River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Stella of Bellote
(F) 08/20/1967
COI: 15.55%
Bonami of Blendon
(M) 06/12/1963
Brett of Blendon
(M) 09/13/1947
; Fawn
Fingard's King of Kings of Blendon
; Fawn
Fingard's Joe Louis
179001; Fawn
Can Ch King of Roxdane
171332; Fawn
Scheutze's King
; Fawn
Am CH Steinbacher's King
Rino von Bremen
Freia of Roxdane
Am CH Duke of Roxdane
Christa of Roxdane
Allure of Garfield 2nd
; Fawn
Ace of Lyn-Dee
; Fawn
Am CH Czardas v Eppleinsprung Noris
CH Rhona of Kittyglade
Princess Trilby of Kindon
; Fawn
CH Nalty's Max
Fauna V Graf Dane
Fingard's Venus
; Fawn
Can Ch King of Roxdane
171332; Fawn
Scheutze's King
; Fawn
Am CH Steinbacher's King
Rino von Bremen
Freia of Roxdane
Am CH Duke of Roxdane
Christa of Roxdane
Eng Ch Wischers Duley
; Black
Am & Can Ch Muldoon
; Brindle
Am CH Randolph Hexengold
Am CH Allure of Brae Tarn
Bella Von Venus
; Fawn
Gunar Adell
Bella Von Venus By Odin
Juno of Winome
(F) 06/24/1944
; Fawn
Bafflino of Blendon
; Fawn
Eng Ch Baffler of Blendon
(M) 08/24/1936
705UU; Brindle
Eng Ch Benvolio of Blendon
1907PP; Brindle
Bravado of Blendon
Eng Ch Bedina of Blendon
Marita of Easterford
; Fawn
Regis Repeat
Mida of Easterford
Bendina of Blendon
1082TT; Fawn
Eng Ch Benvolio of Blendon
1907PP; Brindle
Bravado of Blendon
Eng Ch Bedina of Blendon
Brilliance of Bledon
Eng Ch Ruffler of Ouborough
Ulana of Send
Brindle Lady of Winome
; Brindle
Tantalus of Send
(M) 02/21/1929
420LL; Brindle
Eglon of Send
(M) 03/16/1927
Egon v Falkenhorst of Send
UK Ch Hedwigs Sonia of Send
UK Ch Lucie of Axwell
(F) 04/08/1926
0507HH; Brindle
Eng Ch Rufflyn Regan
Loofah of Axwell
Lankfield Lady
Prince Boris
Lady of Helen
Eng Ch Bonifleur of Blendon
(F) 08/05/1957
; Fawn
Bonifino of Blendon
(M) 05/09/1955
; Fawn
Eng Ch Boniface of Blendon
(M) 06/01/1951
43842/56; Fawn
Eng Ch Bonhomie of Blendon
(M) 12/12/1949
; Brindle
Bonheur of Blendon
170AF; Brindle
Irish Ch Hyawatha of Ladymeade
Avia of Rollight
Jhelum of Winome
(F) 09/13/1947
; Fawn
Fingard's King of Kings of Blendon
Juno of Winome
Eng Ch Berynthia of Blendon
(F) 03/17/1948
; Fawn
Fingard's King of Kings of Blendon
; Fawn
Fingard's Joe Louis
Fingard's Venus
Baffette of Blendon
Dominic of Ladymeade
Juno of Littleover
Princess of Tala
Bronfleur of Blendon
; Fawn
Eng Ch Bronx of Blendon
(M) 07/21/1948
; Fawn
Brandy of Blendon
Bafflino of Blendon
; Fawn
Eng Ch Baffler of Blendon
Bendina of Blendon
Begonia of Blendon
Deborah of Blundell
Blendon Ysanne of Send
; Fawn
My Honeysuckle of Bellote
(F) 10/30/1965
Bon-Ami of Blendon
(M) 06/12/1963
Brett of Blendon
(M) 09/13/1947
; Fawn
Fingard's King of Kings of Blendon
; Fawn
Fingard's Joe Louis
179001; Fawn
Can Ch King of Roxdane
171332; Fawn
Scheutze's King
Freia of Roxdane
Allure of Garfield 2nd
; Fawn
Ace of Lyn-Dee
