NZ Ch Monteral Back In Black
(M) 02/22/1993 04723-1993; Black COI=2.20%
Valleydane Son of Floyd
(M) 02589-1988; Black COI=0.52%
Hi Villes Floyd
(M) ; Fawn
NZ Ch Adcote Kimber of Sherain
(M) 08/14/1978 C624031D1; Fawn
Lincoln's Winstead Von Raseac
(M) WD311725 / C92216C10; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseac's Tybo O'Lorcain
(M) 06/03/1974 WC864629; Fawn
Am CH Sunridge's Chief Justice
(M) 11/08/1971 WC111166; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Troy's Wendy of Hearth Hill
Am, Mex & Can Ch Von Raseac's Quintessence
(F) 06/13/1970 WB655639; Fawn
Am CH Great Caesar's Ghost Von Raseac
Cameo's Lilabet of Jason
Am & Can Ch Von Raseac's Quite a Gal
(F) 06/13/1970 WB733088; Fawn
Am CH Great Caesar's Ghost Von Raseac
(M) 02/18/1968 WB119156; Fawn
Am CH Dana's Zeus of Quindane
Am CH Caesar's Lorelei Von Overcup
Cameo's Lilabet of Jason
(F) WB249111; Fawn
Am CH Overcup's Jason Sacerdotes
Bodon's Cameo Girl von Fury
Walkmyll Dakota
(F) 107356/74; Fawn
Eng Ch Walkmyll Storm
(M) 11/05/1972 1653BI; Fawn
Eng Ch Walkmyll Kaster of Clausentum
(M) 06/20/1969 107930/71; Fawn
Eng Ch Fergus of Clausentum
Jennifer of Clausentum
Eng Ch Lotus of Walkmyll
(F) 02/18/1969 ; Fawn
Eng Ch Bencaross Beau Brummel
Parabar Meriel
Tamarisk of Walkmyll
(F) 83445/71; Fawn
Eng Ch Bencaross Beau Brummel
(M) 01/03/1966 ; Fawn
Eng Ch Oldmanor Pioneer of Daneii
Eng Ch Try Again of Moonsfield
Parabar Cleopatra of Walkmyll
(F) 10/22/1965 1830BA;
Eng Ch Moyalism of Oldmanor
Eng Ch Walkmyll Moonyean of Edzell
Sherain Shashkah
(F) E132803E7; Fawn
Lincoln's Winstead Von Raseac
(M) WD311725 / C92216C10; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseac's Tybo O'Lorcain
(M) 06/03/1974 WC864629; Fawn
Am CH Sunridge's Chief Justice
(M) 11/08/1971 WC111166; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Troy's Wendy of Hearth Hill
Am, Mex & Can Ch Von Raseac's Quintessence
(F) 06/13/1970 WB655639; Fawn
Am CH Great Caesar's Ghost Von Raseac
Cameo's Lilabet of Jason
Am & Can Ch Von Raseac's Quite a Gal
(F) 06/13/1970 WB733088; Fawn
Am CH Great Caesar's Ghost Von Raseac
(M) 02/18/1968 WB119156; Fawn
Am CH Dana's Zeus of Quindane
Am CH Caesar's Lorelei Von Overcup
Cameo's Lilabet of Jason
(F) WB249111; Fawn
Am CH Overcup's Jason Sacerdotes
Bodon's Cameo Girl von Fury
Sherain Alladin van de Wilgenakker
(F) D93098D12; Brindle
Lars-Karel von der Burg Wilhelmstein
(M) 04/22/1976 VDH/DDC 72331; Fawn
Gijs van Geertruijdenberge
(M) NHSB 526794;
Int Ch Bart van Marienwaard
Rehlein vom Brackvenn
Ilka V D Burg Wilhelmstein
(F) 03/26/1973 VDH/DDC 65231; Brindle
Donar von der Burg Wilhelmstein
Toska V D Stadt Hamburg
Roxane van Haus van Steraldted
(F) 813746; Fawn
Int Ch Qalif von Harlekin
