River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Rodridge Strawberry Fair
(M) 07/05/1989
COI: 3.54%
Beccas Blucher
(M) 09/04/1985
; Harlequin
Wellington Wellesley
Yaresville Chicago of Helmlake
(M) 10/13/1979
; Black
Helmlake Gitano
(M) 07/04/1976
1191BN; Harlequin
Montego of Helmlake
(M) 02/28/1975
602BK; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico
Leslie's Taura von Glenbrae
Helmlake Esmeralda
84633/74; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico
Helmlake Ulanova El Eick Von Furst Bismarck
A Black Pearl of Geojan
Pride of Evansville
KC 112730; Black
Astelle Double Duty
Harlequin Duchess
Byebrue Trade Wind
; Blue
Sarzec Vileo
Sarzec Scintillation
Dicarl Happy Hooker
B3388905C07; Harlequin
Gaymiles Dillon
(M) 11/10/1973
; Harlequin
2476BK Clyde of Gaymiles
; Harlequin
Mystic Blue of Derby
Cassiopea of Gaymiles
Certina of Gaymiles
; Harlequin
Gaymiles Syrius of Leesthorphill
0604BE Gaymiles Vernlam Black Eyed-Susie
Gaymiles Harriet
; Harlequin
2476BK Clyde of Gaymiles
; Harlequin
Mystic Blue of Derby
Cassiopea of Gaymiles
Certina of Gaymiles
; Harlequin
Gaymiles Syrius of Leesthorphill
0604BE Gaymiles Vernlam Black Eyed-Susie
Naleeta Judd Rebecca
Bentaura's Cartier of Tarus
(M) 12/08/1979
; Harlequin
Thor-Kourt's Tartan V Luur
(M) 07/02/1978
WE062591; Harlequin
Lubin of Tane'lorn
WD864967; Harlequin
Am CH Admiral von der Berg Arras
Sigi's Figi Newton
Thor-Kourt's Ursa V Sigi
WD440525; Black
Am & Can Ch Riverwood's Regal Siegfried
Kolyer's Kourtney of Bromorc
Obeah of Helmlake
(F) 02/28/1975
WE424851; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico
(M) 05/05/1972
1329BH-12589/72; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies
Helmlake Magic Columbine of Merrowlea
Leslie's Taura von Glenbrae
19540/74; Mantle
Count Igor Von Meistersinger
Am CH Leslie's Raggedy Ann
Ansets Explosion
(F) 02/09/1981
; Harlequin
Lord Leicester of Brookside and Anset
(M) 04/02/1976
; Harlequin
Montego of Helmlake
(M) 02/28/1975
602BK; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico
Leslie's Taura von Glenbrae
Bettina of Helmlake
98288/71; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies
Helmlake Ulanova El Eick Von Furst Bismarck
Carray Patricia Girl
; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico
(M) 05/05/1972
1329BH-12589/72; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies
Helmlake Magic Columbine of Merrowlea
Vernlam Patricia
2476BK Clyde of Gaymiles
Vernlam Bonilan
Chapala Bumblebee
(F) 08/13/1987
; Black / White
Clydelodge Aziz Bin Sherman of Chapala Apt
UK & Nor Ch Chapala Sherman
(M) 08/24/1979
S02210/82; Harlequin
Blaaholms Pancho Villa of Chapala
KCC99409D3; Harlequin
World Int & Den Ch Blaaholms Husar
(M) 11/06/1973
DK01225/74; Harlequin
Harras-ben-el-eick V Furst Bismarck
Blaaholms Diana
Dk Ch Blaaholms Lady Ann
DK06252/75; Harlequin
Husar-ben-el-eick V Furst Bismarck
Nadja V D Rosshalde
Impton Catalina of Chapala
; Blue
Impton Cheyenne
(M) 09/15/1973
; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
Menina of Merrowlea
Leblon Blue Farah of Impton
88519/75; Blue
Obispo of Impton
Blue Sheba of Leblon
Clydelodge Sweet Gypsy Rose
(F) 04/14/1984
Yaresville Midnight Flyer
(M) 08/26/1980
; Black
UK & Nor Ch Chapala Sherman
(M) 08/24/1979
S02210/82; Harlequin
Blaaholms Pancho Villa of Chapala
Impton Catalina of Chapala
Sealskin Blue Devil of Yaresville
Impton Geronimo
Kilcroney Kibbit
Bullaine Ametthyst
Ogier Sultan of Niger Of Bullaine
(M) 01/02/1976
Ogier Jumbo Jet
Merrowlea Miss Black Lace
Bullaine Alhates
Creekmoor Baron Royal
Merrowlea Astrid of Helmlake
Lismear Bronwen of Chapala
Eng Ch Helmlake Implicable
(M) 08/29/1978
SB0917BP; Harlequin
Montego of Helmlake
(M) 02/28/1975
602BK; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico
(M) 05/05/1972
1329BH-12589/72; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies
Helmlake Magic Columbine of Merrowlea
Leslie's Taura von Glenbrae
19540/74; Mantle
Count Igor Von Meistersinger
Am CH Leslie's Raggedy Ann
Eng Ch Helmlake Fancy Fashion CDX
(F) 07/25/1975
3527BK; Harlequin
Eng Ch Helmlake Chico
(M) 05/05/1972
1329BH-12589/72; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies
Helmlake Magic Columbine of Merrowlea
Bettina of Helmlake
98288/71; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies
Helmlake Ulanova El Eick Von Furst Bismarck
Chapala Sole Sister
(F) 07/12/1980
; Harlequin
Blaaholms Pancho Villa of Chapala
KCC99409D3; Harlequin
World Int & Den Ch Blaaholms Husar
(M) 11/06/1973
DK01225/74; Harlequin
Harras-ben-el-eick V Furst Bismarck
Blaaholms Diana
Dk Ch Blaaholms Lady Ann
DK06252/75; Harlequin
Husar-ben-el-eick V Furst Bismarck
Nadja V D Rosshalde
Impton Catalina of Chapala
; Blue
Impton Cheyenne
(M) 09/15/1973
; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
Menina of Merrowlea
Leblon Blue Farah of Impton
88519/75; Blue
Obispo of Impton
Blue Sheba of Leblon