Am CH Von Raseacs French Dandy
(M) 08/08/1985 WF789465; Fawn COI=22.76%
Von Raseac's French Gigolo
(M) 07/27/1982 WF357098; Fawn COI=6.41%
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978 WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
Am CH Von Raseac's Cerissa V Song
(F) WE373752; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseacs Valor of Tybo
Am CH Von Raseacs Windsong
Hillview's Chantilly
(F) 03/06/1984 WF547494; Fawn COI=14.12%
Am CH Von Raseac's Chaz of Hillview
(M) WF309282; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
Am CH Von Raseac's Cerissa V Song
Am CH Kingwood Hillview Irish Rose
(F) WE705795; Fawn
CH Von Raseac's County Cork
Kingswood Tudor Rose
Aquino's Bitsy Baby Beyer
(F) ; COI=4.71%
CH Aquino's Apollo V Dusenberg
(M) 10/12/1982 WF321414; COI=5.34%
Am CH Brier's Deusenberg V Hauer
(M) 04/02/1980 WE564118; Fawn
Am CH O'Lorcain's Townleigh V Hauer
Mirando's Match Point Mandy
Am CH Aquino's Mischevious of Tycho
(F) 02/27/1980 WE697847; Fawn
Biss Am Ch Shannon's Tycho Brae
Shannon's Bric-A-Brac
Am CH Jecamos' Champagne Tara V Dibo
(F) 01/08/1978 WE280493; COI=16.50%
Am CH Jecamo's Aalborg V Dibo
(M) 09/18/1975 WD221035; Fawn
Jecamo's Tuborg
Treseder Bogart Out of Sight
Am CH Jecamo's One For the Road
(F) WC777533; Fawn
Jecamo's Hennessy
Jecamo's Kamchatka on the Rox