(M) 12/29/1973 VDH/DDC 66544; Brindle
Int & Nld Ch Opal von Harlekin
Britta vom Schau ins Land
Donna Dior van Haus van Steraldted
(F) 691560;
Gmy Ch Etzel von der Messestadt Hannover
Int Ch Goya van Haus van Steraldted
Bardrill Bossy Boots
(F) 08/20/1985 13496-1985; Black
Mistydane Blue Shane
(M) 03/22/1983 03795-1983; Blue
NZ Ch Mainwood Misty Blue
(M) 05846-1979; Blue
Mainwood Midnight Duke
(M) 01/25/1978 03458-1978; Black
NZ Ch Hildydane Count Amour
(M) 06/01/1975 (N)313101; Harlequin
Aust Ch Helmlake Dazzling Igor CD
Kempsons Venus
Hildydane Duchess
(F) 07/18/1975 (N)320813; Harlequin
Aust Ch Helmlake Dazzling Igor CD
Aust Ch Lukesdane Mohawk Maid
NZ Ch Alquist Black Safrelle
(F) 07/04/1975 8420/1975; Black
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
(M) 07/08/1970 1974/8247; Blue
Sarzec Sea Lord
Sarzec Sea Shell
Alquist Black Bavanti
(F) 09/30/1973 1973/12406; Black
Masnou Lord Samquill
Bonifleur of Rathgael
Lady Elaine of Gaelyon
(F) ; Blue
NZ Ch Gamelin's Grenadier
(M) 10397/1976; Blue
Impton Cabrillo of Gamelin
(M) ; Blue
Eng Ch Big Sur of Impton
Impton Balboa
Lymelegh Blue Belle of Gamelin
(F) ; Blue
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
Zinnia of Beechfields
Fluer Bleu of Yarrowmere
(F) ;
Bardrill Black Bess
(F) 08/14/1983 10207-1983; Black
NZ Ch Mantura Mr Magoo
(M) 09/29/1981 11062-1981; Black
NZ Ch Doggenstadt Peron
(M) 09/16/1978 (V)17519; Fawn
Andros von der Hammaburg
(M) 12/13/1972 66558; Fawn
Jim von Dubenhorst
Int Ch Guerin's Taiga
Doggenstadt Kay_
(F) 09/03/1974 50-V-74; Fawn
Doggenstadt Gavin
Doggenstadt Garbo
Alquist Daniella
(F) 01/12/1980 01002-1980; Black
NZ Ch Gamelin's Globetrotter
(M) 20887/1977; Black
Beechfields Uncle Tom
Lymelegh Blue Belle of Gamelin
Alquist Sharina Jay
(F) 03/12/1978 04114-1978; Blue
Fabricus of Yarrowmere
NZ Ch Alquist Sharina Jasmine
Gamelin's Gale Force
(F) 07/01/1978 09837-1978; Brindle
Aust Ch Daneswalk Glory Be
(M) 05/07/1973 (S)77613; Fawn
Aust Ch Daneswalk Chance
(M) 07/02/1971 (S)67210; Brindle
Aust Ch Danestadt Kim
Aust Ch Danetipaws Diana
Aust Ch Daneswalk Kylie in Gold
(F) 06/03/1970 (S)61150; Fawn
Aust Ch Danestadt Kim
Aust Ch Danetipaws Diana
Underane Masterpiece
(F) 10/07/1975 ; Brindle
Jecamo's Mister California
(M) 06/08/1973 WC597664; Fawn
Brendane Abner von Maiden
Jecamo's Ballantine of Bermar
Aust Ch Underane Fabulous
(F) 11/13/1973 41V73; Brindle
Underane Demon
Jecamo's Bourbon's Laurie
Monteral After Midnight
(F) 09/22/1988 11849-1988; Blue COI=16.33%
Galsby Rock n Roller
(M) ; Blue
Helmlake Medoc
(M) 01/04/1985 K0812202; Black
Tenor de la Templerie de Gourdole
(M) 04/15/1982 G0095885; Blue
FR Ch Narses des Terres d'Empire
(M) 18621/02733; Blue
Int., Dutch, Belgian, GMY Ch Sire Royal
