Trial Mating
River Rock Great Danes
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Pedigree of:
Moore's Royal Blue Thunder
WS15101005; Blue
[Vertical Pedigree]
[Reverse Pedigree]
[External Pedigree]
Parrett's Blue Thunder
WS10580302; Blue / White
Benjamin Buford Blue
WP93969211; Blue / White
Blue Sky III
WP64883109; Blue
Chuck's Elrod
WP40610303; Harlequin
Highview's Midnight Magig
Lee's Little Blue Eyes
Dance's With Moonlight
(F) 05/11/1991
Midnight's Full Blue Moon
Tara's Sister Sis
Jodie Pooble
WP74579702; Black
Mike Ziegler Inthe Moonlight
(M) 02/25/1995
WP61648608; Blue
Chuck's Elrod
Dance's With Moonlight
Midnight Ala Starry Skies
; Black
Jake Midnight's Full Bluemoon
Patches Kathys Maidnight
D'Hondt's Monet
WS00888903; Blue / White
Barnabus III
WP62580411; Black / White
Sir Donovan of Paradise
WP40651805; Harlequin
Boo Boo
Georgia Moon
WP44374807; Black
Fafner III
Legacy's Georgia on My Mind
Moma's Graceland
; Blue / White
Sager's Elvis
WP67279503; Black / White
Diane's Bonnie Blue
Christine's Blue-Eyed Bella
WS07171902; Harlequin
Solomon's Midnight Hoss
WR03311502; Black / White
Solomon Glens Legacy
(M) 01/11/1997
WP75349402; Black
Domino's Last Chance
(M) 02/13/1992
WP40078401; Harlequin
Lord B Weiser
Wintersong's Ice Fire
Valhalla's Guardian Girl
(F) 12/23/1991
WP39792508; Black
Anazi Grizzly Shamon
Farrell's Baby Love
D'Arrosoir's Maggie
D'Arrosoir's King Zeus
WP26969101; Harlequin
Ladutchess Shirface Patterson
(F) 03/04/1994
WP54615204; Black
Whitens Cotton Patch
Dutchess Marmaduke Lehmann
Grace's Harley Eve
WR00301303; Harlequin
Tippy Dane Guillory
; Black / White
Sir Chief Spice Evans
WP33343708; Harlequin
Princess Lady Guillory
; Fawn
Sally Jane Guillory
; Harlequin
Baby Sam Two
(M) 08/03/1993
WP49992808; Black / White
Brutus Ceasar Istre
Duchess Fancy Istre
Delilah of the Philistines
(F) 03/15/1994
WP54416405; Harlequin