River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Andmor's Rock of Paldane
; Fawn
Dancer's Kimson of Paldane
; Fawn
BIS BISS Am Ch Big Kim of Bella-Dane

(M) 02/15/1965
WA441041; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco

(M) 06/18/1961
WA181677; Brindle
Am CH Rori of Noblebrook
W931047; Fawn
Am CH Honey Hollow Great Dion
Am CH Greena of Jutland
Am CH Nandane's Gypsy of Way Mar

(F) 03/01/1959
WA000732; Brindle
Am CH Dana's Jody of San-Sue CD
Copper Dawn of Nedenjer Hill
Stars and Stripes of Kalidane
WA105315; Brindle
Akbar aus dem Hause Fend CD
(M) 03/19/1958
53551/W925601; Brindle
Dux von Düsseldorf
Hera V Kochertal
Kismet of Kalidane
; Fawn
Kali of Sheppardane
CH Paldane's Dandy Dancer
WA392398; Fawn
Am CH Honey Hollow Sir Guy of Tomar
Honey Hollow Dion's Lord Jim
; Black
Am CH Honey Hollow Great Dion
Honey Hollow Crawford's Alexa CD
Honey Hollow Edfra's Magnolia
; Black
Am CH Honey Hollow Stormi Rudio
Beauty's Girl of Cross Creek
Kalmar's Vixen of Kingsdane
Am CH Kalmar's Swiss Yodeler
(M) 01/11/1956
W739424; Fawn
CH Kalmar's Duc of Sigrid
CH Asta v d Sturminsel of Kalmar
Nero's Susie
Nero's Buff Baron
Gloria's Coronation
Paldane's Erika von Grun
; Fawn
Bullboy of Jeb Ranch
; Fawn
Paldane's Silk and Satin
; Fawn