River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Geojo's Galloping Gourmet
; Fawn
COI: 3.56%
Am CH Woodland Dane's Ding Dong
(M) 03/30/1971
WB816055; Fawn
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss

(M) 06/26/1968
WB254596; Fawn
Von Riesenhof The Bandit Bee

(M) 10/14/1965
WA866910; Fawn
Am CH Deacon's Fury V Geordon

(M) 05/27/1959
WA26734; Fawn
Am CH Lillard's Deacon of Vizier
(M) 08/06/1955
W627326; Fawn
Am CH Robertson's Valiant Vizier CD
W267218; Fawn
Am CH Beau's Valor
Robertson's Crusading Sue
Carliss Donna
W254095; Brindle
Am CH Gilbert's Braemar Ensign
Am CH Carliss Lady Vicky
Am CH Geordons Von Riesenhof CD
W707515; Fawn
Prince Valient Von Riesenhof
; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Am CH Raulta Von Riesenhof
Am CH Golden Girl Von Riesenhof
W410672; Fawn
Am CH Beau's Vandal
Am CH Raulta Von Riesenhof
Am CH Von Riesenhof Brandi Bee

(F) 02/04/1964
WA521823; Fawn
BISS Ch Taboo Von Riesenhof
(M) 09/10/1960
WA193789; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Dinro Taboo
(M) 04/19/1958
W905069; Fawn
Am CH Lucky Adolph Of Marydane
Heidere's Dinro Amber
Am CH Geordon's Golden Girl
Am CH Hansel Von Riesenhof
Am CH Geordons Von Riesenhof CD
Cayenne Von Riesenhof
WA053339; Fawn
Am CH Sir Marlow Von Riesenhof
(M) 09/08/1954
W556999; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Am CH Long's Gretchen Von Riesenhof
Gretel Von Riesenhof
Prince Valient Von Riesenhof
Am CH Golden Girl Von Riesenhof
Am CH Von Riesenhof Go-Josie-Go

(F) 02/16/1966
WA888525; Fawn
Killian's Prince Norris
WA348588; Fawn
Am CH Hansel Von Riesenhof
(M) 04/04/1956
W707514; Fawn
Prince Valient Von Riesenhof
; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Am CH Raulta Von Riesenhof
Am CH Golden Girl Von Riesenhof
W410672; Fawn
Am CH Beau's Vandal
Am CH Raulta Von Riesenhof
Keppen's Kelly
WA007009; Brindle
Am CH Thendara Theodoric
W818289; Fawn
Am CH Bovin's Fagan
Am CH Miss Erikke Von Riesenhof
Keppen's Kim
W978811; Brindle
Am CH Sir Marlow Von Riesenhof
Lindi-Dane's Sheila
Thendara Dolly Von Riesenhof
WA327458; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Dinro Taboo
(M) 04/19/1958
W905069; Fawn
Am CH Lucky Adolph Of Marydane
(M) 03/29/1951
W247011; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Am CH Brenda Of Marydane
Heidere's Dinro Amber
(F) 03/30/1955
W607127; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aelric
Heidere's Mati Paris
Am CH Miss Erikke Von Riesenhof
(F) 09/08/1954
W556995; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
(M) 03/19/1948
W130996; Fawn
Am CH Ajax Telemon of Brae Tarn
Cathy of Danecroft
Am CH Long's Gretchen Von Riesenhof
W410628; Fawn
Am CH Lancer of Cheramy
Am CH Doris of Kallish
Electra's Gypsy Tiger
(F) 08/19/1969
WB452207; Brindle
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco

(M) 06/18/1961
WA181677; Brindle
Am CH Rori of Noblebrook
W931047; Fawn
Am CH Honey Hollow Great Dion
(M) 02/21/1956
W690303; Fawn
Gregory of Kent
W353740; Brindle
Am CH Duysters' Lord Jim
Am CH Diana of Kent
Honey Hollow Peela v Deilen
; Fawn
Heideres Alexander The Great
Honey Hollow Astrid Girl
Am CH Greena of Jutland
W446568; Fawn
Am CH Sunningdane Heidere
(M) 10/01/1950
W160878; Fawn
Duke of Awosting
Blondie of Sunningdane
Raussdane's V Vander Vang
W301377; Fawn
Am CH Nandane's Gypsy of Way Mar

