River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Gor-Don's Cordon Blue
WB759602; Blue
COI: 4.21%
Am CH Mako's No Mistake of Kinroth CD
(M) 04/01/1968
WB206498; Black
Roxdane Beaugay
(M) 01/01/1961
WA158434; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Dinro Taboo

(M) 04/19/1958
W905069; Fawn
Am CH Lucky Adolph Of Marydane

(M) 03/29/1951
W247011; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Am CH Brenda Of Marydane
Heidere's Dinro Amber

(F) 03/30/1955
W607127; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aelric
Heidere's Mati Paris
Roxdane Birgitta
W778541; Fawn
Roxdane Bruce
W506405; Fawn
Ike of Roxdane
Edra of Starview
Roxdane Reba
W537017; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Mamie of Roxdane
Mako's Blue Fire Opal
Lex aus dem Schwarzwald
; Blue
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald

(M) 03/31/1958
VDH/DDC 43495; Blue
Amiko von Lippe-Detmold
Edda von der Wotanshütte
Fee aus dem Schwarzwald
(F) 12/12/1959
44906; Blue
Gmy Ch Ike von Cent Soucis
Akkeley aus dem Schwarzwald
Am CH Haas Raptureous Blue Dana
(F) 03/23/1964
WA482510; Blue
Am CH Indigo's Luster of Downcrest
WA75003; Black
Blue Indigo of Downs-Crest
Victoria Marma Dutchess CD
; Black
Flash Buster Mcgreg
Meg Tonia of Downs Crest
Rajput's Padmina of Gor-Don
WA919544; Blue
Am CH Baron Von Hessel of Maradane
(M) 06/01/1963
WA425922; Blue
Rajput's Jahangir
WA065219; Black
Blue Indigo of Downs-Crest
W925277; Blue
Rungmook Regal
My Blue Haven of Downscrest
Kristi of Downs Crest
; Blue
Rungmook Regal
Penzance of Caldane
Kristi of Downs Crest
; Blue
Rungmook Regal
(M) 03/04/1954
W703925; Blue
Can Ch Rungmook Rai
Can Ch Rungmook Ranjak
Penzance of Caldane
Am CH Brigadier of Swandane
Carlotta of Caldane
Eclipse De Chateau La
; Blue
Flash Buster Mcgreg
; Blue
Blue Indigo of Downs-Crest
W925277; Blue
Rungmook Regal
My Blue Haven of Downscrest
Mona Lisa of Downs Crest
; Fawn
Apolo of Downs Crest
Black Magic of Downs Crest
Brunhilde of Broadmoor
; Blue
Blue Indigo of Downs-Crest
W925277; Blue
Rungmook Regal
My Blue Haven of Downscrest
Kristi of Downs Crest
; Blue
Rungmook Regal
Penzance of Caldane