Pedigree of:
Jazzy off Blue Sensation (F) 01/13/2011 NHSB 2824510,; Blue COI: 1.86% |
Int/Ger/Lux/Dutch/Bel Ch Elderberry's Little-Foot (M) 06/26/2007 VDH/DDC 120099; Blue COI=13.78%
Elderberry's Harvey (M) 09/28/2004 VDH/DDC 116216; Blue COI=14.17%
Abracadabra von Bismarck-Blue |
Fayana von der Schlehhecke |
Just-Hobbit von der Schlehhecke (F) 12/30/2003 VDH/DDC 115067; Blue COI=7.28%
CH Festus von Himmelkron |
Fabelle von der Schlehhecke |
Geegee Off Blue Sensation (F) 02/18/2006 NHSB 2596629; Blue COI=0.47%
Owlwatch Fly Me To The Moon (M) 05/16/2004 WS08817108; Blue COI=1.85%
Am & Can Ch WYSIWYG's Lothario v Longo AOM |
Am CH Wiedanes A Gala at Owlwatch |
Farah-Diba Off Blue Sensation (F) 05/21/2003 NHSB 2456823; Blue COI=3.59%
Zyon de Lathuy |
Cassandra Off Blue Sensation |