River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Sheridane's Sherie of Pattidane
(F) 08/23/1970
WB842701; Fawn
COI: 0.09%
CH D D's Mister Mike of Pattidane
Am CH Hayron's Mighty Mike
WA411144; Fawn
Johnny Walker
; Fawn
Am CH Stuart's Charlie My Boy
W778003; Fawn
Peterson's Tee-Vee
; Brindle
Princess of Lockport
Stranger In Paradise
Jingle Belle of Lestomuir
; Fawn
Gigante Amigo of Lestomuir
WA039225; Fawn
Yankee of Lestomuir
Miss Lee of Hildydane
MBIS Am Ch Starlight's King

(M) 03/30/1958
W924962; Fawn
Am CH Lillian's Mr President
(M) 02/22/1953
W440355; Fawn
Am CH Beau's Vandal
(M) 11/20/1946
W61503; Fawn
Am CH Vakeck's Gallant Cavalier
Creightons Lady Joy
Peterson's Neon
(F) 05/21/1950
W230198; Fawn
Peterson's Toughenuf
Peterson's Kattie
Snyder's Star light
; Fawn
Am CH Cinnamon Stick of Dillners
(M) 02/03/1952
W354517; Brindle
Shah of Dillners
Darleen of Dillners
Miss Ginger Snyder
Am CH Peterson's Mr. Westchester
Lipsey's Patsy of Pam-Dane
Walker's Annie of Hildydane
Lochie of Orton Acres
Juliet of Hildydane
Sheridane's Jennifer
Am CH Sheridane's Prince
; Brindle
Am CH Kalmar's Noble Bruce
; Brindle
CH Kalmar's Lightning
(M) 02/12/1954
W546849; Brindle
Am CH Dinro Yorktown
Am CH Dinro Don
Dinro Cam
Kalmar's Kashma
W329940; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Ajax
CH Vesta of Twin Cedars
Kalmar's Virginia Belle
Am CH Kalmar's Excalibur
(M) 07/04/1948
W113411; Fawn
Am CH Xerxes of Twin Cedars
Kalmar's Ceasarina
Am CH Heidere's Zita of Kalmar
(F) 06/18/1951
W314334; Brindle
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Heidere's Mati Paris
Sheridane's Renee
Bonnie Boyne's Dana
CH Sheridane's Montgomery
Lady Simcoe
CH Sheridane's Play Girl
Sheridane's Prince of Kelsale
Sheridane's Sherry
Am CH Sheridane's Sherrie