Trial Mating
River Rock Great Danes
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Pedigree of:
Sonra's Bella Mia
; Fawn
COI: 0.15%
[Vertical Pedigree]
[Reverse Pedigree]
[External Pedigree]
Matrix Clashing Cash
(M) 07/06/2001
WR03491503; Brindle
Cramer's Matrix of Color
WP91817712; Brindle
Alvin of Riverwoods Siegfried
(M) 11/28/1993
WP52091501; Black / White
Boston Blackie IV
WP50059910; Harlequin
Vindanes Against All Odds
(M) 03/12/1988
WG136942; Harlequin
Vindanes Triumph of Apollo
Vindane's Flowerpetal
KC's Hooray for Hollywood
WG296118; Harlequin
Liqueur's Baryshnikov
Corbett's Prairie Surprise
Dollyrae of Sunny View Acres
WP33573802; Harlequin
Buster of Duacres
WG020404; Harlequin
Shane of Boon Hollow
Black Shadow of Du-Acres
WG063891; Black
J F King Quivotic Baas
Joy's Chocolate Danish
Lady Vally Girl
WP68924206; Fawn / White
El Perro Guapo
(M) 11/19/1994
WP60050007; Fawn
B J's Rambo II
(M) 12/19/1986
WG121932; Black
King's Black Diamond Borus
Susie's Sandy
Jodee's Lady Tasha
WP47007606; Black
Peg's Sir Sinbad
Peg's Lady Pandora
Big Bucks Vally Girl
(F) 04/18/1994
WP55742911; Fawn
Big Buck Bundy
(M) 11/21/1991
WP38589602; Fawn
McEmn Emily's Dickenson
Sunfire's Supreme Heiress
Dame Minnie Tolman Pedersen
WP39062003; Black / White
Lucky Seven
Da-Pin's Suzette
CP Lady Sher Khan
(F) 12/31/1998
WP89137902; Brindle
King Hunter
(M) 07/10/1997
WP79206901; Black / White
BMG's N Suspence
(M) 10/31/1994
WP59043603; Harlequin
Trigger Ebony's Shadow
(M) 05/25/1989
WG397658; Harlequin
Happy Harle's Diamond Cutter
Mitchell's Crystal Angel
Pebbles Princess Sita Boo
WP38416802; Harlequin
A O Kae's Big Chance
Country's Miss Annie
Strouds Lady Mindy
(F) 06/21/1996
WP71612904; Fawn
Jim's Rompin Stompin Bruiser
(M) 01/03/1993
WP46213701; Merle
Prince Billy Bob
Brenda's Miss Shelly West
Audrey Bleu
(F) 03/17/1994
WP54484202; Merle
Kling Klang of Klinger
Klingsmith's Baby Girl
Lacy Lady Jane
(F) 09/09/1995
WP66211902; Brindle
Darsha's Apollo
WP27231901; Merle
Al Capone IV
WG278298; Black
Verstraetes Dan Patch
Tasha Livingston
Tasha Livingston
WF931693; Harlequin
Shane of Boon Hollow
Tasha's Lacy Lady
WP48870005; Harlequin
Darsha's Zeus
WP23853701; Harlequin
Al Capone IV
Tasha Livingston
WP33155903; Black / White
Jr's McQuade
Jr's Larecia
All Mighty Sadie Doo
(F) 09/14/1999
WP93652117; Fawn
All Mighty Samson
WP57747605; Fawn
Bowser Rathbone
WP37397707; Black
C J Cracker Jack Griffith
WP34840907; Black
Highspeed The Terror
WM93439501; Fawn
Teddy The Five-O'Clock Terror
Annie Laurie Tripod
Cheetah Crickhollow Pride
WF636607; Black / White
Crickhollow Black Buxton
Samantha-Shebas Pride
Dana Lady of Lockshire
WP02411401; Black / White
Sinbad The Sailor
WF508051; Fawn
Beaver Theodore Cleaver
Naiad of Putamoxy
Cheetah Crickhollow Pride
WF636607; Black / White
Crickhollow Black Buxton
Samantha-Shebas Pride
Nutmeg and Fudge
WP44310204; Fawn
Peponi's Charlie Boy
WP31027904; Black
Peponi's Something Wicked
WG392147; Black
Harly Duke of Quinn
Patterson Creeks Sug Avery
Dinahugh's Rebell Raven
WF817429; Black
Rebell Angus
JF Sheba Baas
Demar's Susie Sunrise
WP26092402; Fawn
Gold Diggers Dream
WG130662; Brindle
Akamai's Little Bear
Buddy's Baby Doll
K D's Bronze Echo
WF868686; Fawn
C J's Black Echo
R J's Avenging Angel
Seventh Heaven
WP80525202; Brindle
Master Thor of Danes
WP70678103; Brindle
Duke of Oak's
WP44410215; Fawn
Hogan The Hulk
WG125384; Fawn
Wimpy of Featherwood
Blaylock's Delilah
Dutches Von Shadow
WG360755; Black
Duke Von Schwarzenegger
Misty Shadow Grey
Kao Sweet Dreams
WP51902602; Brindle
Awadali Harley Davidson
WP42819701; Brindle
Totally Bogey Humphrey
Mariah Dee-O-Gee Roubidouex
Golden Sunrise II
WP39345010; Fawn
Peponi's Charlie Boy
Demar's Susie Sunrise
Rajha Marie Candy B O D S
WP50870909; Fawn
Sir Foley Bo's Fawn of Dawn
WP35689003; Fawn
Skylands Bo Dashus U Krosskey
WG049747; Fawn
Shepherds James Bond
Shepherds Rember My Name
Krosskeys Princess Rhiannon
WG259174; Fawn
Skylands Bo Dashus U Krosskey
Krosskey's Maggie Magee
Harleys Little Sheba
WP38186005; Blue
Harley Davidson Usa
WG069498; Harlequin
Verstraetes Dan Patch
Stricker's Hailey's Comet
Baby Deer Fawn
WG394633; Fawn
Kermit Midnite of The Helms
Chelsea Lurhea of The Helms