River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
CH Wyandot's Nakita
(F) 07/26/1986
WF934528; Black
COI: 2.79%
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Chief Joseph

(M) 09/01/1980
WE827382; Black
Am CH Shadowbrook's Bask

(M) 05/30/1977
WD730097; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac

(M) 06/09/1970
WB656843; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle

Ebony's Fancy of Bonicastle
Rebelro's Satanic Lady CD
WC726100; Black
Wildwind Darktown Strutter
Rebelro's Witchcraft
Longo's Foxxy Lady

WD182808; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac

(M) 06/09/1970
WB656843; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle

Ebony's Fancy of Bonicastle
Honey Hollow Dark Grumbles

WC051485; Black
Am CH Lone Jack's Great Satan
Barkers Lady Katrina
CH Wyandot's Mahala

(F) 06/22/1982
WF319904; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind

(M) 11/24/1975
WD365792; Black
Am CH Wildwind Crash Corrigan

WD054179; Black
Am & Mex Ch Rodane's Noble Othello

Am CH Doria's Wildwind Chemin de Fer
Mex Ch Doria von Wildwind
WC148055; Black
Blue Oaks Imperante
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
Blue Cinders of Arrowhead
(F) 09/21/1976
Am CH Ashes Dashes of Arrowhead
(M) 03/13/1973
Am CH Vulcan's Rondo of Arrowhead CD
Chayne's Sibyl vom Abendstern
CH Erik's Amethyst of Bondane
WC143999; Blue
Am CH Vulcan's Rondo of Arrowhead CD
Erik's Schoen Blau of Riverwood