Princess Trilby of Kindon
Fingard's Venus
; Fawn
Can Ch King of Roxdane
171332; Fawn
Scheutze's King
Freia of Roxdane
Eng Ch Wischers Duley
; Black
Am & Can Ch Muldoon
Bella Von Venus
Juno of Winome
(F) 06/24/1944
; Fawn
Bafflino of Blendon
; Fawn
Eng Ch Baffler of Blendon
(M) 08/24/1936
705UU; Brindle
Eng Ch Benvolio of Blendon
Marita of Easterford
Bendina of Blendon
1082TT; Fawn
Eng Ch Benvolio of Blendon
Brilliance of Bledon
Brindle Lady of Winome
; Brindle
Tantalus of Send
(M) 02/21/1929
420LL; Brindle
Eglon of Send
UK Ch Lucie of Axwell
Lankfield Lady
Prince Boris
Lady of Helen
Eng Ch Bonifleur of Blendon
(F) 08/05/1957
; Fawn
Bonifino of Blendon
(M) 05/09/1955
; Fawn
Eng Ch Boniface of Blendon
(M) 06/01/1951
43842/56; Fawn
Eng Ch Bonhomie of Blendon
(M) 12/12/1949
; Brindle
Bonheur of Blendon
Jhelum of Winome
Eng Ch Berynthia of Blendon
(F) 03/17/1948
; Fawn
Fingard's King of Kings of Blendon
Baffette of Blendon
Princess of Tala
Bronfleur of Blendon
; Fawn
Eng Ch Bronx of Blendon
(M) 07/21/1948
; Fawn
Brandy of Blendon
Bafflino of Blendon
Begonia of Blendon
Deborah of Blundell
Blendon Ysanne of Send
; Fawn
My Touch of Honey
(F) 01/27/1965
Muller of Merrowlea
(M) 02/21/1961
UK Ch Sabre of Horsebridge
(M) 01/20/1957
; Fawn
Bruce of Ridgedaine
BIS Eng Ch Elch Edler of Ouborough
(M) 04/26/1951
67AK; Fawn
Kalandus of Ouborough
Eng Ch Raet of Ouborough
Rux of Ouborough
(F) 03/25/1950
Eng Ch Royalism of Ouborough
Marie of Ouborough
Eng Ch Sapphire of Horsebridge
(F) 07/10/1953
BIS Eng Ch Elch Edler of Ouborough
(M) 04/26/1951
67AK; Fawn
Kalandus of Ouborough
Eng Ch Raet of Ouborough
Bafflora of Blendon
Musical Lyric of Merrowlea
Martiner of Merrowlea
; Brindle
Merrowlea Betrothed of Bringtonhill
(F) 12/04/1955
; Fawn
Eng Ch Benign of Blendon
(M) 04/14/1954
; Brindle
Eng Ch Bronx of Blendon
Bethanie of Blendon
Shadow of Bringtonhill
; Fawn
Eng Ch Basra of Bringtonhill
UK Ch Mellory of Merrowlea
(F) 10/03/1961
Eng Ch Malloy of Merrowlea
(M) 12/12/1959
; Fawn
My Choice of Merrowlea
(M) 08/04/1958
Martinet of Merrowlea
Eng Ch Bonhomie of Blendon
Bryony of Blendon
Merrowlea Betrothed of Bringtonhill
(F) 12/04/1955
; Fawn
Eng Ch Benign of Blendon
Shadow of Bringtonhill
Marilon of Merrowlea
Martinet of Merrowlea
Eng Ch Bonhomie of Blendon
Bryony of Blendon
Merrowlea Tambra of Moonsfield
My Delight of Merrowlea
(F) 02/15/1960
UK Ch Sabre of Horsebridge
(M) 01/20/1957
; Fawn
Bruce of Ridgedaine
BIS Eng Ch Elch Edler of Ouborough
Rux of Ouborough
Eng Ch Sapphire of Horsebridge
(F) 07/10/1953
BIS Eng Ch Elch Edler of Ouborough
Bafflora of Blendon
Merrowlea Betrothed of Bringtonhill
(F) 12/04/1955
; Fawn
Eng Ch Benign of Blendon
(M) 04/14/1954
; Brindle
Eng Ch Bronx of Blendon
Bethanie of Blendon
Shadow of Bringtonhill
; Fawn
Eng Ch Basra of Bringtonhill