(F) 03/01/1959
WA000732; Brindle
Am CH Dana's Jody of San-Sue CD
(M) 09/21/1957
W858554; Brindle
Am CH Lancer of Cheramy
(M) 05/05/1950
W232738; Fawn
Duke of Lumberwiec
Greta of Cheramy
Dana of San-sue CDX
Terry of Stone Hedge
Copper Dawn of Nedenjer Hill
W718285; Fawn
Am CH Tarzan of Stonehedge CD
Am CH Fury
Am CH Tinka of Stone Hedge
Am CH Sorceress of Stone Hedge
Am CH Otto's Sun Tan
Siren of Stone Hedge
Keefe's Countess Electra
WA964005; Fawn
BIS BISS Am Ch Big Kim of Bella-Dane

(M) 02/15/1965
WA441041; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco
(M) 06/18/1961
WA181677; Brindle
Am CH Rori of Noblebrook
W931047; Fawn
Am CH Honey Hollow Great Dion
Am CH Greena of Jutland
Am CH Nandane's Gypsy of Way Mar
(F) 03/01/1959
WA000732; Brindle
Am CH Dana's Jody of San-Sue CD
Copper Dawn of Nedenjer Hill
Stars and Stripes of Kalidane
WA105315; Brindle
Akbar aus dem Hause Fend CD
(M) 03/19/1958
53551/W925601; Brindle
Dux von Düsseldorf
Hera V Kochertal
Kismet of Kalidane
; Fawn
Kali of Sheppardane
Am CH Lady Susan of von der Ahe CD
WA504339; Fawn
Duke of von der Ahe
WA023986; Fawn
Lady Jill of Brotherton Lane
(F) 05/04/1967
WA311472; Fawn
Geojo's Cool-A-Roo-N-Stripes
; Brindle
Am CH Tallbrook's Salute

(M) 10/02/1969
WB798650; Brindle
Condor of Tallbrook Farms
WB215804; Brindle
Am CH Greenwood's Zip Of Mountdania

(M) 01/16/1963
WA324649; Brindle
Am BIS Ch Gretchen's Khan of Mountdania
(M) 12/25/1960
WA141280; Brindle
Am CH Mountdania's Yancy
(M) 02/11/1959
W968599; Brindle
Am CH Paethan of Mountdania
Mountdania's Mimi
W911384; Fawn
Mountdania's Rajah
Gertie of Riverside
Mountdania's Cherri Coke
(F) 01/01/1960
WA75233; Fawn
Am CH Paethan of Mountdania
(M) 09/09/1954
W556632; Fawn
Rili's Pollux
Mountdania's Karen
; Brindle
Am CH Chasnell Moro V Ralmar
Glad Eartha of Mountdania
Am & Mex Ch Amber of Tallbrook Farms
WA628988; Fawn
Am CH Sham's Sacerdotes
(M) 12/12/1962
WA352789; Brindle
Am CH Treseder's Siegfried of Imes
(M) 02/27/1961
WA238585; Brindle
Am CH Temple Dell's Prince Igor
Kay Rio's Sariah
(F) 11/11/1960
; Fawn
Am CH Sugar Dane's Gambler
Royal Wan's Sugar
Am CH Thendara Henriette Keppen
(F) 05/14/1961
WA204090; Fawn
Thendara Kurt
; Fawn
Am CH Chasnell Sheik of Highfield
Am CH Miss Erikke Von Riesenhof
Keppen's Kati
; Fawn
Am CH Thendara Theodoric
Keppen's Kim
Lark of Tallbrook Farms
WA800293; Brindle
Am CH Sham's Sacerdotes

