River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Jerdan's Three Times Zydeco
() 12/28/1998
COI: 6.21%
BISS Am Ch Sarmac's I've Arrived

(M) 11/07/1995
WP66529901; Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Lost Creek Revelation

(M) 06/24/1992
WP43172808; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Honey Lane's Highlight

(M) 02/25/1988
WG131580; Brindle
Am CH Sumertre's I'm Worth Knowing

(M) 05/21/1981
WE933133; Brindle
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
(M) 06/26/1968
WB254596; Fawn
Von Riesenhof The Bandit Bee
Am CH Von Riesenhof Go-Josie-Go
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
WA783166; Brindle
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco
Jones Cleo of Erin-Dane
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
WB547019; Brindle
Am CH Duffy Don of Hayron
WA784549; Brindle
Am BIS Ch Bart Spanish of Bella Dane
Hayron's Merryann
Smith's Regina D'Oro
WA890598; Fawn
Smith's Great Caesar's Ghost
Smith's Miss Priss
Am CH Caprata's Legerdemain
(F) 10/31/1979
WE592660; Fawn
Am CH Caprata's-Friar-Tuck
(M) 04/19/1976
WD406337; Fawn
Rojon's Robin Hood
(M) 07/04/1974
WC929708; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Vonriesenhof Rockhill Robin
St John's Lady Tasha of Radwin
; Brindle
Gorman's St. John of Radwin
Rosie's Cissy of Radwin
Am CH Fowler's Forget Me Not
WD802501; Brindle
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
Am CH Rojon's Please Me
WC700897; Brindle
Am CH Woodland Dane's Ding Dong
Rojon's Magda V Hustler
Am CH Honey Lane's Sylvia V Rimac

WF518893; Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Doctor LY
(M) 11/12/1980
WE748104; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Rojon's Captain Fowler
(M) 04/22/1997
WE363795; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
Am CH Rojon's Please Me
WC700897; Brindle
Am CH Woodland Dane's Ding Dong
Rojon's Magda V Hustler
Am CH Honey Lane's Lolli Pop
WE016121; Fawn
Am CH Can CH Furylane's Romeo
(M) 01/12/1974
WC724415; Fawn
Furylane's Socrates
Furylane's Dolly Madison
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
HoneyLane's Keeley
Am CH Honey Lane's Nutmeg CD
WD921079; Fawn
Am CH HoneyLane's Knight Service
(M) 02/25/1972
WC106095; Fawn
Am CH Emperor's Nero of Kalidane
(M) 04/07/1969
WB336363; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Heming's Yankee Valor V Hei-Dan
Karla of Kalidane
Cranedane's Eternal Flame
WB595573; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Heming's Yankee Valor V Hei-Dan
Radwin's Honey-Liz
Am CH Honey Lane's Indian Summer
(F) 11/27/1974
WC988801; Brindle
Am CH Lieberfreund's Ethan Alan
(M) 05/12/1971
WB935816; Fawn
Am CH Mr. Pacific Of Marydane
Lieberfreund's Bit of Blarney
Am CH Honey Lane's Worth Waiting For
WC093861; Brindle
Yankee's Rebal of Kalidane
Biamca's Miss Chee Vus v Crane
Rojon's Who's That Girl
(F) 05/20/1987
WG284281; Fawn
Rojon's Shamrock
(M) 11/21/1985
WF863085; Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Oh Boy V Mecca Dane
(M) 11/02/1978
WE409496; Fawn
Am CH Caprata's Simba
(M) 01/26/1977
WD638716; Brindle
Am CH Daneaura's Hunter
WD158572; Fawn
Han-Dan Quando
Am & Can Ch Dinro Ultra Aura
Rojon's Risque
(F) 10/08/1971
WC242850; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Rojon's Little Sheba
Mecca Dane's Cynarra V Windane
WD430050; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Windane's Hello Sunshine
WC338045; Fawn
Am CH Emperor's Nero of Kalidane
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
Am CH Rojon's Rachel Rachel
(F) 01/12/1980
WE523028; Fawn
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
WB547019; Brindle
Am CH Duffy Don of Hayron
Smith's Regina D'Oro
Am CH Rojon's Sunflower
(F) 08/23/1977
WD819791; Fawn
Am CH Can CH Furylane's Romeo
(M) 01/12/1974
WC724415; Fawn
Furylane's Socrates
Furylane's Dolly Madison
Rojon's Daiquiri O Mango
(F) 10/20/1973
WC735075; Fawn
Am CH Woodland Dane's Ding Dong
Rojon's Magda V Hustler
Rojon's Streetwyse Poppy
(F) 10/24/1984
WF953765; Brindle
Am CH Rojon's Oh Boy V Mecca Dane
(M) 11/02/1978
WE409496; Fawn
Am CH Caprata's Simba
(M) 01/26/1977
WD638716; Brindle
Am CH Daneaura's Hunter
WD158572; Fawn
Han-Dan Quando
Am & Can Ch Dinro Ultra Aura
Rojon's Risque
(F) 10/08/1971
WC242850; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Rojon's Little Sheba
Mecca Dane's Cynarra V Windane
WD430050; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Windane's Hello Sunshine
WC338045; Fawn
Am CH Emperor's Nero of Kalidane
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
Rojon's Poppy Fowler
(F) 04/22/1979
WF490973; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
HoneyLane's Keeley
Am CH Rojon's Please Me
WC700897; Brindle
Am CH Woodland Dane's Ding Dong
(M) 03/30/1971
WB816055; Fawn
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Electra's Gypsy Tiger
Rojon's Magda V Hustler
(F) 05/20/1972
WC451414; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Vonriesenhof Rockhill Robin
Sarmac's Chances Are v Krisda
(F) 10/20/1992
WP44815001; Brindle
Am CH Von Graff-Ic Design

