River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Beechfields Raffles
; Blue
COI: 0.84%
Beechfields Blue Moon
; Blue
Impton Cheyenne
(M) 09/15/1973
; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
(M) 04/25/1969
11BH; Black
Nord Itl Ch Harmony Hill Lied of Airways
(M) 11/26/1967
S22500/68; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Harmony Hill Riff Song
(M) 04/21/1964
WA474118; Fawn
Am, Can & Bda Ch Harmony Hill Fortissimo
Peanut Candy Of Marydane
Harmony Hill X-Mas Eve
WA755142; Brindle
Am CH Kolyer's Kissin' Kurt
Am CH Harmony Hill Katy V White Oaks
Nordic & Int Ch Chan-Sonette of Doggline
S02243/66; Black
Sivord's Cox
(M) 01/01/1965
S28030/65; Black
Airways Escort
Sivord's Aja
Västsjö Ritzie
S27030/64; Black
Västsjö Fair Lady
Menina of Merrowlea
(F) 05/13/1967
; Blue
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Baron
(M) 10/03/1965
2218BA; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
(M) 03/22/1963
538AX; Blue
Sarzec Bluebahni of Newton Regis
Sarzec Sapphire of Myrtle Manor
Kana of Kilcroney
34088/64; Black
Kilcroney Shane of Cent Soucis
Kilcroney Jucilla of Winome
Marpesa of Merrowlea
KC75401/63; Blue
Blendon Blue Blend of Newton Regis
; Blue
Brunel of Newton Regis
Bannerita of Bringtonhill
Miss Saphire of Merrowlea
; Blue
Brunel of Newton Regis
Damfrela Jet
Zaria of Beechfields
; Black
Zariba of Beechfields
(M) 08/07/1969
; Black
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Baron
(M) 10/03/1965
2218BA; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
(M) 03/22/1963
538AX; Blue
Sarzec Bluebahni of Newton Regis
Sarzec Sapphire of Myrtle Manor
Kana of Kilcroney
34088/64; Black
Kilcroney Shane of Cent Soucis
Kilcroney Jucilla of Winome
Zulu of Beechfields
; Black
Dominic of Beechfields
; Brindle
Contessa of Gaymiles
; Black
Solitaire of Beechfields
(F) 05/19/1964
; Fawn
Eng Ch Telton of Moonsfield
(M) 04/26/1959
307AJ; Fawn
Eng Ch Tellus of Moonsfield
(M) 07/29/1954
479AN; Fawn
BIS Eng Ch Elch Edler of Ouborough
Eng Ch Rhapsody of Foxbar
Twinstar of Moonsfield
(F) 06/03/1956
54984/56; Fawn
Eng Ch Tellus of Moonsfield
Merrie of Merrowlea
Mouseley of Oldmanor
Oldmanor Tattoo of Moonsfield
(M) 03/14/1958
; Fawn
Eng Ch Telaman of Moonsfield
Terona of Moonsfield
Iniscara Gem
Little Nell of Brockview
KC 69162; Blue
Auburn Hill Ibsen of Farnaby
; Black
Julemar's Blue Iyi
WB374370; Blue
Am CH Richters Blu Pasha V Iroquois CD
WA666195; Blue
Am CH Iroquois Blue Chief of Lynn-Mar
(M) 07/17/1963
WA457377; Blue
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald
CH Edda vom Himmelsfürst
Schnarel's Misty Night
WA419099; Black
Kaiser Wilhelm of Plum Grove
Lindi-Dane's Little Sheba
Julemar's Blue Gloria Keppen
WA543029; Blue
Dinro Blau Hoheit Von Julemar CD
(M) 05/02/1961
WA169100; Blue
Harold von Gadheim
Blue Velvet Helga
Julemar's Blue Falda of Diablo CD
WA321698; Blue
Julemar's Diablo
Julemar's Blue Damsel
Am CH Jecamo's Maitai of Auburn Hill
(F) 07/19/1965
WA644810; Black
Jecamo's Dominator De Groff
Am, Mex & Can Ch Jecamo's Caesar of AAA
(M) 03/19/1962
Wa271009; Fawn
Trailblazer of Los Vientos
Am CH Kelsey's Annie Laurie
Jecamo's Dana of Quindane
; Fawn
Trailblazer of Los Vientos
Moreno's Gala Gay Nina de Oro
De Groff's Lady Susan
Am CH Nick
Countess of Downs Crest
Cleopatra of Westwood CD
WA140991; Black
Am CH Nick
Black Star of Westwood
Odivane Alice Blue Golon
; Blue
Full Throttle of Farnaby
(M) 12/07/1964
; Fawn
Eng Ch Telaman of Moonsfield
(M) 01/23/1962
651AW; Fawn
Eng Ch Telluson of Moonsfield
(M) 06/02/1956
919AQ; Fawn
Eng Ch Tellus of Moonsfield
Merrie of Merrowlea
Taral of Moonsfield
(F) 02/28/1954
478AN; Fawn
Eng Ch Festival of Ouborough
Eng Ch Tanye of Moonsfield
Frangipani of Farnaby CD
(F) 01/23/1962
Firedrake of Farnaby
Fritillery of Famalby
Fireworshipper of Farnaby
; Blue