River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Singerdane's Alina V Liebchen
WB166298; Fawn
COI: 14.29%
Am CH Waco's Peco's Pete
WA383338; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco

(M) 06/18/1961
WA181677; Brindle
Am CH Rori of Noblebrook
W931047; Fawn
Am CH Honey Hollow Great Dion

(M) 02/21/1956
W690303; Fawn
Gregory of Kent
W353740; Brindle
Am CH Duysters' Lord Jim
Am CH Diana of Kent
Honey Hollow Peela v Deilen
; Fawn
Heideres Alexander The Great
Honey Hollow Astrid Girl
Am CH Greena of Jutland
W446568; Fawn
Am CH Sunningdane Heidere
(M) 10/01/1950
W160878; Fawn
Duke of Awosting
Blondie of Sunningdane
Raussdane's V Vander Vang
W301377; Fawn
Am CH Nandane's Gypsy of Way Mar

(F) 03/01/1959
WA000732; Brindle
Am CH Dana's Jody of San-Sue CD

(M) 09/21/1957
W858554; Brindle
Am CH Lancer of Cheramy
(M) 05/05/1950
W232738; Fawn
Duke of Lumberwiec
Greta of Cheramy
Dana of San-sue CDX
Terry of Stone Hedge
Copper Dawn of Nedenjer Hill
W718285; Fawn
Am CH Tarzan of Stonehedge CD
Am CH Fury
Am CH Tinka of Stone Hedge
Am CH Sorceress of Stone Hedge
Am CH Otto's Sun Tan
Siren of Stone Hedge
; Fawn
Tri Deltas Gold
Am CH Stuart's Charlie My Boy
W778003; Fawn
Peterson's Tee-Vee
; Brindle
Princess of Lockport
Marlottas Lady Liebe
; Black
Am CH Lillian's Mr President
(M) 02/22/1953
W440355; Fawn
Am CH Beau's Vandal
Peterson's Neon
Lady Winchester
Kalmar's Duchess of Alsark
Am CH Kalmar's Thunder
W412049; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Ajax
(M) 03/19/1948
W130997; Fawn
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
Cathy of Danecroft
Kalmar's Dixie Princess
W173462; Fawn
Am CH Xerxes of Twin Cedars
Genova of Kalmar
Am CH Kalmar's Cover Girl
(F) 09/25/1953
W493988; Brindle
Am CH Blackwell's Country Squire
(M) 05/24/1951
W307531; Fawn
CH Waleshires Golden Boy
Kalmar's Princess Tinoco
Kalmar's Deaconess
W346056; Fawn
Am CH Deacon Of Marydane
Kalmar's Duchess Trina
Am CH Carla's Liebchen v Deedane
WA659158; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco

(M) 06/18/1961
WA181677; Brindle
Am CH Rori of Noblebrook
W931047; Fawn
Am CH Honey Hollow Great Dion

(M) 02/21/1956
W690303; Fawn
Gregory of Kent
W353740; Brindle
Am CH Duysters' Lord Jim
Am CH Diana of Kent
Honey Hollow Peela v Deilen
; Fawn
Heideres Alexander The Great
Honey Hollow Astrid Girl
Am CH Greena of Jutland
W446568; Fawn
Am CH Sunningdane Heidere
(M) 10/01/1950
W160878; Fawn
Duke of Awosting
Blondie of Sunningdane
Raussdane's V Vander Vang
W301377; Fawn
Am CH Nandane's Gypsy of Way Mar

(F) 03/01/1959
WA000732; Brindle
Am CH Dana's Jody of San-Sue CD

(M) 09/21/1957
W858554; Brindle
Am CH Lancer of Cheramy
(M) 05/05/1950
W232738; Fawn
Duke of Lumberwiec
Greta of Cheramy
Dana of San-sue CDX
Terry of Stone Hedge
Copper Dawn of Nedenjer Hill
W718285; Fawn
Am CH Tarzan of Stonehedge CD
Am CH Fury
Am CH Tinka of Stone Hedge
Am CH Sorceress of Stone Hedge
Am CH Otto's Sun Tan
Siren of Stone Hedge
Wrinkle Von Riesenhof
; Fawn
Am CH Taro Von Riesenhof

(M) 09/10/1960
WA193790; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Dinro Taboo

(M) 04/19/1958
W905069; Fawn
Am CH Lucky Adolph Of Marydane
(M) 03/29/1951
W247011; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Am CH Brenda Of Marydane
Heidere's Dinro Amber
(F) 03/30/1955
W607127; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aelric
Heidere's Mati Paris
Am CH Geordon's Golden Girl
Am CH Hansel Von Riesenhof
(M) 04/04/1956
W707514; Fawn
Prince Valient Von Riesenhof
Am CH Golden Girl Von Riesenhof
Am CH Geordons Von Riesenhof CD
W707515; Fawn
Prince Valient Von Riesenhof
Am CH Golden Girl Von Riesenhof
Dandi Deux Gordon CD
(F) 07/10/1958
W944729; Fawn
Am CH Hansel Von Riesenhof

(M) 04/04/1956
W707514; Fawn
Prince Valient Von Riesenhof
; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Am CH Raulta Von Riesenhof
Am CH Golden Girl Von Riesenhof
W410672; Fawn
Am CH Beau's Vandal
Am CH Raulta Von Riesenhof
Am CH Geordons Von Riesenhof CD
W707515; Fawn
Prince Valient Von Riesenhof
; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Am CH Raulta Von Riesenhof
Am CH Golden Girl Von Riesenhof
W410672; Fawn
Am CH Beau's Vandal
Am CH Raulta Von Riesenhof