River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Fendanes Lil' Redneck
(M) 08/29/2007
WS23436505; Fawn
COI: 2.89%
Am CH Shady Crks Mr Saturday Nite Special
(M) 09/10/2004
WS10146701; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Sandyoaks Enduring Freedom

(M) 10/22/2001
WR05013801; Fawn
BISS Am Ch My-Jon's License To Thrill AOM

(M) 12/09/1998
WP89377904; Fawn
My-Jon's Just Do It
(M) 09/18/1997
WP80564401; Brindle
BISS Am Ch Fantasia's Lethal Weapon
(M) 04/17/1992
WP34528711; Brindle
BISS Am Ch Honey Lane's Highlight
Am CH San Roque's Reflection V Hauer
Am CH My-Jon's Tally Ho
(F) 11/22/1992
WP44901103; Fawn
Am CH Shadam's Winston
My-Jon's Desert Rose
My-Jon's Vogue
(F) 04/23/1994
WP54840801; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Honey Lane's Highlight
(M) 02/25/1988
WG131580; Brindle
Am CH Sumertre's I'm Worth Knowing
Am CH Honey Lane's Sylvia V Rimac
Am CH My-Jon's Lost Creek Naomi
(F) 12/20/1990
WP33498805; Fawn
Am CH Orleans Marquis
Am CH My-Jon's Passion
Am CH Harrel's Pretty Woman

(F) 10/25/1998
WP88162208; Brindle
Am CH Rojon's Foremost Zacharia

(M) 06/08/1994
WP55901405; Brindle
Am CH Rojon's Simply Majestic Tatum
(M) 06/24/1992
WP43172806; Brindle
BISS Am Ch Honey Lane's Highlight
Rojon's Who's That Girl
Am CH Rojon's Foremost Heartstrings
(F) 05/02/1991
WP34593106; Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Don-Sue Luke V Lost Creek
Am CH Rojon's Rumor Has It
Am CH Rustic Oaks I'm Cat Ballou

(F) 08/29/1993
WP50763505; Fawn
Am CH Penedanes Causin Confusion
(M) 03/06/1990
WG490268; Fawn
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
Am CH Penedanes An Amber Krystal
Nikidane's Bella Black Face
(F) 10/15/1990
WP31900205; Fawn
Am CH Dagon's Rodney Danesfield
Labo's Golden Kochana
Carma Que's Icandy Shady Crk

(F) 05/18/2000
WP97381911; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Windy Hill's Gold Plated

(M) 03/09/1998
WP84333201; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Avant's Bon Chance V Weaver

(M) 06/13/1995
WP63619703; Fawn
Am CH Svevo's Dreamlover
(M) 02/07/1994
WP54032901; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Honey Lane's Highlight
Am CH Meadowood's Happy Go Lucky
Am CH Avant's Bijou
(F) 03/11/1993
WP47574301; Fawn
Am CH Baraga's Genesis
Am CH Honey Lane's Infatuation
Am CH Windy Hill's Astra V Jerdan

(F) 02/21/1995
WP60789801; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Fantasia's Lethal Weapon
(M) 04/17/1992
WP34528711; Brindle
BISS Am Ch Honey Lane's Highlight
Am CH San Roque's Reflection V Hauer
Jerdans Blonds Have More Fun
(F) 11/06/1991
WP41202903; Fawn
Am CH Jerdans King Momus
Am CH Addidas Sumner's Eve
Carma-Que's Out of the Park