(M) 05/03/1973 LOF 11153/877; Blue
CH Lucky von der Immenburg
CH Desiree Royal v d Ordensburg
Verveine des Terres de la Rairie
(F) ; Blue
Thor de la Templerie
Sindhia de la Templerie
Parze II du Clos Templerie
(F) LOF 24232/03840; Black
Int Ch Lother des Terres de la Rairie
(M) ; Blue
Int., Dutch, Belgian, GMY Ch Sire Royal
Valeska des Terres de la Rairie
Olgotte d'Epersen
(F) 06/19/1978 LOF : 20745/3185; Black
Love du Val de l'Amitie
Lorgonde D'epersen
Bencranna Lively Lady of Helmlake
(F) H1088103H07; Black
Yaresville Chicago of Helmlake
(M) 10/13/1979 ; Black
Helmlake Gitano
(M) 07/04/1976 1191BN; Harlequin
Montego of Helmlake
Helmlake Esmeralda
A Black Pearl of Geojan
(F) ;
Pride of Evansville
Byebrue Trade Wind
Chacala Carrera of Bencranna
(F) ;
Blaaholms Pancho Villa of Chapala
(M) KCC99409D3; Harlequin
World Int & Den Ch Blaaholms Husar
Dk Ch Blaaholms Lady Ann
Impton Catalina of Chapala
(F) ; Blue
Impton Cheyenne
Leblon Blue Farah of Impton
Solario Bluestone
(F) 02649-1981; Blue
NZ Ch Gamelin's Globetrotter
(M) 20887/1977; Black
Beechfields Uncle Tom
(M) ; Black
Impton Iroquois
(M) 09/15/1973 ; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
Menina of Merrowlea
Zaria of Beechfields
(F) ; Black
Zariba of Beechfields
Solitaire of Beechfields
Lymelegh Blue Belle of Gamelin
(F) ; Blue
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
(M) 07/08/1970 1974/8247; Blue
Sarzec Sea Lord
Sarzec Sea Shell
Zinnia of Beechfields
(F) ; Black
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Baron
Zulu of Beechfields
Solario Silvia
(F) 02878-1975; Black
Alquist Von Basra
(M) 09/30/1973 1973/12404; Black
Masnou Lord Samquill
(M) 07/05/1971 1972/8729; Blue
Masnou Jaguar
Masnou Samanda
Bonifleur of Rathgael
(F) 10/07/1971 L71/7526; Black
NZ Ch Woden of Rathgael
NZ Ch Ceres of Rathgael
Elatior Jutta Belle CDX
(F) ; Black
Briareus of Rathgael
(M) 10/07/1971 L71/7533; Black
NZ Ch Woden of Rathgael
NZ Ch Ceres of Rathgael
Deanne of Meadowgold
(F) 07/31/1970 L70/5284; Fawn
NZ Ch Woden of Rathgael
Esmerelda of Hilldane
NZ Ch Albany of Jaymar
(F) 08/15/1986 11364-1986; Blue
Helmlake Medoc
(M) 01/04/1985 K0812202; Black
Tenor de la Templerie de Gourdole
(M) 04/15/1982 G0095885; Blue
FR Ch Narses des Terres d'Empire
(M) 18621/02733; Blue
Int., Dutch, Belgian, GMY Ch Sire Royal
(M) 05/03/1973 LOF 11153/877; Blue
CH Lucky von der Immenburg
CH Desiree Royal v d Ordensburg
Verveine des Terres de la Rairie
(F) ; Blue
Thor de la Templerie
Sindhia de la Templerie
Parze II du Clos Templerie
(F) LOF 24232/03840; Black
Int Ch Lother des Terres de la Rairie
(M) ; Blue
Int., Dutch, Belgian, GMY Ch Sire Royal
Valeska des Terres de la Rairie
Olgotte d'Epersen
