Trial Mating
River Rock Great Danes
[Printable Version]
[Printable W/O Images]
Pedigree of:
Reblue Gift from the Heart
(F) 06/12/2008
COI: 0.86%
[Vertical Pedigree]
[Reverse Pedigree]
[External Pedigree]
Mulgadane Knight Rider
(M) 07/23/2004
2100191573; Black
Mulgadane Lord Omtview
(M) 11/17/2001
2100127930; Black
Aust Ch
Thunderfire Apolosceaser
(M) 04/22/2000
3100060348; Blue
Thunderfire Big Rock Bluestn
(M) 08/04/1997
WP77832402; Blue
Lord Jon's Pal of Bluestone
(M) 02/28/1991
WP34204706; Blue
Kali's Blue Print V Mako
(M) 08/26/1983
WF448618; Blue
Makos' Winfall Vindicator
Dyana Von Rothels Hugel
Bluestone Art of Zen
(F) 07/30/1987
WG434504; Blue
Manhattans Top Secret
Chase Manhattan Visa
Bluestone's Dark Secret
(F) 03/20/1995
WP62047301; Black
Alishi Vicson Twist of Fate
(M) 04/05/1990
WP28536603; Brindle
Von Graff's Fletcher Magoo
Vicsons Aubry Rose
Kali's Blue Jasmine
(F) 11/16/1991
WP38289903; Blue
Kali's Jumping Jack Flash
Kali's Blue Magic Marker
Mardhia Spirit of Apollo
(F) 10/25/1996
(N)1645262; Blue
Aust Ch
Endroma Mister Blotto
(M) 09/07/1990
Q5614805; Blue
Endroma the Professor
(M) 07/16/1988
N4773304N03; Blue
Herve-Vidocq De Proci
Endroma Sapphire Blue
Endroma Sapphire Blue
(F) 08/09/1983
2834BT; Blue
Tenor de la Templerie de Gourdole
Endroma Black Sabbath
Polbrooke Lucy in the Sky
(F) 01/10/1992
(V)1255276; Blue
Aust Ch
Airlieblue Shadesof Apolo
(M) 05/13/1989
(V)1053170; Blue
Bardane Blue Print
Bukadane Fiona
Danesworth Arc fire
(V)1130062; Blue
Tamogen Midnite Oil
Airlieblue Empire Rose
Mulgadane Lady Tiara
(F) 10/11/1999
2100071778; Harlequin
Dowen Bloo Sunshine
(M) 06/19/1997
(N)1609332; Harlequin
Hildydane Clarence King
(M) 01/05/1995
(N)1500407; Black
Darwin Von Björndal
(M) 04/12/1989
D93988; Harlequin
Gmy Ch
Caballero vom Saphir
Int, Ndl & Lux Ch
Perlane von Björndal
Hildydane Black Princess
(F) 09/07/1991
(N)1241592; Black
Questagel Lord Voz
Hildydane Ozora
Garnadane Taitana
(F) 06/08/1992
(N)1291211; Merle
Garnadane Lord Lucan
(M) 08/18/1987
(N)943459; Blue
Zauberhaft Ben El Eick
Volksberg Sneuvlok
Susandane Two
(F) 09/13/1989
(N)1106538; Harlequin
Aust Ch
Hildydane Titan King
Adalmar Arvida
Aust Ch
Quindaro Arielle
(F) 01/21/1997
5100000103; Black
Listerdane Misty Boy
1304327; Harlequin
Louking Sebastian Lad
(Q)963381; Harlequin
Wanderdane Max
Banachek Fleur
Arklord Lady Winsome
Arklord Sir Kent
Aust Ch
Arklord Lady Alexandra
Hollyquin Bold Becky
(V)1183034; Mantle
BISS Aust Ch
Arndane Double Exposure
(M) 09/10/1992
(N)1310795; Harlequin
Aust GCh
Warpaint A Bit O'Gossip
Aust Ch
Arndane Avanti
Harliwa Holly Humbug
(V)1183034; Harlequin
Darwin Von Björndal
Harliwa Cuvee
Archance Belle Celeste
5100027049; Blue
Thunderfire Rockafella
; Blue
Thunderfire Big Rock Bluestn
(M) 08/04/1997
WP77832402; Blue
Lord Jon's Pal of Bluestone
(M) 02/28/1991
WP34204706; Blue
Kali's Blue Print V Mako
(M) 08/26/1983
WF448618; Blue
Makos' Winfall Vindicator
Dyana Von Rothels Hugel
Bluestone Art of Zen
(F) 07/30/1987
WG434504; Blue
Manhattans Top Secret
Chase Manhattan Visa
Bluestone's Dark Secret
(F) 03/20/1995
WP62047301; Black
Alishi Vicson Twist of Fate
(M) 04/05/1990
WP28536603; Brindle
Von Graff's Fletcher Magoo
Vicsons Aubry Rose
Kali's Blue Jasmine
(F) 11/16/1991
