River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Mar Vel's Dane's Gretchen Girl
(F) 01/21/1969
WB309053; Black / White
Am CH Vimar's Sabre Jet of Cleo CD
(M) 10/31/1962
WA352339; Black
Prince Hamlet of Brown County
Honey Hollow Wilson's Virgil
Little Aby V Serolod
Vimar's Cleopatra of Sheba
Baron of Lady Fawn
Vimar's Lady Bethsheba
CH Vimar's Blue's Jet V Ter-Ron
Am CH Iroquois Blue Chief of Lynn-Mar

(M) 07/17/1963
WA457377; Blue
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald

CH Edda vom Himmelsfürst
Ter-Ron's Damnasty
; Blue
Kaiser Wilhelm of Plum Grove
Lindi-Dane's Little Sheba