Pedigree of:
Roussin Smoquee Lady (F) 01/22/1997 WP76632808; |
Sides Marmaduke of Shamrock (M) WP66696307;
Sides' Dana Lyn of Shamrock (F) 09/09/1994 WP57507511;
Harris' Darth Vader (M) 04/12/1993 WP47864305;
Grindstone Augustus (M) 01/10/1990 WP27043502;
Rojann's Von Sigmund Shea |
Hall Von Sidra N'Co |
Gypsy Rose XXVI (F) WP34231106;
Harris' Princess Leia (F) WP37191802;
King of Callaway (M) ;
Stormie Summer Day (F) ;