WP38289903; Blue
Kali's Jumping Jack Flash
Kali's Blue Magic Marker
Thunderfire Atlanta
(F) 07/08/1996
(V)1631575; Blue
Thunderfire State of The Art
(M) 05/05/1994
V1442010; Blue
Aust Ch
Airlieblue Shadesof Apolo
(M) 05/13/1989
(V)1053170; Blue
Bardane Blue Print
Bukadane Fiona
Boarhunters Klaudia
(F) 03/10/1991
S28016/91; Blue
Boarhunters Dynamite
Gitte vom Backhaus
Thunderfire Mistovavaln
(44 AU)
Stockline Champ
(W)1267569; Blue
Boarhunters Jumping Jack Flash
(37 AT)
Stockline Amazon Beauty
Thunderfire Exocette
(F) 01/16/1991
(V)1183128; Blue
Aust Ch
Airlieblue Shadesof Apolo
Aust Ch
Culurdane Centenary
Thunderfire Royal Flush
(F) 09/30/1997
3100014072; Blue
Boarhunters Nordman
(M) 03/09/1996
S26361/96; Blue
Nord Ch
Sirblu Jamie of Blubak
(M) 08/27/1993
WP50270102 / DK05458/94; Blue
Am & Mex Ch
Sajcs SGT Will B Blu V Rocon
(M) 11/11/1987
WG065209; Blue
Am, Can & Mex Ch
Willowruns Blu Max V Bell's
Am & Mex Ch
Taresas Final Conquest
Sirblu Coleridge Carol LMBRD
(F) 11/04/1989
WG468863; Blue
Haltmeier Uno's American Made
Pacific's Garbo V Coleridge
Boarhunters Lucky Lucy
(F) 02/05/1992
S20608/92; Blue
Boarhunters Ivanhoe
(M) 08/31/1989
S54248/89; Black
Boarhunters Atlas
Gitte vom Backhaus
Nor & Swd Ch
Boarhunters Farrah
(F) 10/26/1987
S58826/87; Blue
Wlwruns Katrat of Schlehheck
Grande Negros Claudia
Thunderfire Dream Com True
(F) 08/12/1995
(V)1548741; Fawn
Alquist Lone Star Eagle
(M) 09/12/1993
10872-1993; Fawn
Vonriesenhof Valantino
WG239415; Fawn
Mecca Dane Polo Von Riesenhof
Vonriesenhof Miss V Aurahill
Alquist Asti Avant-garde
(F) 05/21/1990
06124-1990; Brindle
Alquist Virtuosso
Alquist Sharina Jade
Thunderfire Exocette
(F) 01/16/1991
(V)1183128; Blue
Aust Ch
Airlieblue Shadesof Apolo
(M) 05/13/1989
(V)1053170; Blue
Bardane Blue Print
Bukadane Fiona
Aust Ch
Culurdane Centenary
(F) 06/22/1988
(S)197624; Blue
Tamogen Midnite Oil
Bardane Blue Mist
Hidalgo Blue Fire Lady
(F) 11/03/2006
2100240512; Blue
Vandown Duke Thor
(M) 12/30/2002
2100163280; Blue
Vanmore Adventurer
(M) 04/07/1996
W1881801W02; Blue
Foaldown Sequest
(M) 11/09/1994
SB2046CG; Blue
Daliam Starlight Express for Panchito
S1392206S02; Blue
Eng Ch
Eleeta Stays Lucky
(M) 11/10/1990
5141CA; Black
Eng Ch
Nightsgift Phineas Fogg
Eng Ch
Eleeta Rag Dolly Anna
Daliam Moon Crystal
(F) 09/23/1987
; Blue
Binoca Moonlighting at Primus
Devarro Crystal Clear at Daliam
Foaldown Fly by Night
(F) 03/01/1992
S1392206S02; Blue
Woodelrond Argonaut
(M) 04/18/1987
; Blue
Windyridge Mr Benjamin
Masnou Zimanda
Vanmore Ivy of Foaldown
; Blue
Endroma French Connection
Vanmore Madison Girl
Vanmore Yet Another Secret
; Black
Berevale Wilhelm
(M) 08/05/1988
1864BZ; Blue
Berevale Perseus
(M) 08/25/1984
; Black
Wharflake Donovan
Ebony of Warwick at Berevale
Endorma miss Cotterill at Berevale
; Black
Enrico vom Drawehner Wald of Asoud
Endroma Sapphire Blue
Vanmore Madison Girl
(F) 08/15/1986
5398504L03; Blue
Enrico vom Drawehner Wald of Asoud
K0095649; Black
Frn Ch
Surcouf du Val de l'Amitie
Gmy & Nld Ch
Agate von der Heidiblute
Foaldown Fanfare
(F) 12/05/1981
471902G04; Blue
Bringtonhill Willoughby
Kalamoun Lighting
Foaldown Double Dee
(F) 12/16/1996
X0762804X01; Blue
Daliam Starlight Express for Panchito
S1392206S02; Blue
Eng Ch
Eleeta Stays Lucky
