River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Gusto's Beyonce V Michael Dane Jb
(F) 04/26/2003
COI: 2.79%
Am & Can Ch WYSIWYG's Lothario v Longo AOM
(M) 01/24/2000
WP96434903; Blue
BISS Am Ch Longo's Endless Gossip

(M) 05/14/1997
WP78137201; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Primo D'Aquino

(M) 07/19/1985
WF758557; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Chief Joseph

(M) 09/01/1980
WE827382; Black
Am CH Shadowbrook's Bask
(M) 05/30/1977
WD730097; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac
Rebelro's Satanic Lady CD
Longo's Foxxy Lady
WD182808; Black
Am CH Charlemagne du Lac
Honey Hollow Dark Grumbles
Am CH Aquino's Oso Perla Negra

WF479369; Black
Am & Mex Ch Aquino's Oso Negro
WE070373; Black
Mex Ch Jecamo's Oso Negro d'Aquinos
Aquino's Lolita Von Under Pop
Sarah Maegan Blue
WF056977; Blue
Brennan's Blue Scooby-Doo
Dane Crest's Quentel
BISS Am Ch Jc's Antigua's Sweet Revenge

(F) 12/14/1993
WP52516001; Black
Fantasia's Fawn Corleone

(M) 04/17/1992
WP40928704; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Honey Lane's Highlight
(M) 02/25/1988
WG131580; Brindle
Am CH Sumertre's I'm Worth Knowing
Am CH Honey Lane's Sylvia V Rimac
Am CH San Roque's Reflection V Hauer
(F) 11/09/1987
WG082871; Fawn
Am CH SDS Plain Brown Wrapper V Rika
Hauerdane's Cheyenne Autumn
San Roques Antiqua v Cylon
(F) 11/07/1989
WG393865; Black
Am CH Vincere's Consigliori
WF959573; Black
Am CH Jecamo's Pieces of Eight
Am CH Vincere's Rebelro Wildwind
San Roques Rhythm N Blues
(F) 01/09/1987
WF965603; Blue
Landrums Darth Vader Villain
J-Lo's Amooka V Docga
WYSIWYG's Diamond Solitaire
(F) 06/05/1996
WP71051201; Blue
Am CH Sterlings Blue Chariesis
(M) 05/21/1993
WP48327008; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowruns' WYSIWYG Gulliver
(M) 07/26/1989
WG378302; Blue
Am CH Willowruns' Naughty But Nice
(M) 01/04/1988
WG164544; Blue
Am & Int Ch Rachel's Ravon Pal V Willowrun
XWillowrun v't Buitengebeuren
Willowrun's Autumn Night
(F) 04/27/1988
WG198178; Black
Am & Int Ch Rachel's Ravon Pal V Willowrun
Slim Kittie of Merritt
Lazy Days Goodgolly Ms Molly
(F) 05/04/1991
WP34734706; Black
Lazy Days Sterling Silver CDX
(M) 11/17/1986
WF950997; Blue
Am CH Sterling's Bachelor Buttons
Ramzheads Lazy Blue Daisy UD
Lazy Days Believes In Magic CDX
(F) 07/09/1988
WG250597; Black
Am CH Sterling's Bachelor Buttons
Lazy Days Janes Black Beauty UD
WYSIWYG's Devious Diva
(F) 03/11/1993
WP47816909; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Egoiste'

