River Rock Great Danes
Offspring of:
Am CH Sardi Nobledane Let's Get This Party Started CGCA
(F) 06/25/2013
WS44307201; Brindle
COI: 3.51%
Sire BISS Am GCh Diola's Start Your Engines AOM  
(M) 03/22/2008
WS25510706; Fawn

Dam Am CH Sardi Silkwood The Jewel of the Nile   
(F) 02/09/2009
WS29676701; Brindle

Am GChS Celebration's Johnny Walker Blue AOM  
(M) 04/14/2012
WS40528501; Fawn

  1. Am CH Nobledane Sardi Celebration's Party Crasher   
    (M) 05/12/2017
    WS57531503; Fawn

  2. Am CH Nobledane Sardi Celebration's Post Party Blues   
    (M) 05/12/2017
    WS57531505; Fawn

  3. Am CH Nobledane Sardi Celebration Party on the Deathst   
    (M) 05/12/2017
    WS57531506; Fawn

  4. Am CH Nobledane Sardi Celebration's Holding The Party   
    (F) 05/12/2017
    WS57531504; Brindle

MBISS Am GChB Briarwood's My Way V My-Jon AOM  
(M) 04/14/2017
WS57463201; Fawn

  1. MBISS Am GChS Nobledane Let's Raise A Ruckus   
    (F) 04/10/2019
    WS64516503; Fawn

  2. BISS BISOH MBISSOH Am GCh Nobledane No Assembly Required   
    (M) 04/10/2019
    WS64516502; Brindle

  3. Am CH Nobledane Party of the Century   
    (M) 04/10/2019
    WS64516506; Brindle

  4. MBIS MBISS Am GChG Nobledane the Ritz Carlton Way   
    (F) 04/10/2019
    WS64516501; Fawn

  5. Am CH Nobledane Can't Take Another Monday   
    (M) 04/10/2019
    WS64516504; Fawn