Pedigree of:
Solomon's Midnight Hoss (M) WR03311502; Black / White |
Solomon Glens Legacy (M) 01/11/1997 WP75349402; Black
Domino's Last Chance (M) 02/13/1992 WP40078401; Harlequin COI=12.50%
Lord B Weiser (M) WF845901;
V Stiner's Sculptor of Zodiac (M) 08/11/1984 WF650371; Harlequin
T's Midnight Dutchess (F) WE760385; Black
Wintersong's Ice Fire (F) WG030342;
V Stiner's Sculptor of Zodiac (M) 08/11/1984 WF650371; Harlequin
Von Stiner's Troubled Lady (F) 04/29/1984 WF821419; Merle
Valhalla's Guardian Girl (F) 12/23/1991 WP39792508; Black
Anazi Grizzly Shamon (M) WG503854;
Farrell's Baby Love (F) WP30947501;
D'Arrosoir's Maggie (F) ;
D'Arrosoir's King Zeus (M) WP26969101; Harlequin
Ladutchess Shirface Patterson (F) 03/04/1994 WP54615204; Black
Whitens Cotton Patch (M) WF633530;
Dutchess Marmaduke Lehmann (F) WP35503302;