River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Cleo McPatra's Beau Geste
; Blue
COI: 0.53%
Miller's Kingsley Marrero
; Blue
Am CH Haltmeiers Th' Samurai
(M) 11/08/1984
WF723008; Black
Haltmeier's Blue Nike
(M) 02/22/1983
WF550523; Blue
Am CH Haltmeier's Uno King V Hearts

(M) 02/14/1981
WE98236; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind
(M) 11/24/1975
WD365792; Black
Am CH Wildwind Crash Corrigan
WD054179; Black
Am & Mex Ch Rodane's Noble Othello
WC416976; Black
Jecamo's Old Fitzgerald
Jecamo's Precious' of Rodane
Am CH Doria's Wildwind Chemin de Fer
(F) 01/24/1969
WB493165; Black
Am CH Sir Lucius of Nick's Black Ace
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
Mex Ch Doria von Wildwind
WC148055; Black
Blue Oaks Imperante
WB493484; Fawn
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
Am CH Doce's November of Blue Oaks
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
WA862220; Black
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
Ledezan's Lady
Am CH Azurs Elbina
(F) 06/05/1976
WD533800; Blue
Int & Nor Ch Azurs Dante
(M) 03/20/1975
S14263/75; Blue
Int Ch Lobos of Impton
(M) 12/18/1970
S15785/71; Blue
Impton Pacific of Maradane
Marpesa of Merrowlea
Undine von der Immenburg
S46043/72; Blue
Int Ch Daimond von der Immenburg
Fee V D Immenburg
Int & Nor Ch Asta v d Fuchshalde
SKKR5025/73; Blue
Int Ch Daimond von der Immenburg
(M) 10/27/1967
VDH/DDC 54014; Blue
Astor v Rotenberger Schloß
Domofendis Odina
Hummel von der Immenburg
; Black
Astor v Rotenberger Schloß
Quelle vom Himmelsfürst
Haltmeier's Femme Fatale
(F) 09/11/1979
WE770037; Blue
Am CH Bantry Cordon Bleu De Sharon
(M) 09/28/1974
WD133354; Blue
Bantry Santana Azul
WC853377; Blue
Am CH Auburn Hill Illya
WB445457; Black
Julemar's Blue Iyi
Am CH Jecamo's Maitai of Auburn Hill
Bantry-Hazeldane Dreamboat
(F) 05/10/1968
WB167837; Blue
Am CH Jocopa's Blu Nearli Ned
Sloane's Renata of Iroquois
Sharon's Blackberry Brandy
WB726868; Black
Am CH Frefin's Herr Bodi
(M) 06/06/1962
WA293756; Black
Evanger's Zorro of Regnave
Tuxann of Cross Creek
Bantry-Hazeldane Dreamboat
(F) 05/10/1968
WB167837; Blue
Am CH Jocopa's Blu Nearli Ned
Sloane's Renata of Iroquois
Am CH Azurs Elbina
(F) 06/05/1976
WD533800; Blue
Int & Nor Ch Azurs Dante
(M) 03/20/1975
S14263/75; Blue
Int Ch Lobos of Impton
(M) 12/18/1970
S15785/71; Blue
Impton Pacific of Maradane
Marpesa of Merrowlea
Undine von der Immenburg
S46043/72; Blue
Int Ch Daimond von der Immenburg
Fee V D Immenburg
Int & Nor Ch Asta v d Fuchshalde
SKKR5025/73; Blue
Int Ch Daimond von der Immenburg
(M) 10/27/1967
VDH/DDC 54014; Blue
Astor v Rotenberger Schloß
Domofendis Odina
Hummel von der Immenburg
; Black
Astor v Rotenberger Schloß
Quelle vom Himmelsfürst
Haltmeiers Queen V Hearts
(F) 02/14/1981
WE992375; Black
Am CH Rory von Sligo of Wildwind

(M) 11/24/1975
WD365792; Black
Am CH Wildwind Crash Corrigan
WD054179; Black
Am & Mex Ch Rodane's Noble Othello
WC416976; Black
Jecamo's Old Fitzgerald
WC211302; Brindle
Am CH Bartholomew Von Overcup
Jecamo's Chablis on The Rox
Jecamo's Precious' of Rodane
WC165653; Black
Jecamo's Black Label of Landy
Suti of Rodane
Am CH Doria's Wildwind Chemin de Fer
(F) 01/24/1969
WB493165; Black
Am CH Sir Lucius of Nick's Black Ace
(M) 11/18/1964
WA558811; Black
Nick's Black Ace of Westwood
Henrika of Overcup
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
WA862220; Black
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
Ledezan's Lady
Mex Ch Doria von Wildwind
WC148055; Black
Blue Oaks Imperante
WB493484; Fawn
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
(M) 06/06/1965
WA636483; Fawn
Roxdane Beaugay
Am CH Tahra's Fallacy of Rebelro
Am CH Doce's November of Blue Oaks
(F) 11/20/1966
WA896413; Fawn
Iago de Rebelro
Blue Oaks Prima Doce
Doria Von Riverwood Ranch
WA862220; Black
Am CH Rebelro's Imperador
(M) 06/06/1965
WA636483; Fawn
Roxdane Beaugay
Am CH Tahra's Fallacy of Rebelro
Ledezan's Lady
WA431633; Black
Jan-mar's Duke of Joy
Ledezan's Tawnya
Am CH Azurs Elbina
(F) 06/05/1976
WD533800; Blue
Int & Nor Ch Azurs Dante
(M) 03/20/1975
S14263/75; Blue
Int Ch Lobos of Impton
(M) 12/18/1970
S15785/71; Blue
Impton Pacific of Maradane
85628/70; Blue
Am CH Glen-Glo's Bucephalus
Am & Mex Ch Cacique Urimare of Maradane
Marpesa of Merrowlea
KC75401/63; Blue
Blendon Blue Blend of Newton Regis
Miss Saphire of Merrowlea
Undine von der Immenburg
S46043/72; Blue
Int Ch Daimond von der Immenburg
(M) 10/27/1967
VDH/DDC 54014; Blue
Astor v Rotenberger Schloß
Domofendis Odina
Fee V D Immenburg
DDC55855; Blue
Astor v Rotenberger Schloß
Quelle vom Himmelsfürst
Int & Nor Ch Asta v d Fuchshalde
SKKR5025/73; Blue
Int Ch Daimond von der Immenburg
(M) 10/27/1967
VDH/DDC 54014; Blue
Astor v Rotenberger Schloß
VDH/DDC 50922; Blue
Heiko von der Eremitage
Bella von Burg Karlsdorf
Domofendis Odina
LOSH35849; Blue
Domofendi's Maximilliaan
Noucka het Waasse Hof
Hummel von der Immenburg
; Black
Astor v Rotenberger Schloß
VDH/DDC 50922; Blue
Heiko von der Eremitage
Bella von Burg Karlsdorf
Quelle vom Himmelsfürst
(F) 09/27/1966
VDH/DDC 052573; Blue
Hannibal vom Himmelsfürst
Katja vom Himmelsfürst
Miller's Leila Sheba
WF336106; Black
Can Ch Thor-Kourt's Talisman Riv
(M) 05/14/1975
WD218910; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love

