River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Magic's Blue Lace
(F) 02/15/1996
COI: 6.22%
Magic's Serpico
(M) 12/28/1994
WP60368601; Blue
Am CH Midnite Run Slate V Bluestone
(M) 02/28/1991
WP34204704; Blue
Am CH Kali's Blue Print V Mako
(M) 08/26/1983
WF448618; Blue
Am CH Makos' Winfall Vindicator
(M) 02/28/1982
WF303942; Black
Am CH Winfalls Stutz Bearcat V Mako
(M) 04/03/1976
WD378280; Fawn
Am CH Castile's Gent of Mountdania
Am CH Sunridge's Butterfly McQueen
Am CH Makos' Escapade V Coleridge
(F) 04/18/1976
WD599588; Blue
Curtis Coleridge Elies
Makos' Blu Isadora
Dyana Von Rothels Hugel
(F) 12/29/1977
WD906331; Black
Curtis Coleridge Elies
(M) 07/25/1974
WD088831; Blue
Carbon Copy of Coleridge
Bonnibel Blue Mist
Megan Von Rothels Hugel
(F) 11/28/1972
WC827813; Black
Kali's Ebony Caesar
Shadydane's Shady Lady
Bluestone Art of Zen
(F) 07/30/1987
WG434504; Blue
Manhattans Top Secret
(M) 02/28/1986
WF881126; Blue
Kennedy's Blue Mercedes
(M) 12/29/1984
WF721616; Blue
Am CH Bell's Gen Sherman In Blue
Bell's Dark Scandal
Scooby Doo's Blue Shadie Lady
(F) 09/15/1982
WF289019; Blue
Brennan's Blue Scooby-Doo
Regina von De Vinney
Chase Manhattan Visa
(F) 10/23/1985
WF773083; Blue
Cronus Rand of Dixie Leigh
(M) 07/30/1979
WE420835; Blue
Dixie Leigh's Baron Kochel
Baby Blue I Love you
Aztec's Chase Manhatten
(F) 08/06/1982
WF270378; Blue
Foxfire J-J Midnite Blues
Aztecs Misty Bluv Dixieleigh
Am CH Magics Impressive Black Jem

(F) 08/08/1988
WG200547; Black
Willowruns Impressive Smoke
(M) 05/16/1985
WF756029; Blue
Willowruns Spike

(M) 06/22/1980
WE721001; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977
WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
WE358702; Black
UK Ch Impton Apache
Impton Onieda
Merritts I Love Lucy
(F) 12/28/1982
WF384917; Black
Willowrun's Captain Fantastic
(M) 09/06/1977
WD826063; Black
Willowruns Win-Tiket V SNDHL
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
BG Merritt's Willowrun
(F) 05/13/1980
WE647082; Blue
Sterlings Jor-El V Willowrun
Willowruns Zena of Sharcon CD
Tara's Princess Nikki
(F) 04/07/1985
WF772869; Fawn
Am CH Winhurst Cherokee Red
WF565909 8-85; Fawn
Am CH Caprata's Simba
(M) 01/26/1977
WD638716; Brindle
Am CH Daneaura's Hunter
Rojon's Risque
Winhurst Fanfare
WM485023; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Von Raseac's Westwind
Am CH Homewood Kiss of Fame
Willow Lakes Alabama Lady
(F) 02/06/1981
WE899419; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Willow Lake' Strikly Top Shelf
WE381147; Brindle
Am CH Willow Lakes Crackerjack
Frederick Onyx Von Harmony Hill
Willow Lakes Pumkin'
WE288657; Fawn
Am CH Willow Lakes Crackerjack
Willow Lakes Pitty Pat
Magic's No Mercy

(F) 12/29/1991
WP40042501; Blue
Magic Macho Paco
(M) 04/20/1989
WG310679; Black
Am CH Mikaldane's Master Charge

(M) 02/21/1986
WF825717; Black
Am CH Haltmeiers Kodiak

(M) 03/02/1982
WF182174; Black
Am CH Haltmeier's Uno King V Hearts
(M) 02/14/1981
WE98236; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind
Am CH Azurs Elbina
Haltmeiers Fortune Seeker
(F) 09/11/1979
WE408645; Blue
Am CH Bantry Cordon Bleu De Sharon
Am CH Azurs Elbina
Michaeldane's Dream Girl
(F) 11/13/1982
WF787779; Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Oh Boy V Mecca Dane
(M) 11/02/1978
WE409496; Fawn
Am CH Caprata's Simba
Mecca Dane's Cynarra V Windane
Jolly's Gypsy Rose Lee
(F) 05/10/1979
WE314255; Fawn
Kal-Dayn's Nikolas v Spartacus
Knollwoods She Can't Miss
Magic's Impressive Willow
(F) 05/16/1986
WF886779; Blue
Willowruns Impressive Smoke
(M) 05/16/1985
WF756029; Blue
Willowruns Spike
(M) 06/22/1980
WE721001; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
Merritts I Love Lucy
(F) 12/28/1982
WF384917; Black
Willowrun's Captain Fantastic
BG Merritt's Willowrun
Magic Manors Evening Star
(F) 04/28/1984
WF649986; Blue
Magnum Force Four-Forty
(M) 05/16/1980
WE596506; Blue
Ramzheads Ice Princess
(F) 06/04/1981
WF034010; Blue
Magics Against the Wind
(F) 11/04/1989
WG461329; Black
Willowruns Impressive Smoke
(M) 05/16/1985
WF756029; Blue
Willowruns Spike

(M) 06/22/1980
WE721001; Blue
Willowrun's Candidate
(M) 01/06/1977
WD637009; Blue
Am & Can Ch Willowrun Tomterific V RVRWD
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
Cartouche v 't Buitengebeuren
WE358702; Black
UK Ch Impton Apache
Impton Onieda
Merritts I Love Lucy
(F) 12/28/1982
WF384917; Black
Willowrun's Captain Fantastic
(M) 09/06/1977
WD826063; Black
Willowruns Win-Tiket V SNDHL
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
BG Merritt's Willowrun
(F) 05/13/1980
WE647082; Blue
Sterlings Jor-El V Willowrun
Willowruns Zena of Sharcon CD
Magic Manors Chantilly Lace
(F) 01/14/1986
WF830091; Black
Hearthhills Marmaduke
WF103757; Fawn
Hearthhill's Gusto
(M) 09/16/1978
WE209792; Fawn
Hearthhill's Rocky of Troy
Hearthhill's Trillum V Troy
Hearth Hill's Tamars Topaz
(F) 12/05/1979
WE986060; Fawn
Hearth Hill Clint Cody V Kencif
Hearthhill's Trillum V Troy
Eboney Glo Kazan
(F) 11/30/1982
WF644569; Black
Am CH Liberty's Captain Callisto
WE074139; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind
Vera's Black Blizzard
D's Black Magic V Strauss
(F) 02/10/1978
WF247014; Black
Am CH Honey Hollow Beowolf Zeus
D's Earth wind and Fire