River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
CH Tanglewood's Sir Galahad
COI: 0.31%
CH Robdane's Trade Mark
WD656130; Brindle
Am CH Tallbrook's Thunder
WC483157; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Tallbrook's Dapper Dan

(M) 06/27/1969
WB467510; Brindle
Am, Mex & Int Ch Hizzoner Gilbert's Judge
Laurel of Tallbrook Farms
Westons' Tawnya Li of Michau
Anborn of Crickhollow
Trabrooks Lone Star
Am CH Taro Von Riesenhof

Am CH Trabrooks Chula Von Riesenhof
Topaz Special Tamah
Tanglewood's Daisy Mae
Deyette's Mighty Inspiration
My Lord Joshua Von Riverwood
(M) 10/21/1974
WD065754; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love

Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
Athena Seylon
Blu Dawn's Chelsea Star
Am CH Lemils Blue Buccaneer
(M) 11/14/1971
WC072564; Blue
Le Mil's Cobalt Blue
Le Mils Blue Lace
Lady Sausha
Thor XII
Scheherazade of Maradane