation (F) ;
Melbry My Fair Lady of Bronsworth (F) ;
UK Ch Ashville Harvey (M) 12/23/1975 1753BM; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico (M) 05/05/1972 1329BH-12589/72; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies (M) 120929/70; Harlequin
Int, Gdr, Ben & Swz Ch Eick Imperial |
Mara von Fürst Bismarck |
Helmlake Magic Columbine of Merrowlea (F) 140270/68; Harlequin
Magic Wand of Merrowlea |
Summerdale Elaine |
Ashville Hannah (F) ;
Melbry Melita (F) ;
Salient of Leesthorphill (M) 08/25/1972 ;
Eng Ch Leesthorphill Sultan of Escheatlands (M) 09/24/1968 123227/68-901BE; Harlequin
Eng Ch Surrel of Leesthorphill |
Secret of Leesthorphill |
Saga of Leesthorphill (F) ;
Melbry Certinito of Gaymiles (F) ;