Pedigree of:
Corindane One's Enough (M) 08/01/1992 ; |
Eppwood High Style at Helmlake (M) P2849104P02; COI=6.07%
Helmlake Timber (M) N1648402N02; COI=9.20%
Eng Ch Jafrak Forever Cookie (M) 06/16/1983 ; Fawn
The Dicarl Who Waits |
UK Ch Jafrak Jinger Cookie |
Helmlake Dressed to Kill (F) 09/05/1984 ; Brindle
UK Ch Devarro Direct Descendant |
Magic Spell of Helmlake |
Eng Ch Octavia of Helmlake (F) 10/03/1985 2949BW; Brindle COI=0.88%
Sp & UK Ch Cidcampeador De Los Madronales of Helmlake (M) 02/28/1980 1153BT; Fawn
Sp Ch Ferro |
SP Ch Astori De Los Madronales |
Hamfelde Shoot That Tiger (F) 04/02/1983 1997BV; Brindle
Hamfelde The Stun Gun |
Tollydanes Starturn |
Crystalgazer Gemma of Corindane (F) ;
Claude of Crystalgazer (M) ;
Pendorric Harwell (M) ;
Macsthatch Churchill |
Dongrays Mona of Pendorric |
Nimrod Ascott (F) ;
Aquila's Regalus |
Aquila's Vega |
Aquila Somovit (F) ; COI=12.50%
Aquila's Majorr (M) ;
Aquila's Atacama |
Aquila's Carina |
Aquila's Aztec (F) ;
CH Ama Jason of Arthur's Acre |
Aquila's Carina |