Trial Mating
River Rock Great Danes
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Pedigree of:
S27577/2002; Blue
COI: 1.06%
[Vertical Pedigree]
[Reverse Pedigree]
[External Pedigree]
Swedhouse Pascal
S11920/99; Blue
Vanmore Blue Denim
(M) 07/03/1996
S53579/96; Blue
Foaldown Sequest
(M) 11/09/1994
SB2046CG; Blue
Daliam Starlight Express for Panchito
S1392206S02; Blue
Eng Ch
Eleeta Stays Lucky
Daliam Moon Crystal
Foaldown Fly by Night
(F) 03/01/1992
S1392206S02; Blue
Woodelrond Argonaut
Vanmore Ivy of Foaldown
Vanmore Stunning Girl at Frawde
U2038110U02; Black
Quatemaster v't Buitengebeuren of Helmlake
(M) 03/17/1990
; Black
I Am Abel v 't Buitengebeuren
Kamp Liberte De Lathuy
Vanmore Yet Another Secret
; Black
Berevale Wilhelm
Vanmore Madison Girl
Swedhouse Made of Iron
S39675/94; Blue
Omar Z Javisu Cs
S20551/90; Harlequin
Ir Tajan Cs
6422/85/88; Harlequin
Vaun von Beelen
Elba Tajan Cs
Marlen Z Javisu Cs
Bright Z Plejady Cs
Jadviga Z Javisu Cs
S27128/90; Black
Beaugrande's Quintus
(M) 12/05/1983
S63044/83; Black
Danehouse Dobber
Beaugrande's Mathilda
Swedhouse Chamonix
(F) 07/26/1986
S53697/86; Black
Beaugrande's Quaralone
Swedhouse Amazing-Grace
Lloyd Willners Acura
S37648/99; Black
Le Grand'z Black Alfonz
(M) 12/04/1992
S66933/92; Black
Celeber's Rolex
(M) 12/02/1989
S 11017/90; Black
Hotpoints Time To Act
(M) 01/13/1987
N09996/87; Harlequin
Vicita's Almost Mildnight Black
Hotpoints Chaos
Celeber's Prima Privata
(F) 04/07/1987
SKK 31892/87; Black
Bester vom Kühlen Grunde
Celeber's Magic Mixie
Lyckodrömmens Tiffany
S50966/89; Black
Vitahof Fender
S51504/86; Fawn
Grand Fawn's Castor
Vitahof Bambine-E-Vita
Lyckodrömmens Manuela
(F) 04/15/1984
S29223/84; Blue
Doggmas Possible
Lyckodrömmens Karolina Kunnigunda
Sjökullen's Barbara
(F) 12/09/1994
S11407/95; Blue
Grandios Gamza
S45957/87; Blue
Grande Negros Claudius
S42585/83; Blue
Grandios Chandon
Grande Negros Athena
Grandios Fleur
S48867/84; Blue
Grande Negros Zerberus
Grandios Bianca
Ymegård's Charicma
S45989/92; Black
Kingsize on To The North
(M) 08/09/1989
S53112/89; Harlequin
Kingsize Exellent Exhibitor
Kingsize Italian Grand Daugther
Ymegård's Azurina
S60128/90; Blue
Grandios Gamza
Ersgården's Cleopatra