(M) 03/29/1990
WG490741; Brindle
Am CH Von Graff Dirty Hari V Lost Crk
(M) 11/15/1988
WG275670; Brindle
Am CH Von Graff's Fletcher Magoo
(M) 12/08/1987
WG006939; Fawn
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
(M) 10/29/1981
WF192606; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
Am CH Dagons I'm Pixie
(F) 02/06/1977
WD689138; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
BISS Ch Dagon's Veroushka von Samson
Am CH Honey Lane's Flirt
WF520363; Fawn
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
(M) 10/29/1981
WF192606; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
Am CH Dagons I'm Pixie
Am CH Honey Lane's Jessica
WE794020; Fawn
Honey Lane's Ragtime Cowboy
Honey Lane's Gentle on My Mind
Lost Creek's Delilah Don-Sue
(F) 04/28/1986
WF878814; Brindle
Am CH Rojon's Don-Sue Luke V Lost Creek
(M) 12/12/1983
WF533844; Brindle
Am CH Rojon's Doctor LY
(M) 11/12/1980
WE748104; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Rojon's Captain Fowler
Am CH Honey Lane's Lolli Pop
Am CH Rojon's Teena Marie Don-Sue
(F) 10/11/1981
WF064994; Brindle
Am CH Rojon's Oh Boy V Mecca Dane
My-Jon's Hanta Yo
Am CH Rojon's Teena Marie Don-Sue
(F) 10/11/1981
WF064994; Brindle
Am CH Rojon's Oh Boy V Mecca Dane
(M) 11/02/1978
WE409496; Fawn
Am CH Caprata's Simba
Mecca Dane's Cynarra V Windane
My-Jon's Hanta Yo
WE591515; Brindle
Am CH My-Jon's Ulysses Von Samson
My-Jon's Golden Sunburst
Am CH Honey Lane's Flirt
WF520363; Fawn
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
(M) 10/29/1981
WF192606; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
HoneyLane's Keeley
Am CH Dagons I'm Pixie
(F) 02/06/1977
WD689138; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
BISS Ch Dagon's Veroushka von Samson
(F) 11/04/1973
WC704511; Fawn
Am CH Shayne's Samson Von Solomon
Tuff Marmike of Pattidane
Am CH Honey Lane's Jessica
WE794020; Fawn
Honey Lane's Ragtime Cowboy
WD865510; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
HoneyLane's Keeley
Honey Lane's Gentle on My Mind
WD473514; Brindle
Am CH Ashbun Acres Axel
(M) 09/22/1971
WB994652; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
Am CH Honey Lane's Worth Waiting For
WC093861; Brindle
Yankee's Rebal of Kalidane
Biamca's Miss Chee Vus v Crane
Am CH Shadam's Odelesque Daneadair CGC