(M) 11/10/1990
5141CA; Black
Eng Ch
Nightsgift Phineas Fogg
(M) 02/21/1985
3678BW; Blue
Ipi Tombi of Nightsgift
Impton Celebers at Nightsgift
Eng Ch
Eleeta Rag Dolly Anna
(F) 02/15/1987
1839BX; Fawn
Devarro Ryan The Govenor
Eloquence of Eleeta
Daliam Moon Crystal
(F) 09/23/1987
; Blue
Binoca Moonlighting at Primus
(M) 02/27/1981
; Blue
Chenoir Crusader of Ventek
Binoca Blue Phantom
Devarro Crystal Clear at Daliam
(F) 05/17/1985
; Fawn
Devarro Direct Descendant
Devarro Dristig Winsome
Foaldown Fly by Night
(F) 03/01/1992
S1392206S02; Blue
Woodelrond Argonaut
(M) 04/18/1987
; Blue
Windyridge Mr Benjamin
(M) 04/15/1984
; Black
Gaylord v. t. Buitengebeuren of Impton
Selena The Dazzler
Masnou Zimanda
; Blue
Masnou Isoocha
Masnou Za Za
Vanmore Ivy of Foaldown
; Blue
Endroma French Connection
; Blue
Tenor de la Templerie de Gourdole
Endroma Black Sabbath
Vanmore Madison Girl
(F) 08/15/1986
5398504L03; Blue
Enrico vom Drawehner Wald of Asoud
Foaldown Fanfare
Anglu Lady Portia
(F) 06/17/2004
2100190063; Blue
Vandown Lord Odin
(M) 06/01/1999
2100064490; Blue
Vanmore Adventurer
(M) 04/07/1996
W1881801W02; Blue
Foaldown Sequest
(M) 11/09/1994
SB2046CG; Blue
Daliam Starlight Express for Panchito
S1392206S02; Blue
Eng Ch
Eleeta Stays Lucky
Daliam Moon Crystal
Foaldown Fly by Night
(F) 03/01/1992
S1392206S02; Blue
Woodelrond Argonaut
Vanmore Ivy of Foaldown
Vanmore Yet Another Secret
; Black
Berevale Wilhelm
(M) 08/05/1988
1864BZ; Blue
Berevale Perseus
Endorma miss Cotterill at Berevale
Vanmore Madison Girl
(F) 08/15/1986
5398504L03; Blue
Enrico vom Drawehner Wald of Asoud
Foaldown Fanfare
Foaldown Double Dee
(F) 12/16/1996
X0762804X01; Blue
Daliam Starlight Express for Panchito
S1392206S02; Blue
Eng Ch
Eleeta Stays Lucky
(M) 11/10/1990
5141CA; Black
Eng Ch
Nightsgift Phineas Fogg
Eng Ch
Eleeta Rag Dolly Anna
Daliam Moon Crystal
(F) 09/23/1987
; Blue
Binoca Moonlighting at Primus
Devarro Crystal Clear at Daliam
Foaldown Fly by Night
(F) 03/01/1992
S1392206S02; Blue
Woodelrond Argonaut
(M) 04/18/1987
; Blue
Windyridge Mr Benjamin
Masnou Zimanda
Vanmore Ivy of Foaldown
; Blue
Endroma French Connection
Vanmore Madison Girl
Volksberg Tequila
2100083994; Blue
Hildydane King Neptune
(M) 08/12/1997
2100012846; Blue
Aust Ch
Hildydane Mister Blue
(M) 07/26/1993
(N)1379172; Blue
Aust Ch
Endroma Mister Blotto
(M) 09/07/1990
Q5614805; Blue
Endroma the Professor
Endroma Sapphire Blue
Hildydane Klassy Lady
(F) 11/19/1989
(N)1098355; Blue
Garnadane Lord Lucan
Hanselmann Heidis Mist
Hildydane Madame Maxine
(F) 08/10/1995
(N)1546628; Black
Magnus Imperial
(M) 03/22/1992
505995/01; Harlequin
El-Cid Grand Elegance
Orchidee Imperial
Hildydane Black Princess
(F) 09/07/1991
(N)1241592; Black
Questagel Lord Voz
Hildydane Ozora
Hanselmann Blue Karyba
(F) 04/12/1998
2100038678; Blue
Hanselmann Von Warlock
(N)1433237; Black
Unicornpark Monty
(M) 10/31/1985
N841417; Black
Aust Ch
Oby des Terres de la Rairie
Banachek Blue Lady
Hanselmann Blue Belinda
(N)1259686; Blue
Hanselmann Sidney
Hanselmann Woongarra
Hanselmann Blue Belinda
(N)1259686; Blue
Hanselmann Sidney
(N)1051223; Black
Hanselmann New Orleans
Hanselmann Alabama
Hanselmann Woongarra
(N)619165; Blue Harlequin
Aust Ch
Wildsprings Yankee Boy
Hanselmann The Jester