Trial Mating
River Rock Great Danes
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Pedigree of:
Kilcroney Kazoo
(F) 05/21/1991
; Black
[Vertical Pedigree]
[Reverse Pedigree]
[External Pedigree]
Kilcroney Kezbah
Kilcroney Kristyn
(M) 08/17/1982
; Black
Bentaura's Cartier of Tarus
(M) 12/08/1979
; Harlequin
Thor-Kourt's Tartan V Luur
(M) 07/02/1978
WE062591; Harlequin
Lubin of Tane'lorn
WD864967; Harlequin
Admiral von der Berg Arras
Sigi's Figi Newton
Thor-Kourt's Ursa V Sigi
WD440525; Black
Am & Can Ch
Riverwood's Regal Siegfried
Kolyer's Kourtney of Bromorc
Obeah of Helmlake
(F) 02/28/1975
WE424851; Harlequin
Eng Ch
Helmlake Chico
(M) 05/05/1972
1329BH-12589/72; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies
Helmlake Magic Columbine of Merrowlea
Leslie's Taura von Glenbrae
19540/74; Mantle
Count Igor Von Meistersinger
Leslie's Raggedy Ann
Kilcroney Kharltalrita
Ir Ch
Talawa of Helmlake Of Kilcroney
(M) 02/28/1975
; Harlequin
Eng Ch
Helmlake Chico
(M) 05/05/1972
1329BH-12589/72; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies
Helmlake Magic Columbine of Merrowlea
Leslie's Taura von Glenbrae
19540/74; Mantle
Count Igor Von Meistersinger
Leslie's Raggedy Ann
Kilcroney Kerriby
(F) 11/15/1972
3576BL; Black
Int & Eng Ch
Kaptain of Kilcroney
(M) 05/11/1967
; Black
Eng Ch
Moyalism of Oldmanor
Ir Ch
Kara of Kilcroney
Agnes of Kilcumney
Kilcroney Kizzi
Kilcroney Kouncil
Black Prince of Tinkersley
Brookview Bright Morning
Mwituni Celebrian
Kilcroney Koko
Kilcroney Katya
Kilcroney Keesar
Keryl of Kilcroney