(F) 06/19/1978 LOF : 20745/3185; Black
Love du Val de l'Amitie
Lorgonde D'epersen
Bencranna Lively Lady of Helmlake
(F) H1088103H07; Black
Yaresville Chicago of Helmlake
(M) 10/13/1979 ; Black
Helmlake Gitano
(M) 07/04/1976 1191BN; Harlequin
Montego of Helmlake
Helmlake Esmeralda
A Black Pearl of Geojan
(F) ;
Pride of Evansville
Byebrue Trade Wind
Chacala Carrera of Bencranna
(F) ;
Blaaholms Pancho Villa of Chapala
(M) KCC99409D3; Harlequin
World Int & Den Ch Blaaholms Husar
Dk Ch Blaaholms Lady Ann
Impton Catalina of Chapala
(F) ; Blue
Impton Cheyenne
Leblon Blue Farah of Impton
Hinemoa of Ngatiawa
(F) 04370-1984; Blue
NZ Ch Mainwood Misty Blue
(M) 05846-1979; Blue
Mainwood Midnight Duke
(M) 01/25/1978 03458-1978; Black
NZ Ch Hildydane Count Amour
(M) 06/01/1975 (N)313101; Harlequin
Aust Ch Helmlake Dazzling Igor CD
Kempsons Venus
Hildydane Duchess
(F) 07/18/1975 (N)320813; Harlequin
Aust Ch Helmlake Dazzling Igor CD
Aust Ch Lukesdane Mohawk Maid
NZ Ch Alquist Black Safrelle
(F) 07/04/1975 8420/1975; Black
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
(M) 07/08/1970 1974/8247; Blue
Sarzec Sea Lord
Sarzec Sea Shell
Alquist Black Bavanti
(F) 09/30/1973 1973/12406; Black
Masnou Lord Samquill
Bonifleur of Rathgael
Solario Silver Wraith
(F) 13402-1979; Blue
NZ Ch Gamelin's Grenadier
(M) 10397/1976; Blue
Impton Cabrillo of Gamelin
(M) ; Blue
Eng Ch Big Sur of Impton
Impton Balboa
Lymelegh Blue Belle of Gamelin
(F) ; Blue
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
Zinnia of Beechfields
Solario Silvia
(F) 02878-1975; Black
Alquist Von Basra
(M) 09/30/1973 1973/12404; Black
Masnou Lord Samquill
Bonifleur of Rathgael
Elatior Jutta Belle CDX
(F) ; Black
Briareus of Rathgael
Deanne of Meadowgold
Highbury Juliet
(F) 08657-1993; COI=6.26%
Flynndane Jazzmans Echo
(M) 08101-1990; COI=9.01%
Mantura Mr Mchenry
(M) 07888-1987;
Alquist Blue Nathaniel
(M) 12/22/1985 01189-1986; Blue
Zazarak Blue Bear
(M) (Q)775505; Blue
Aust Ch Danillon Livingstone
(M) 04/27/1979 (N)514876; Blue
Danillon Dante
(M) ; Black
Danillon Caesar
Aust Ch Camaveju Isabel
Clementine of Aldefelde
(F) 02/23/1977 ; Blue
Gulliver of Aldefelde
Moonsfield Teresa
Aust Ch Zazarak Moody Blue
(F) (Q)594967; Blue
Lewkei Blue Arthos
(M) 04/13/1978 (Q)461702; Blue
Dannebrog Sir Dane
Vonkaros Silvaqueen
Bringtonhill Quitta
(F) 07/18/1975 130389/75; Blue
Obispo of Impton
Bringtonhill Ingrid
Alquist Dallas Kimberley
(F) 11/18/1980 13507-1980; Blue
NZ Ch Gamelin's Grenadier
(M) 10397/1976; Blue
Impton Cabrillo of Gamelin
(M) ; Blue
Eng Ch Big Sur of Impton
Impton Balboa
Lymelegh Blue Belle of Gamelin
(F) ; Blue
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
Zinnia of Beechfields
Alquist Sharina Jay
(F) 03/12/1978 04114-1978; Blue