(F) 04/04/1995
WP62501602; Fawn
Am CH Gold's Urban Shocker
(M) 12/28/1992
WP45626401; Fawn
Am CH Silva N Golds Charmed Wonder
WG506952; Fawn
Am CH Dagon's Rodney Danesfield
Am CH Gold's Satin Obsession
Gold's Well Known Secret
(F) 07/11/1988
WG214503; Fawn
Stockdales Triple Crown
Gold's I am Sable of Donnadane
Carma-Que's Out of Left Field
(F) 03/03/1993
WP47677201; Fawn
Am CH Lore's Bravado V Blackwatch
(M) 11/18/1989
WG436995; Fawn
Calico Rock's Monterey V Lore
Rojon's Desiree of Lore
Shadam's Rhythm V Carma-Que
WG461333; Brindle
Am CH Dundane's Bacarat V Brookside
Shadam's Jamie Lee
Meja's Irishcream V Fendane
(F) 09/29/2004
WS10802101; Brindle
Meja's Aramis Maximus
(M) 10/23/2001
WR05361202; Fawn
Silkwood's KCreed of MEJA
Am CH Silkwood's Another Legend
(M) 05/28/1994
WP56119702; Fawn
Calico Rock's Kritique
(M) 05/28/1988
WP19395703; Fawn
Am CH Calico Rock's Frazier Belmont
Am CH Calico Rock's Bianca V Ridge-Lo
Calico Rock's ZooTV V Silkwood
(F) 09/13/1992
WP43757802; Fawn
Am CH Kristopher Von Tiefburg
Am CH Calico Rock's Nevertheless
Calico Rock Inxs v Silkwood
Calico Rock's About Face
(M) 12/25/1992
WP46565201; Fawn
Am CH H-P Max Dreamweaver Wizard
Calico Rock's Ingenue
Am CH Calico Rock's Xplicitly
(F) 12/31/1991
Am CH Rojons Royal Of Stone Valley
Calico Rock's Never Say Never
Am CH Mejas Hells Justa Popn
(F) 05/29/1997
WP79014307; Fawn
V-Omega Merlin the Magician
(M) 04/01/1995
Am CH Deer Run's Hot Shot
(M) 03/29/1993
WP49378405; Fawn
Am CH Deer Run's Top Gun
Am CH Addidas Sumner's Eve
V-Omega's Do'n It With Style
CH Highviews Moment of Decision
V-Omega's Chameleon In Black
Meja's Whisper in the Wind
(F) 08/08/1995
WP65372503; Fawn
Am CH Meadowood Lethl Wepn V-Omega
(M) 03/25/1992
WP40541101; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Meadowoods I'm Stormin Norman HOF
Am CH Meadowood's Excalibresse
Meja's Ultra Violet Ra
(F) 02/01/1992
WP40123401; Fawn
Am CH Meja's Reload The Beretta
Meja's Outrageously Awesome
Meja's DBL Moca Latte Entrprise
(F) 05/11/2001
WR02710809; Brindle
Meja's Y It's Marshall Dillon
(M) 08/10/1998
WP88463605; Fawn
Silkwood's First Impression
(M) 03/25/1997
WP78378002; Brindle
Calico Rock's About Face
(M) 12/25/1992
WP46565201; Fawn
Am CH H-P Max Dreamweaver Wizard
Calico Rock's Ingenue
Calico Rock French Silk
(F) 01/26/1994
Am CH Calico Rock's Xclusively
Calico Rock's Unforgettable
Am CH Meja's Voluptous Blond Sabila
(F) 01/13/1994
WP53494301; Fawn
Am CH Sabila's Dread Pirate Roberts
(M) 05/31/1989
WG346891; Fawn
Am CH Sabila's Winterhawk
Am CH Sabila's Kyrie Eleison
Meja's Ultra Violet Ra
(F) 02/01/1992
WP40123401; Fawn
Am CH Meja's Reload The Beretta
Meja's Outrageously Awesome
Enterprise Lacy Back
Am CH Waldenthree's Dasher
(M) 12/05/1994
WP59828605; Fawn
Am CH Brislyn Plain Havoc V Varick
(M) 03/02/1991
WP33980009; Fawn
BISS Ch Hauerdane's Plain James V Rika
Am CH Varick's Maddie Hayes
Am CH Waldenthree What A Go Go Gal
(F) 12/16/1990
WP33494804; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Sandale's What A Guy ROM HOF
Waldenthree's Doctor Ruth
Darlin's Capri V Enterprise
(F) 05/08/1998
Am CH Waldenthree's Dasher
(M) 12/05/1994
WP59828605; Fawn
Am CH Brislyn Plain Havoc V Varick
Am CH Waldenthree What A Go Go Gal
Darlin's Mirage
(F) 11/06/1995
Am CH Laurel Springs Lethal Weapon
Am CH Ms Rina's Purple Primrose