River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Vision Quest Manifest Out West @ Vip
(F) 06/08/2018
WS61663904; Black
COI: 5.12%
Am GChP Southern Star Norse God Odin at Valhalla
(M) 08/13/2014
WS48551301; Fawn
KBHV02 DKCh SCH NCH NORDCH Diplomatic's Umberto di Visconti

(M) 04/20/2001
S33283/2001; Fawn
NORDV-99 SUCH SV-02 Diplomatic's Your Majesty

(M) 11/19/1995
S12566/96; Fawn
Int, Swd, & Nor Ch Diplomatic's Great Guy

(M) 03/15/1990
S30898/90; Fawn
Int. Swd & Nwy Ch Grand Fawns Hagbard
Diplomatic's Carla
Diplomatic's Jane Seymour
(F) 02/11/1991
S26329/91; Fawn
Int, Swd & Fin Ch Chanels Excalibur of Airways
Swd Ch Diplomatic's Beauty Scandal
SUCH Diplomatic's Maggie May

(F) 10/30/1998
S13592/99; Fawn
Diplomatic's Brett De Mandeville

(M) 09/29/1996
S57002/96; Fawn
FNCh Diplomatic's Sir Henry Whitley
Diplomatic's Fiona
Danehouse Marcella
S14839/94; Fawn
Danehouse Mr Barrister
Danehouse Cimber
Am GCh Dar-Lins Tip of the Shadow
(F) 04/24/2008
WS27576903; Fawn
Am CH Lamar's Sun of Dreamaker
(M) 02/03/2004
WS09526104; Fawn
Am CH Dreamaker's Lone Ranger
WR01275801; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseac's Squire of Rosha
Am CH Lagarada's Golden Dreamaker
Am CH Dreamaker KT's Name That Tune
(F) 01/11/2000
WP96056801; Fawn
Am CH Country Walk's End It With a Z
Am CH Dreamaker's Kattie By Caprata
Am CH Dar-Lins Creekside By Chance
(F) 02/19/2005
WS12298106; Fawn
Creksides Come Fly With Me

(M) 12/20/2003
WS07222603; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Owlwatch Heir Ways
Am CH Crekside-Bay Popsicle Toes
Crekside Dar-Lyns Itsybitsey
(F) 01/29/2002
WR06813607; Fawn
Am CH Crekside-Bay Set In Stone CGC
Crkside's Still of The Night
Am GCh Big Paws N Eb Off Da Chain
(F) 10/27/2014
WS48777703; Black
Am GCh Pegasus Grabbin The Bull By The Horns V Tts
(M) 08/27/2012
WS42302801; Black
Am CH Von Bruno's Night Shade

(M) 08/13/2009
WS31934601; Black
Can Ch Von Bruno's Missing Linc
(M) 01/25/2006
WS16047601; Black
Von Bruno's Meet Joe Black
Am CH Summit's Bailey V Bruno
Von Bruno's Izabella
(F) 10/09/2007
WS24002001; Black
Can Ch Ladoguerie Blackstrp Le Racontuer
Marbeck's Lil' Miss Elliemay
Am & Int Ch Tts Pgs the Shadow Puppet V Darlin
(F) 04/24/2008
WS27576901; Fawn
Am CH Lamar's Sun of Dreamaker
(M) 02/03/2004
WS09526104; Fawn
Am CH Dreamaker's Lone Ranger
Am CH Dreamaker KT's Name That Tune
Am CH Dar-Lins Creekside By Chance
(F) 02/19/2005
WS12298106; Fawn
Creksides Come Fly With Me
Crekside Dar-Lyns Itsybitsey
Am GCh Hauer's Back N Black Bpc V Artistik

(F) 10/07/2010
WS35372802; Black
Am CH Colras An Ace In the Hole v Pask
(M) 05/29/2002
WR06699202; Black
Am CH Hauerdane's R-U Talk N' To Me

(M) 10/27/1998
WP88140607; Black
Am CH M.J.B. Hauerdanes MR. Coffee
Hauerdane's Make 'n' Whoppie
EIO Danes Colerichs Mystique
(F) 01/22/2000
WP95786404; Black
Am CH Bluestone's Forbes
Am & Int Ch EIO Danes Terranova ROM
Am CH Tnj Prim N Proper V Hauer
(F) 07/13/2006
Hauerdane's Don Miguel
(M) 11/15/2002
WS03103105; Fawn
Hauer-Goldstar One N the Chamber
Hauer Goldstars Shut Up N Kiss Me
Camelot's La La La-Lola
WS05132702; Fawn
Am CH Camelot's Nicholas V Rojon
Camelot's Mist's of Avalon