Pedigree of:
First Officer Spocko (M) 10/31/1986 WG111040; |
Marog's Mystique Man (M) 12/10/1984 WF733125;
Dundane's Magic Man of Marog (M) 05/21/1983 WF416004; Harlequin
CH Bentaura's Atlantis (M) 11/06/1977 WE761056; Harlequin
Lord Leicester of Brookside and Anset (M) 04/02/1976 ; Harlequin
Montego of Helmlake |
Bettina of Helmlake |
Leslie's Taura von Glenbrae (F) 19540/74; Mantle
Count Igor Von Meistersinger |
Am CH Leslie's Raggedy Ann |
Renee Eve (F) 05/13/1978 WE045456; Black
Max's Feminine Mystique (F) WF105423;
Bar Kadem Roxy (F) 05/01/1982 WF319698;
Brutus Bart Alexander (M) WE671464;
Madam Shilo Von Blendon (F) WE863512;