Fabricus of Yarrowmere
(M) ; Blue
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
Daneyre of Rathgael
NZ Ch Alquist Sharina Jasmine
(F) 07/04/1975 8415-1975; Blue
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
Alquist Black Bavanti
Alquist Daniella
(F) 01/12/1980 01002-1980; Black
NZ Ch Gamelin's Globetrotter
(M) 20887/1977; Black
Beechfields Uncle Tom
(M) ; Black
Impton Iroquois
(M) 09/15/1973 ; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
Menina of Merrowlea
Zaria of Beechfields
(F) ; Black
Zariba of Beechfields
Solitaire of Beechfields
Lymelegh Blue Belle of Gamelin
(F) ; Blue
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
(M) 07/08/1970 1974/8247; Blue
Sarzec Sea Lord
Sarzec Sea Shell
Zinnia of Beechfields
(F) ; Black
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Baron
Zulu of Beechfields
Alquist Sharina Jay
(F) 03/12/1978 04114-1978; Blue
Fabricus of Yarrowmere
(M) ; Blue
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
(M) 07/08/1970 1974/8247; Blue
Sarzec Sea Lord
Sarzec Sea Shell
Daneyre of Rathgael
(F) 1973/571; Black
Masnou Lord Samquill
NZ Ch Ceres of Rathgael
NZ Ch Alquist Sharina Jasmine
(F) 07/04/1975 8415-1975; Blue
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
(M) 07/08/1970 1974/8247; Blue
Sarzec Sea Lord
Sarzec Sea Shell
Alquist Black Bavanti
(F) 09/30/1973 1973/12406; Black
Masnou Lord Samquill
Bonifleur of Rathgael
Bardrill Black Bernice
(F) 13498-1985;
Mistydane Blue Shane
(M) 03/22/1983 03795-1983; Blue
NZ Ch Mainwood Misty Blue
(M) 05846-1979; Blue
Mainwood Midnight Duke
(M) 01/25/1978 03458-1978; Black
NZ Ch Hildydane Count Amour
(M) 06/01/1975 (N)313101; Harlequin
Aust Ch Helmlake Dazzling Igor CD
Kempsons Venus
Hildydane Duchess
(F) 07/18/1975 (N)320813; Harlequin
Aust Ch Helmlake Dazzling Igor CD
Aust Ch Lukesdane Mohawk Maid
NZ Ch Alquist Black Safrelle
(F) 07/04/1975 8420/1975; Black
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
(M) 07/08/1970 1974/8247; Blue
Sarzec Sea Lord
Sarzec Sea Shell
Alquist Black Bavanti
(F) 09/30/1973 1973/12406; Black
Masnou Lord Samquill
Bonifleur of Rathgael
Lady Elaine of Gaelyon
(F) ; Blue
NZ Ch Gamelin's Grenadier
(M) 10397/1976; Blue
Impton Cabrillo of Gamelin
(M) ; Blue
Eng Ch Big Sur of Impton
Impton Balboa
Lymelegh Blue Belle of Gamelin
(F) ; Blue
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
Zinnia of Beechfields
Fluer Bleu of Yarrowmere
(F) ;
Bardrill Black Bess
(F) 08/14/1983 10207-1983; Black
NZ Ch Mantura Mr Magoo
(M) 09/29/1981 11062-1981; Black
NZ Ch Doggenstadt Peron
(M) 09/16/1978 (V)17519; Fawn
Andros von der Hammaburg
(M) 12/13/1972 66558; Fawn
Jim von Dubenhorst
Int Ch Guerin's Taiga
Doggenstadt Kay_
