River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Von Fossan's Lady Brutus
WD047266; Black
CH Sir Brutus of Richland
Hugo de Hasso
CH Imperial V Hasso
My Sister Delight
Tanya de Rosa
Wanda's Baron V Nacht
Parker's Johannes Kellie
Van Fossan's Babe
CH Upland's Rebel von Danian
Am CH Upland's Thor V Obertraubling
(M) 04/29/1958
W920438; Harlequin
Am CH Atilla von der Grossen Giest
Freddon's Pinocchio
CH Lady Gardiner of Upland's
Am CH Atilla von der Grossen Giest
Roxdane's Coquette of Uplands
Caskey's Little Miss Muffet
Ebony Babe's Impton
CH Dutchess of Bridgeton