Pedigree of:
Thundar Cr Missouri Skeeter (M) 04/27/1996 WP78161701; |
Cheron Phantom of Thundar Re (M) WP58876308;
Thundar Creeks Lady Teisha (F) 01/13/1994 WP54999207;
Thunder Creeks Lb Stryker (M) 09/03/1991 WP43701703;
Ezekiel Jest-Dane Haupt (M) 05/08/1990 WP29324101;
Joy-Dayne's Big Chief |
Chimber's Nice and Easy |
Milady M of Thundarcreek (F) 04/18/1990 WP28480102;
R L Maxwells Marty |
Shelby's Chessie |
Val Lady Black Thundar (F) 08/01/1990 WP30284607; COI=31.25%
Knight of Thundar (M) 10/21/1987 WG193340;
Thor's Bleu Thundar |
Baroness Von Blackein |
Bleu Thundar's Legacy (F) 04/18/1987 WG193939;
Thor's Bleu Thundar |
Baroness Von Blackein |