Trial Mating
River Rock Great Danes
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Pedigree of:
Quishran Ebenezer
(M) 08/23/1979
COI: 2.41%
[Vertical Pedigree]
[Reverse Pedigree]
[External Pedigree]
Aldefelde Eros
(M) 03/25/1971
40874/71; Blue
Sarzec Stirling
126508/68; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
(M) 03/22/1963
538AX; Blue
Sarzec Bluebahni of Newton Regis
(M) 02/02/1960
56298/60; Blue
Brunel of Newton Regis
81362/54; Blue
Bahni of Bringtonhill
Newton Regis Belle
Bannerita of Bringtonhill
; Blue
Blue Banner of Blendon
Barrita of Bringtonhill
Sarzec Sapphire of Myrtle Manor
(F) 10/07/1961
; Blue
Ribot of Ouborough
(M) 08/03/1956
BIS Eng Ch
Elch Edler of Ouborough
Gay Christina of Dodford
Sheeba of Myrtle Manor
(F) 12/15/1957
Eclipse of Ashthorpe
Caroline of Gilccrux
Sarzec Sea Coral
37914/66; Blue
Andorena of Andora
26176/68; Blue
Bluebeard of Bringtonhill
(M) 11/07/1963
658AX; Blue
Boyson of Bringtonhill
(M) 05/04/1962
; Blue
Black Boy of Bringtonhill
(M) 03/06/1960
1155AU, 44959/60; Black
Bernhard of Bringtonhill
Barrita of Bringtonhill
Black Imp of Bringtonhill
; Black
Bessie of Bringtonhill
(F) 07/18/1958
; Blue
Adrian of Gwynst
; Blue
Barrita of Bringtonhill
984AP; Blue
Eng Ch
Barry of Bringtonhill
Eng Ch
Banshee of Bringtonhill
Sarzec Saraband
45957/66; Blue
Quishran Cayla
(F) 09/01/1977
; Black
Nobredane Mighty Nugget
; Black
Aust Ch
Helmlake Dazzling Igor
(M) 06/18/1973
126065/73; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies
120929/70; Harlequin
Int, Gdr, Ben & Swz Ch
Eick Imperial
(M) 10/26/1966
VDH/DDC 052656; Harlequin
Gmy Ch
Brilliant V Ballerhaus
Astrid V D Aschenburg
Mara von Fürst Bismarck
(F) 04/03/1963
VDH/DDC 47704; Harlequin
Baron von der Horstkippe
Baroness Von Fürst Bismark
Bellissima of Helmlake
150752/71; Harlequin
Eng Ch
Ark Angelus of Helmlake
(M) 03/08/1970
486BG-52619/70; Harlequin
Magic Wand of Merrowlea
Grimstone Fashion
Helmlake Magic Columbine of Merrowlea
140270/68; Harlequin
Magic Wand of Merrowlea
Summerdale Elaine
Quintessa Passito
(F) 08/28/1971
(Q)120134; Black
Gretchen's Excaliber
(M) 04/23/1966
WA758287; Black/White
Jotunheim the Poltergeist
WA431249; Black
Jotunheim Exemplar
Jotunheim That's Beauty
Trabrooks Gretchen
WA496165; Black
Jotunheim Exemplar
Trabrook's Tejana
Graystone Kamaaina
(F) 07/19/1969
(Q)97086; Black
Aust Ch
Boystone of Bringtonhill
(M) 07/13/1963
83181/63; Black
Black Boy of Bringtonhill
Barbary of Bringtonhill
Aust Ch
Graystone Grand Marnier
(F) 02/23/1968
(Q)82129; Harlequin
Bel Ami Atlas
Aust Ch
Whiplash Sheba
Quishran Baheda
(F) 03/26/1976
; Blue
Blauberling Blue Lynx
(M) 07/06/1973
(N)254443; Blue
Zimbal aus dem Schwarzwald
(M) 02/28/1967
52918/44; Blue
Blue Victor of Bedrule
108584/61; Blue
Sarzec Bluebahni of Newton Regis
Bedina of Newton Regis
Fr Ch
Lunica aus dem Schwarzwald
47353; Blue
Int Ch
Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald
Fee aus dem Schwarzwald
Barton Blue Mist
(F) 07/07/1971
(N)202693; Blue
Rhinegold Skymaster
(M) 06/26/1968
81101-68; Blue
Eng Ch
Sarzec Blue Baron
Sarzec Scandal
Geova Lolita
107324; Blue
Chanter Satan
Simdon Gigi But Carcur
Quishran Edu
(F) 08/12/1974
; Blue
Rhinegold Skymaster
(M) 06/26/1968
81101-68; Blue
Eng Ch
Sarzec Blue Baron
(M) 10/03/1965
2218BA; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
Kana of Kilcroney
Sarzec Scandal
62230/64; Black
Sarzec Bluebahni of Newton Regis
Tabella of Moonsfield
Lukesdane Pamanondus
(F) 11/04/1972
63V72; Black
Lukesdane Callme Blue
58V72; Blue
Nabside Mahunga
Lukesdane Black Velvet
Lukesdane Venus
(F) 02/22/1971
6V71; Black
Nabside Jupiter
Lukesdane Astrid