River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Am CH Paquestone's Northern Nugett
TG548470 / WF976303; Brindle
COI: 22.16%
Am & Can Ch Paquestone's Der Gut Kamerod
(M) 06/30/1981
WF067910; Brindle
AM Ch Barnette's Brave Warrior
WE382152; Brindle
Barnette's Jackpot
WD310316; Fawn
Am CH Grenadilla's Bit O'Tallbrook

Barnette's Honor of Thumper
Von Riesenhof Katy Barnette

WD816593; Brindle
Bruiser Von Kinderfoehn
Von Riesenhof the Celeste
Legendrock's Burlesque
(F) 06/24/1977
WD873424; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Lincoln's McQ
(M) 08/01/1974
WD108855; Fawn
Tallbrook's Kealoha of Alii
Lincoln's Diana of Northwood
Legend Rock's Play Me
(F) 08/22/1973
WC535451; Fawn
Dinro Laramie

Ben's Lillith of Legend Rock
Am & Can Ch Paquestone's Java
WF729956; Fawn
Am CH Barnette's Zebra
WE711440; Brindle
Barnette's Jackpot
WD310316; Fawn
Am CH Grenadilla's Bit O'Tallbrook

Barnette's Honor of Thumper
Von Riesenhof Katy Barnette

WD816593; Brindle
Bruiser Von Kinderfoehn
Von Riesenhof the Celeste
Can Ch Paquestone's Go-Rilla-Go
(F) 06/30/1981
; Brindle
AM Ch Barnette's Brave Warrior
WE382152; Brindle
Barnette's Jackpot
Von Riesenhof Katy Barnette

Legendrock's Burlesque
(F) 06/24/1977
WD873424; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Lincoln's McQ
Legend Rock's Play Me