(F) 09/03/1974 50-V-74; Fawn
Doggenstadt Gavin
Doggenstadt Garbo
Alquist Daniella
(F) 01/12/1980 01002-1980; Black
NZ Ch Gamelin's Globetrotter
(M) 20887/1977; Black
Beechfields Uncle Tom
Lymelegh Blue Belle of Gamelin
Alquist Sharina Jay
(F) 03/12/1978 04114-1978; Blue
Fabricus of Yarrowmere
NZ Ch Alquist Sharina Jasmine
Gamelin's Gale Force
(F) 07/01/1978 09837-1978; Brindle
Aust Ch Daneswalk Glory Be
(M) 05/07/1973 (S)77613; Fawn
Aust Ch Daneswalk Chance
(M) 07/02/1971 (S)67210; Brindle
Aust Ch Danestadt Kim
Aust Ch Danetipaws Diana
Aust Ch Daneswalk Kylie in Gold
(F) 06/03/1970 (S)61150; Fawn
Aust Ch Danestadt Kim
Aust Ch Danetipaws Diana
Underane Masterpiece
(F) 10/07/1975 ; Brindle
Jecamo's Mister California
(M) 06/08/1973 WC597664; Fawn
Brendane Abner von Maiden
Jecamo's Ballantine of Bermar
Aust Ch Underane Fabulous
(F) 11/13/1973 41V73; Brindle
Underane Demon
Jecamo's Bourbon's Laurie
Harata of Ngatiawa
(F) 11502-1989; COI=2.33%
Tame of Ngatiawa
(M) 13136-1984;
NZ Ch Mainwood Misty Blue
(M) 05846-1979; Blue
Mainwood Midnight Duke
(M) 01/25/1978 03458-1978; Black
NZ Ch Hildydane Count Amour
(M) 06/01/1975 (N)313101; Harlequin
Aust Ch Helmlake Dazzling Igor CD
(M) 06/18/1973 126065/73; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies
Bellissima of Helmlake
Kempsons Venus
(F) 05/11/1973 108857/73; Harlequin
Eng Ch Leesthorphill Sultan of Escheatlands
Summerdale Atlanta
Hildydane Duchess
(F) 07/18/1975 (N)320813; Harlequin
Aust Ch Helmlake Dazzling Igor CD
(M) 06/18/1973 126065/73; Harlequin
Helmlake Ben El Eick vom Forellenparadies
Bellissima of Helmlake
Aust Ch Lukesdane Mohawk Maid
(F) 05/02/1971 8V71; Harlequin
Graystone Manhattan
Lukesdane Apache Girl
NZ Ch Alquist Black Safrelle
(F) 07/04/1975 8420/1975; Black
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
(M) 07/08/1970 1974/8247; Blue
Sarzec Sea Lord
(M) 11/03/1966 123316/66; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
Trousseau of Moonsfield
Sarzec Sea Shell
(F) 127614/69; Blue
Sarzec Sea Chaser
Sarzec Blue Libertus
Alquist Black Bavanti
(F) 09/30/1973 1973/12406; Black
Masnou Lord Samquill
(M) 07/05/1971 1972/8729; Blue
Masnou Jaguar
Masnou Samanda
Bonifleur of Rathgael
(F) 10/07/1971 L71/7526; Black
NZ Ch Woden of Rathgael
NZ Ch Ceres of Rathgael
Solario Silver Wraith
(F) 13402-1979; Blue
NZ Ch Gamelin's Grenadier
(M) 10397/1976; Blue
Impton Cabrillo of Gamelin
(M) ; Blue
Eng Ch Big Sur of Impton
(M) 05/04/1970 ; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
Marpesa of Merrowlea
Impton Balboa
(F) ; Blue
Obispo of Impton
Little Nell of Brockview
Lymelegh Blue Belle of Gamelin
(F) ; Blue
Sceptredon Zulu of Gamelin
(M) 07/08/1970 1974/8247; Blue
Sarzec Sea Lord
Sarzec Sea Shell