(M) 10/11/1991
WP38383902; Black
Am CH Haltmeier Uno's Valentino
(M) 02/14/1986
WF891531; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Uno King V Hearts
Haltmeiers Marian Taffaro
Am CH Haltmeier's Zealy
(F) 08/28/1989
WG375535; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Primo D'Aquino
Am CH Haltmeier Uno's Valentine
WYSIWYG's Princess Glory L
(F) 09/22/1990
WP31394002; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowruns' WYSIWYG Gulliver
(M) 07/26/1989
WG378302; Blue
Am CH Willowruns' Naughty But Nice
Willowrun's Autumn Night
Angel Van-Hets Star Sapphire
WF538683; Blue
Blue Emerald Van-Het
Angel Blue Babe
Michaeldane JB TNT Midnight Lace
(F) 03/22/2001
WR02755901; Black
Am CH Loki's Wild Child of T.N.T.
(M) 05/07/1998
WP85498702; Black
Am CH Juno's Weekend Madness T.N.T.
(M) 12/27/1995
WP67452801; Black
Am CH Rebel's March Madness
(M) 01/06/1993
WP45793701; Black
Am CH Rebel's Sondale
WG051860; Black
Rebel's Amadeus
Rebel's Amanda CD
Rebel's Agent Provocateur
WP29149601; Black
Am & Can Ch Kingbolt's Orient Express
Rebel's Altair Illusion
Am CH Falynn From Grace
WP44371804; Black
Aurora's Harlem Nights
(M) 06/22/1989
WG377495; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Primo D'Aquino
Indemac's the Florida Keys
Rebel's Velvet Shadow
(F) 01/16/1991
WP33486208; Black
Am & Can Ch Kingbolt's Orient Express
Am CH Rebel's Assailant
Loki's of A Different World
(F) 04/07/1994
WP55092001; Black
BISS Ch Longo's Celebri't'of Penedane

(M) 07/23/1991
WP37537002; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Primo D'Aquino
(M) 07/19/1985
WF758557; Black
Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Chief Joseph
Am CH Aquino's Oso Perla Negra
Am CH Penedanes Natorious Lady
(F) 02/26/1986
WF853612; Fawn
BIS BISS Am Ch Sheenwater Gamble on Me HOF ROM
Am CH Saltwater's Doubloon
Rebel's Lady of the Harbor
(F) 05/03/1991
Am CH Rebel's Altair Sunspot CDX
(M) 04/22/1986
WF883220; Black
Am CH Rebel's Aberdeen Angus CD
Rojon's Rebel Altair
Am CH Rebel's Ambush CD
(F) 03/30/1986
WF849620; Black
Am CH Darce's Shaka of Champlain
Rebel Advocate UD
Jocar Visagold V Michaeldane
(F) 11/23/1994
WP59908705; Black
Am CH Gold's Urban Shocker
(M) 12/28/1992
WP45626401; Fawn
Am CH Silva N Golds Charmed Wonder
WG506952; Fawn
Am CH Dagon's Rodney Danesfield
(M) 06/14/1987
WG061807; Fawn
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
Am & Can Ch Avanti's Tysina Danesfield
Am CH Gold's Satin Obsession
WF998656; Fawn
BISS BIS Am Ch Aquino's Little Dooz Coupe SDS
Aquino's Go For The Gold
Gold's Well Known Secret
(F) 07/11/1988
WG214503; Fawn
Stockdales Triple Crown
WF890106; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Vikings Vaquero V Stockdale
Am CH Stockdales Maria DeGruccio
Gold's I am Sable of Donnadane
WF958049; Fawn
BISS BIS Am Ch Aquino's Little Dooz Coupe SDS
Aquino's Go For The Gold
Donnadane's Shadow of Jocar
(F) 07/23/1992
WP43336706; Black
Am CH Rebel's Altair Sunspot CDX
(M) 04/22/1986
WF883220; Black
Am CH Rebel's Aberdeen Angus CD
WF574655; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Uno King V Hearts
Rebel Advocate UD
Rojon's Rebel Altair
(F) 02/14/1984
WF575474; Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Oh Boy V Mecca Dane
Tigeridges Velveteen Fawn
Sharcon's Scirocca
(F) 03/22/1990
WG475823; Black
Sharcon's Hey Rube
(M) 10/20/1988
Am CH Mikaldane's Master Charge
Am CH Sharcon's Sugar Plum
Sharcon's Casablanca
(F) 12/14/1987
WG217899; Black
Am CH Mikaldane's Master Charge
Sharcon's Jessica Turner