WG149671; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Sandale's What A Guy ROM HOF

(M) 02/16/1985
WF705504; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Georgia Pacific
(M) 02/21/1983
WF381347; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
(F) 04/15/1975
WD176151; Fawn
Pine Hollow's Gamblin Man
Reann's Charming Aleathea CD
Am CH Stone River's Delta Dawn
WE008684; Fawn
Sheenwater Open Sesame
; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Knock Out
Am CH Sheenwater Heat Wave
Rockbridge's Texas Lady
WD630559; Fawn
Am CH Sunridge's Ragtime Cowboy Joe
Mountdania's Tuff Decision
Murlo Sybil of Sandale ROM
WE937581; Fawn
Am CH Regal Corbett
(M) 05/30/1976
WD392947; Fawn
Murlo Ahab
; Fawn
Am CH Murlo Oliver
Murlo Erika
Am & Can Ch Murlo Jezabell
(F) 01/11/1973
WC433552; Fawn
Am CH Murlo Oliver
Murlo Naughty Marietta
Murlo Que Sera' Sera'
WD417356; Fawn
Murlo Ahab
; Fawn
Am CH Murlo Oliver
Murlo Erika
Murlo Gretta
; Fawn
Am CH Murlo Oliver
Murlo Olivia
Shadam's Joey Daneadair
WF778685; Brindle
Am CH Shadam's Gideon
(M) 07/01/1984
WF604261; Fawn
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
(M) 10/29/1981
WF192606; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
Am CH Dagons I'm Pixie
(F) 02/06/1977
WD689138; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
BISS Ch Dagon's Veroushka von Samson
Am CH Shadam's Brooke
WE851906; Brindle
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
Am CH Shadam's A Girl Called Charlie
(F) 06/14/1977
WD756561; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Ardlyn's Adam Of Marydane
Devroks Tender 'N Trouble
Shadam's Merry Miss v Jaco
(F) 12/26/1983
WF510140; Brindle
Am CH Shadam's Benson
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
Am CH Shadam's A Girl Called Charlie
(F) 06/14/1977
WD756561; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Ardlyn's Adam Of Marydane
Devroks Tender 'N Trouble
Windane's Merry Meagan
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
Am CH Jebas Jennifer of Windane
WE297338; Brindle
Fowler's Salute Me
Jeba's Astarte of Lyn-Ard
Am CH Jerdan's Oh So Zydeco