Zinnia of Beechfields
(F) ; Black
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Baron
Zulu of Beechfields
Solario Silvia
(F) 02878-1975; Black
Alquist Von Basra
(M) 09/30/1973 1973/12404; Black
Masnou Lord Samquill
(M) 07/05/1971 1972/8729; Blue
Masnou Jaguar
Masnou Samanda
Bonifleur of Rathgael
(F) 10/07/1971 L71/7526; Black
NZ Ch Woden of Rathgael
NZ Ch Ceres of Rathgael
Elatior Jutta Belle CDX
(F) ; Black
Briareus of Rathgael
(M) 10/07/1971 L71/7533; Black
NZ Ch Woden of Rathgael
NZ Ch Ceres of Rathgael
Deanne of Meadowgold
(F) 07/31/1970 L70/5284; Fawn
NZ Ch Woden of Rathgael
Esmerelda of Hilldane
Pantyciglas AP-Bronwen
(F) 14525-1987;
Haseborne Tri Nitro
(M) 01/17/1982 G1921495?; Blue
Impton Mahdi
(M) ;
Gaylord v. t. Buitengebeuren of Impton
(M) E9066903E09; Blue
The Old Favorite Castor
(M) NHSB 738789; Blue
CH The Old Favorite Blanka
The Old Favorite Alwina
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
(F) 10/21/1974 WC957397; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
UK Ch Czarina v t Buitenburgen of Impton
(F) 06/30/1977 ; Blue
UK Ch Impton Apache
(M) 11/25/1972 ; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
Sierra of Impton
Impton Onieda
(F) NHSB 822563;
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
Menina of Merrowlea
Masnou Vapluna
(F) ;
Luckodrommens Pluto Ii of Masnou
(M) ;
Masnou Visitor
(F) ;
Masnou Lord Saunders
(M) 10/09/1972 KC95972;
Domofendi's Ulysses of Masnou
Masnou Samantha
Zarlinda Venus
(F) 03/17/1968 ; Black
Sarzec Blue Victor
Sarzec Valencia
NZ Ch Banachek Odette
(F) 04/04/1985 (N)809695; Black
Aust Ch Oby des Terres de la Rairie
(M) 11/30/1978 21982; Black/White
Frn Ch Luigi du Mont Simon
(M) 13567/1521; Harlequin
Euro Ch Rondo von der Flottbek
(M) ZB63930; Harlequin
Nestor vom Heidehaus
Elka von der Flottbek
Int Ch Idole de Bosonisvilla
(F) LOF2DAL 009432/01155; Harlequin
Ger Ch Karus von der Nürburg
Duchesse Zum Silbergroschen
Int & Gmy Ch Taila vom Haus Fresena
(F) 60761; Harlequin
Dolf vom Waldschlößle
(M) VDH/DDC 58986; Harlequin
CH Cato vom Riedstern
CH Lady von der Roßhalde
Lissi vom Riedstern
(F) 60761; Harlequin
Gauner vom Riedstern
Luxembourg Ch Nina von der Rosshalde
Banachek Blue Lady
(F) (N)701759; Blue
Banachek Mister Blue
(M) 10/27/1977 (N)433127; Blue
Blauberling Blue Lynx
(M) 07/06/1973 (N)254443; Blue
Zimbal aus dem Schwarzwald
Barton Blue Mist
Grossdane Juanita
(F) 06/27/1972 (N)228968; Black/White
Zimbal aus dem Schwarzwald
Aust Ch Danestadt Katrina
Banachek Blue Banshee
(F) (N)481019; Blue
Navig Blue King
(M) (N)416220; Blue
Aust Ch Masnou Spacemaster of Landhurst
Aust Ch Navig Blue Jade
Blauberling Blue Blaze
(F) 05/10/1974 (N)278663; Blue
Zimbal aus dem Schwarzwald
Barton Blue Mist