Am CH Indian Run's Bodacious V Myjon
(M) 03/26/1993 WP47255603; Harlequin COI=2.57%
Am CH Fraser of Michaeldane N'Co
(M) WG104719; Harlequin COI=0.36%
Am CH The Architect N'Co
Michaeldane Anfra's-Secrete
Am CH Drarig's Th' Cover Girl
(F) 04/17/1988 WG135749; Harlequin COI=2.85%
DW's-Tb's Marcus v Et Tu
Dane Valleys Sisie Foxfire's
Am CH Indian Run's Cherokee Rose
(F) 10/11/1990 WP31706604; Harlequin COI=4.24%
Am CH Vindanes Against All Odds
(M) 03/12/1988 WG136942; Harlequin COI=9.74%
Am CH Vindanes Triumph of Apollo
Vindane's Flowerpetal
Indian Run's Ha-Ha V Tonka
(F) WG500099; Black / White COI=15.97%
DW's-Tb's Marcus v Et Tu
Drarig's-Et Tu Foxy-Lady