Pedigree of:
Shutzengal Armstrong of Nyotadane (M) ; COI: 0.37% |
Storm of Poseidon von Shutzengal (M) 01/22/2014 ; COI=6.86%
Animal Hotel's Apollo (M) ; COI=4.68%
Elcass the Boss |
Animal Hotel's Pebble |
Animal Hotel's Blue Irene (F) ; COI=0.33%
Damarkann Noble Venture |
Animal Hotel's Blue Pebble |
Lady Martha von Shutzengal (F) 04/23/2012 ; Black COI=0.01%
Duke of Marlene (M) ; Fawn COI=4.78%
Tamzdane Paper Gangsta |
Diamondanes Ruby Tuesday |
Jamboree In The Surf (F) ; Black COI=12.38%
Jamboree Budweizer |
Jamboree Prima Donna |