River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Lg's Pon De Replay
(F) 08/27/2014
COI: 3.51%
BISS Am GCh Von Charm's Return of the King CGC

(M) 03/28/2008
WS25518101; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Jerdans Prince of Vigo AOM HOF

(M) 06/15/2004
WS09942704; Brindle
BISS Am & Can Ch Lost Creek's Joseph Dane Lane

(M) 11/09/2001
WR05352501; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Elan's Nash Bridges Royhl ROM HOF

BISS Am Ch Lost Creek Candle N The Wind

BISS Am Ch Jerdans Princess Ty AOM HOF

(F) 12/28/1998
WP91071601; Brindle
BISS Am Ch Sarmac's I've Arrived

Am CH Jerdan's Oh So Zydeco

BISS Am Ch Shady Creeks Sister Golden Hair AOM

(F) 09/10/2004
WS10146703; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Sandyoaks Enduring Freedom

(M) 10/22/2001
WR05013801; Fawn
BISS Am Ch My-Jon's License To Thrill AOM

Am CH Harrel's Pretty Woman

Carma Que's Icandy Shady Crk

(F) 05/18/2000
WP97381911; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Windy Hill's Gold Plated

Carma-Que's Out of the Park

Lg Sunrise I Got It From My Momma
(F) 06/01/2008
Am CH Pena-Zarlin Sharp Dressed Man ROM

(M) 12/31/1998
WP89812901; Fawn
Am & Jpn Ch Cameo Zarlin's Park Place
(M) 05/06/1993
WP48104605 N; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseacs Who's The Boss
Am CH Zarlin's Classic Sandals
Am CH Zarlin's Party Doll
(F) 05/24/1995
WP62454601; Fawn
BIS BISS Am & Int Ch Servadeielecta Kahnsonofthor CGC ROM

Am CH Zarlin's Fancy Footwork

Sunrise's Simply Irresistible Lg
(F) 07/04/2005
WS14099402; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Sunrise's Rock the House

(M) 07/07/1998
WP86101303; Fawn
Am CH Zanadane's Cross Your Heart
Sunrise's Schoolhouse Rock
Rojon's Call Me Irresistible
(F) 06/15/1999
WP91958405; Fawn
Am CH Gameplan's You Can Call Me Ray

Am CH Rojon's Playing For Keeps