(F) 05/08/1994
WP56415105; Brindle
Jerdan's Athletic Director
(M) 10/26/1991
WP38367108; Black
Am CH Fortier's Bronzenonyx
(M) 08/17/1989
WG357006; Brindle
Am CH Dagon's Rodney Danesfield
(M) 06/14/1987
WG061807; Fawn
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
(M) 10/29/1981
WF192606; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
HoneyLane's Keeley
Am CH Dagons I'm Pixie
(F) 02/06/1977
WD689138; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
BISS Ch Dagon's Veroushka von Samson
(F) 11/04/1973
WC704511; Fawn
Am CH Shayne's Samson Von Solomon
Tuff Marmike of Pattidane
Am & Can Ch Avanti's Tysina Danesfield
(F) 09/01/1984
WF704950; Fawn
Can Ch Avanti's Mr Ziegfeld
WE665759; Fawn
Can Ch Milledane's Mr J B Davos
(M) 05/30/1977
WE071154; Fawn
Am CH Han-Dan's Alfie
Miss Tyla of Milliedane
Zingara's Shakira
HE61926; Fawn
Jason von Zordane
Zhondors Phrophecy
Am CH Milledane's Twice as Nice
PU325461; Fawn
Am CH Davos' Rameses III
Can Ch Milledane's Mr J B Davos
CH Davos Rinky Twink
Milledane Twenty Carat Gold
(F) 01/31/1981
WE853353; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Baron Wilfred V Koenigstein
Rebel Mercedes
Fortier's Angel Adagio
; Brindle
Am CH Dundane's Bacarat V Brookside
(M) 02/17/1984
WF552280; Brindle
Am CH Sheenwater Ace in the Hole
WE896595; Brindle
Am CH Bodane Tourister
(M) 01/15/1978
WE26197; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Bodane Sophisticated Lady
Sheenwater X-Clamation
WE368104; Brindle
Am CH Sheenwater Phoenix
Sheenwater Lily's Laughter
Brookside's Abby of Dundane CD
(F) 07/28/1979
WE446172 6-82; Fawn
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
Am CH Dundane's Catrinka
(F) 12/09/1976
WD661206; Fawn
Am CH Dagons Spartacus V Phylldane
Beba Valerie's Little Libra
Fortier's Tiger Lily
(F) 09/17/1983
WF557469; Brindle
Dundane's Brian Boru
(M) 04/17/1975
WD103507; Fawn
Circle X
Am CH Jerdans Sonja
WG073553; Fawn
Am CH Shadam's Gregory
WF604262; Brindle
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
(M) 10/29/1981
WF192606; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
HoneyLane's Keeley
Am CH Dagons I'm Pixie
(F) 02/06/1977
WD689138; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
BISS Ch Dagon's Veroushka von Samson
(F) 11/04/1973
WC704511; Fawn
Am CH Shayne's Samson Von Solomon
Tuff Marmike of Pattidane
Am CH Shadam's Brooke
WE851906; Brindle
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
WB547019; Brindle
Am CH Duffy Don of Hayron
Smith's Regina D'Oro
Am CH Shadam's A Girl Called Charlie
(F) 06/14/1977
WD756561; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Ardlyn's Adam Of Marydane
WC642048; Brindle
Am CH Han-Dan's Alfie
Sabila's Alexi of Ardlyn
Devroks Tender 'N Trouble
Danske Banken's Meggan
Carpenter's Bit of Honey
WF725418; Fawn
Am CH Laurado's Lord Ashley
(M) 05/04/1986
WE755146; Fawn
Bartoks Junior Akobi
(M) 12/10/1974
WD233636; Fawn
Legendrock's Brydie Mcq
(F) 06/24/1977
WD874309; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Lincoln's McQ
(M) 08/01/1974
WD108855; Fawn
Tallbrook's Kealoha of Alii
Lincoln's Diana of Northwood
Legend Rock's Play Me
(F) 08/22/1973
WC535451; Fawn
Dinro Laramie
Ben's Lillith of Legend Rock
Tasha Chelcee Santana
(F) 11/08/1983
WF664722; Fawn
Jerdan's Heart Breaker
(F) 04/01/1991
WP35614808; Fawn
Jerdans Jacks Or Better
WG487480; Fawn
Am CH Star Trek Mr Spock
(M) 09/05/1987
WG046277; Fawn
Slades Miracles Do Happen Babe
WF895277; Brindle
Am CH Sheridane Quidni
(M) 02/14/1980
WE771308; Brindle
Am CH Bodane Tourister
(M) 01/15/1978
WE26197; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Bodane Sophisticated Lady
Sheridane's Feather Cam
(F) 07/12/1977
WD790429; Brindle
Loheland's Crackerjack
Geller's Broadway India
CH Tom Dee Adana
WF400760; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Romulus
(M) 01/15/1976
