River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
High Stakes Singular Sensation
(F) 08/27/2020
WS70016001; Mantle
COI: 8.12%
Country Dane Sweet William
(M) 02/04/1994
WP53317005; Black / White
Bis Biss Am Ch Amherst-Harlwood Bubba Rondo

(M) 11/21/1991
WP38522108; Harlequin
Am CH Riverwood's Rondo
(M) 03/25/1989
WG383756; Harlequin
Ruths Rambo N'Co
Riverwood's Ringtop Nevey
Dan-Mar's Jazmin Potpourri
(F) 11/01/1989
WG408103; Harlequin
Am CH Chauffeured's Dr. Levy Jr.

Dan-Mar's Jazmin v Riverwood
Am CH Country Dane Vanilla Ice
(F) 04/27/1991
WP34469101; Harlequin
Country Dane Mardi Gras
WG305117; Harlequin
Jotunheim The Magi
Country Dane Charlotte Fugate
Country Dane Charlotte Fugate
WF535907; Harlequin
Am CH Country Dane Pontchartrain
Joy-Dayne's Sweet Gypsy Rose
Am CH High Stakes It's Time To Shine
(F) 07/30/2017
WS58060505; Mantle
Am GChS Windycity-Orion's Guitar Hero CGCA TKN VHMA VSWB

(M) 05/31/2011
WS38022206; Mantle
Am GChB Sasdania's the Prophecy

(M) 12/29/2006
WS21900202; Harlequin
Am & Can Ch Sasdania-Vitag's The Contender
Sasdania's The Aviator

Orion's Written in the Stars

(F) 08/01/2008
WS27660610; Black / White
Am CH BMW Bullets Over Broadway

Am CH Orion's EZ Cash AOM

High Stakes Winning Colors
(F) 08/25/2013
WS44975101; Harlequin
Am CH Michaeldane JB Sr Dw To Be Or Not To Be
(M) 06/26/2008
Michaeldane JB Ln'M All About Me
Am CH Dreamweaver Earth Angel
High Stakes Calm Before the Storm
(F) 07/18/2008
WS26904502; Mantle
Am CH Saravilla's Dnd Toast V Dublin
Am & Can Ch Country Dane Annabel Lee