(M) 12/12/1962
WA352789; Brindle
Am CH Treseder's Siegfried of Imes
(M) 02/27/1961
WA238585; Brindle
Am CH Temple Dell's Prince Igor
(M) 01/17/1960
WA75013; Brindle
Am & Mex Ch Honey Hollow That's Jim Again
Honey Hollow Ampa Joli
Kay Rio's Sariah
WA094980; Fawn
Am & Mex Ch Honey Hollow That's Jim Again
Kay Rio's Paragon of Norvid
(F) 11/11/1960
; Fawn
Am CH Sugar Dane's Gambler
W908623; Fawn
Am CH Anadane's Idol
Kay Rio's Miss Sugar Candy
Royal Wan's Sugar
; Fawn
Rock 'n Roll of Guilerdane
Duchess Delmonte Blunk
Kick Ereno Of Marydane
; Fawn
BIS Am Ch Heidere's Devil-D Of Marydane
(M) 05/18/1957
W820480; Fawn
Am CH Lucky Adolph Of Marydane
(M) 03/29/1951
W247011; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Aslan
Am CH Brenda Of Marydane
Am CH Heidere's Turka of Carlsdane
W585185; Fawn
Dinro's Last Mohegan
Heidere's Thundera
Gilrose Honey Gal Of Marydane
Am CH Nip And Tuck Of Marydane
(M) 12/22/1959
WA58768; Fawn
BIS Am Ch Heidere's Devil-D Of Marydane
Am CH Zita Of Marydane
Am CH Honey Bun Of Marydane
(F) 05/06/1958
W896171; Brindle
Danewehe's Deacon
Am CH Clephadale Audrowena
Geojo's Voo Doo Debutante
(F) 09/16/1970
Am CH Gustidane's Comanchee
(M) 04/25/1969
WB335212; Fawn
Am CH Overcup's Jason Sacerdotes

(M) 06/22/1964
WA505182; Fawn
Am CH Sham's Sacerdotes
(M) 12/12/1962
WA352789; Brindle
Am CH Treseder's Siegfried of Imes
(M) 02/27/1961
WA238585; Brindle
Am CH Temple Dell's Prince Igor
Kay Rio's Sariah
(F) 11/11/1960
; Fawn
Am CH Sugar Dane's Gambler
Royal Wan's Sugar
Am CH Thendara Henriette Keppen
(F) 05/14/1961
WA204090; Fawn
Thendara Kurt
; Fawn
Am CH Chasnell Sheik of Highfield
Am CH Miss Erikke Von Riesenhof
Keppen's Kati
; Fawn
Am CH Thendara Theodoric
Keppen's Kim
Anadane's Wai-Ward Wind
Anadane's Win-Jammer
(M) 03/10/1961
WA195595; Fawn
Anadane's Valor of Valen-K
Am CH Anadane's Idol
Am CH Valentina
Kay Rio's Miss Chief
Am CH Kay Rio's Pan
Inafata of Taneric
Anadane's Naomi
Daneheim Riverwood Jager
Fairdane's Eclat
Schatzi von Daneheim
Anadane's Memory
; Fawn
Am CH Anadane's Idol
Kay Rio's Miss Chief
Anadane's Sonata
WB312955; Fawn
Am CH Overcup's Jason Sacerdotes

(M) 06/22/1964
WA505182; Fawn
Am CH Sham's Sacerdotes
(M) 12/12/1962
WA352789; Brindle
Am CH Treseder's Siegfried of Imes
(M) 02/27/1961
WA238585; Brindle
Am CH Temple Dell's Prince Igor
Kay Rio's Sariah
(F) 11/11/1960
; Fawn
Am CH Sugar Dane's Gambler
Royal Wan's Sugar
Am CH Thendara Henriette Keppen
(F) 05/14/1961
WA204090; Fawn
Thendara Kurt
; Fawn
Am CH Chasnell Sheik of Highfield
Am CH Miss Erikke Von Riesenhof
Keppen's Kati
; Fawn
Am CH Thendara Theodoric
Keppen's Kim
Anadane's Win-Song
Anadane's Win-Jammer
(M) 03/10/1961
WA195595; Fawn
Anadane's Valor of Valen-K
Am CH Anadane's Idol
Am CH Valentina
Kay Rio's Miss Chief
Am CH Kay Rio's Pan
Inafata of Taneric
Anadane's Naomi
Daneheim Riverwood Jager
Fairdane's Eclat
Schatzi von Daneheim
Anadane's Memory
; Fawn
Am CH Anadane's Idol
Kay Rio's Miss Chief