River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Bella Vista's Davishire Sim Sala Bim
(M) 05/29/2013
WS44157202; Harlequin
COI: 13.93%
BISS Am GCh Davishirevrocknspots Lone Wolf TT
(M) 08/31/2009
WS31684703; Mantle
BISS Am Ch Davishire's Beowulf of Chalk Hill
(M) 04/10/2006
WS17283902; Mantle
Am CH BMW Architect of Jericho

Ghia D'Shire von der Ofnethöhle
Am CH Davishire's Rock Candy

(F) 08/25/2005
WS14422701; Harlequin
Am CH GMJ's The Northtown Rock

BISS/Int BIS Am Ch Davishire's Impetuous A'La Aj ROM
Am CH Davishire's Express Yourself
(F) 01/11/2009
WS29318301; Harlequin
Express' My Guy Spot
(M) 03/07/1998
WP83920612; White
Am CH Michaeldane JB Checkmate
Am CH Express Loud And Proud
Am CH Davishire's Fürst Blush
(F) 08/07/2004
WS09541006; Mantle
Am CH Fürst D'Shire von der Ofnethöhle
BISS/Int BIS Am Ch Davishire's Impetuous A'La Aj ROM