WD318819; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Dinro Diplomat
Dinro Bona Dea
Asta Von Friedrichs
Am CH Castile's Gent of Mountdania
Murlo Erika
Am CH Krisha Tanya Kuklamu Pardane
WF849861; Fawn
CH Regine Brigadoon of Jonathie
WD677250; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Von Raseac's Westwind
(M) 01/02/1976
WD394021; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseac's Tybo O'Lorcain
Am & Can Ch Von Raseac's Quite a Gal
Jonathie's Rosewood Valadora
WC453826; Fawn
Jonathie Regene's Taury Adore
Rosewood's Valkyrie
Am CH Pardanes Krisha Von Meris
(F) 04/12/1982
WF221299; Fawn
Pardane's Kustom Built Shevan
Hillside's Ara V Barrister
Barrister's Don Juan
Am CH Vivelo's Brandywine CD
Am CH Jerdans Miss Emma
WF660189; Brindle
Willow Lakes Augustus
WE6860053; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Willow Lake' Strikly Top Shelf
WE381147; Brindle
Am CH Willow Lakes Crackerjack
(M) 12/02/1975
WD283993; Fawn
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Questenburys Hesha Besha
Frederick Onyx Von Harmony Hill
WD107180; Brindle
Harmony Hill Sundown
Circe Von Frederick
Willow Lakes Pumkin'
WE288657; Fawn
Am CH Willow Lakes Crackerjack
(M) 12/02/1975
WD283993; Fawn
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Questenburys Hesha Besha
Willow Lakes Pitty Pat
WC475403; Fawn
Satan von Rhein
Jerdans Cara Mia Michaeldane
WF630375; Brindle
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
WB547019; Brindle
Am CH Duffy Don of Hayron
Smith's Regina D'Oro
Jolly's Gypsy Rose Lee
(F) 05/10/1979
WE314255; Fawn
Kal-Dayn's Nikolas v Spartacus
WD994536; Brindle
Am CH Dagons Spartacus V Phylldane
Am CH Kal-Dayn's Hera v Samson
Knollwoods She Can't Miss
(F) 05/06/1975
WD160821; Fawn
CH Can't Miss of Tamerlane
Jerdans Morgan
(F) 08/31/1987
WG104907; Brindle
Am CH Shadam's Gregory
WF604262; Brindle
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
(M) 10/29/1981
WF192606; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
HoneyLane's Keeley
Am CH Dagons I'm Pixie
(F) 02/06/1977
WD689138; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
BISS Ch Dagon's Veroushka von Samson
(F) 11/04/1973
WC704511; Fawn
Am CH Shayne's Samson Von Solomon
Tuff Marmike of Pattidane
Am CH Shadam's Brooke
WE851906; Brindle
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
WB547019; Brindle
Am CH Duffy Don of Hayron
Smith's Regina D'Oro
Am CH Shadam's A Girl Called Charlie
(F) 06/14/1977
WD756561; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Ardlyn's Adam Of Marydane
WC642048; Brindle
Am CH Han-Dan's Alfie
Sabila's Alexi of Ardlyn
Devroks Tender 'N Trouble
Danske Banken's Meggan
Willow Lakes Fifth Dimension
WF3571569; Fawn
Am CH Willow Lakes Crackerjack
(M) 12/02/1975
WD283993; Fawn
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
(M) 06/26/1968
WB254596; Fawn
Von Riesenhof The Bandit Bee
(M) 10/14/1965
WA866910; Fawn
Am CH Deacon's Fury V Geordon
Am CH Von Riesenhof Brandi Bee
Am CH Von Riesenhof Go-Josie-Go
(F) 02/16/1966
WA888525; Fawn
Killian's Prince Norris
Thendara Dolly Von Riesenhof
Questenburys Hesha Besha
WC707429; Fawn
Hans Belisarius
; Fawn
Hickory Springs Sam Bass
White's Sandi of Sangerhalle
Innisfree Morgana
WB946695; Fawn
Kalmar's Phi-Delt
Innisfree Maevoryn
Frederick Onyx Von Harmony Hill
WD107180; Brindle
Harmony Hill Sundown
(M) 05/30/1974
WC825561; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Harmony Hill Witch Doctor
(M) 06/09/1971
WB943554; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Monarch
Sherwood's Witch Girl
Am CH Corina of Ju-Wil's Dane
(F) 04/18/1972
WC199157; Brindle
Am, Can & Bda Ch Harmony Hill Sherwood Joker
Roc N Ril's Rhapsody
Circe Von Frederick
WC655589; Brindle
Blu's Hector von Ehrenkrook
; Fawn
Marincrest Blu of Ouzo
Zel-Thors Lady Martin of Ouzo
Queens Scheherazade of Arabia
Am CH Von Neff's Cannibal of Heather
Von Neff's Glory of Sacerdotes