River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Hotpoints Gentle Giant
(M) 03/04/1997
N09675/97; Black
COI: 1.11%
Galanthus Name O'The Game
Swd Ch Haltmeier's Edsel For Celeber
(M) 10/11/1991
WP38383904; Black
Am CH Haltmeier Uno's Valentino

(M) 02/14/1986
WF891531; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Uno King V Hearts

Haltmeiers Marian Taffaro
Am CH Haltmeier's Zealy

(F) 08/28/1989
WG375535; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Primo D'Aquino

Am CH Haltmeier Uno's Valentine
Celeber's Spader Madam
(F) 12/16/1990
S10613/91; Black
Hotpoints Time To Act
(M) 01/13/1987
N09996/87; Harlequin
Vicita's Almost Mildnight Black
Hotpoints Chaos
Celeber's Prima Privata
(F) 04/07/1987
SKK 31892/87; Black
Bester vom Kühlen Grunde
Celeber's Magic Mixie
Vanmore Bloomin Lovely
N37806/92; Blue
Berevale Wilhelm
(M) 08/05/1988
1864BZ; Blue
Berevale Perseus
(M) 08/25/1984
; Black
Wharflake Donovan
Ebony of Warwick at Berevale
Endorma miss Cotterill at Berevale
; Black
Enrico vom Drawehner Wald of Asoud
Endroma Sapphire Blue
Vanmore Madison Girl
(F) 08/15/1986
5398504L03; Blue
Enrico vom Drawehner Wald of Asoud
K0095649; Black
Frn Ch Surcouf du Val de l'Amitie
Gmy & Nld Ch Agate von der Heidiblute
Foaldown Fanfare
(F) 12/05/1981
471902G04; Blue
Bringtonhill Willoughby
Kalamoun Lighting