River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Dominic of Ladymeade
; Black
COI: 12.40%
Eng Ch Baffler of Blendon
(M) 08/24/1936
705UU; Brindle
Eng Ch Benvolio of Blendon

1907PP; Brindle
Bravado of Blendon
(M) 10/22/1931
; Brindle
Eng Ch Ruffler of Ouborough
(M) 07/06/1929
811LL; Fawn
Am CH Faun of Ouborough
Eng Ch Vivien of Ouborough
Eng Ch Ruth of Ouborough
1099MM; Brindle
Eng Ch Primley Pericles of Ouborough
Rena von der Rheinschanze of Ouborough
Eng Ch Bedina of Blendon
1000LL; Fawn
CH Urlus Volbloed of Send
(M) 06/12/1923
; Fawn
Hedwigs Nestor
Hedwigs Niza
Belinda of Blendon
Blaise of Blendon
Betty of Blendon
Marita of Easterford
; Fawn
Regis Repeat
1089QQ; Brindle
Eng Ch Royalist of Ouborough
(M) 06/02/1933
854NN; Brindle
Eng Ch Ruffian of Ouborough
Gazelle von Loheland (of Ouborough)
Ream of Ouborough
258NN; Fawn
Eng Ch Ruffler of Ouborough
Dwyth of Ouborough
Mida of Easterford
438RR; Fawn
Eng Ch Ruffler of Ouborough
(M) 07/06/1929
811LL; Fawn
Am CH Faun of Ouborough
Eng Ch Vivien of Ouborough
Margot of Easterford
Penelope of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Apollo of Ladymeade
Eng Ch Benvolio of Blendon

1907PP; Brindle
Bravado of Blendon
(M) 10/22/1931
; Brindle
Eng Ch Ruffler of Ouborough
Eng Ch Ruth of Ouborough
Eng Ch Bedina of Blendon
1000LL; Fawn
CH Urlus Volbloed of Send
Belinda of Blendon
Nelly of Trayshill
Quitte of Trayshill
(F) 03/23/1938
1497VV; Brindle
Hansel of Trayshill
KCSB895/SS; Brindle
Bernard of Send
; Fawn
Glinger of Axwell
Nada of Send
Cuckmere Claudine
(F) 10/22/1931
KCSB 473 PP; Brindle
Eng Ch Ruffler of Ouborough
Eng Ch Ruth of Ouborough
Swiss Ch Nicette von Eisenhof of Trayshill
23394; Fawn
Melak Von Falkenhorst
(M) 08/27/1930
VDH/DDC 20051; Fawn
Helios von Falkenhorst
Beta von der Wilhelmsburg
Najade Hexengold
(F) 05/05/1931
20585; Brindle
CH Helios Hexengold
Klio Hexengold