(M) 06/12/1971
WC106262; Black
Am CH Ravon's Ruwenzori Rye CDX
WB207202; Black
Am CH Glen-Glo's Bucephalus
(M) 02/12/1967
WA889016; Blue
Am CH Baron Von Hessel of Maradane
(M) 06/01/1963
WA425922; Blue
Rajput's Jahangir
Kristi of Downs Crest
Ebony Shadow CDX
(F) 11/26/1964
WA536228; Black
Blue Indigo of Downs-Crest
Sheba IV
Kali Kalua Kilaeueau CDX
WA766610; Black
Bell-Nevis Steamboater
WA212911; Black
Harold von Gadheim
Kalmar's Daisy Queen
Kalmar's Holly of Holly Hill
WA631497; Black
Am CH Kalmar's Bolshoi
Kalmar's Lotti von Grunewald
Ross' Blue Shadows of Dawn CD
WB141171; Blue
Tegar Dean
WA557428; Black / White
Blue Indigo of Downs-Crest
W925277; Blue
Rungmook Regal
My Blue Haven of Downscrest
Sheba IV
WA129611; Black / White
Am CH Nick
Rymer's Frolic
Blue Storm of Dun Roman
; Blue
The Four C's Mr. Blue
; Blue
Jotunheim's Blue Flame
Cecil's Raven Jet
Midnight of Downs crest
; Black
Rungmook Regal
Kenda's Johvanni
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
(F) 07/05/1970
WC216946; Blue
Am CH Zoro aus dem Schwarzwald
(M) 02/28/1967
WB62326; Blue / White
Blue Victor of Bedrule
108584/61; Blue
Sarzec Bluebahni of Newton Regis
(M) 02/02/1960
56298/60; Blue
Brunel of Newton Regis
Bannerita of Bringtonhill
Bedina of Newton Regis
69254158; Blue
Brunel of Newton Regis
Newton Regis Belle
Fr Ch Lunica aus dem Schwarzwald
47353; Blue
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald
(M) 03/31/1958
VDH/DDC 43495; Blue
Amiko von Lippe-Detmold
Edda von der Wotanshütte
Fee aus dem Schwarzwald
(F) 12/12/1959
44906; Blue
Gmy Ch Ike von Cent Soucis
Akkeley aus dem Schwarzwald
Mako's Fancy Blue Lace
WA784714; Blue
Lex aus dem Schwarzwald
; Blue
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald
(M) 03/31/1958
VDH/DDC 43495; Blue
Amiko von Lippe-Detmold
Edda von der Wotanshütte
Fee aus dem Schwarzwald
(F) 12/12/1959
44906; Blue
Gmy Ch Ike von Cent Soucis
Akkeley aus dem Schwarzwald
Am CH Haas Raptureous Blue Dana
(F) 03/23/1964
WA482510; Blue
Am CH Indigo's Luster of Downcrest
WA75003; Black
Blue Indigo of Downs-Crest
Victoria Marma Dutchess CD
; Black
Flash Buster Mcgreg
Meg Tonia of Downs Crest
Miller's Special Dot of Inga
(F) 04/15/1979
WE405682; Black
Blue's and Magoos Magee
WC927658; Blue
Am CH Pinebrooks Blue Magoo
WC094234; Blue
Boris von der Stadt Munchen
(M) 11/25/1968
WB496406; Blue
Robinson aus dem Schwarzwald
ZB 50475; Blue
Blue Victor of Bedrule
Fee aus dem Schwarzwald
CH Doina Bruyant
52731; Blue
Schari v d Eremitage
Blue Bell v d Ermitage
Kim's Misty Blue
WB559104; Blue
Duke of Haverford
WA968276; Black / White
Goliath of Lady Taress
Lady Andora of Suffolk
Velvet's Kim Kan
Kolyer's Cady Blue of the Ridge
(F) 05/03/1972
WC550804; Blue
Jaleen's Inga Miller
WC864399; Black
Ebony Dane Eric Von Rice
Lady Jill Miller
WB646772; Black
Myers Commancho Boy
(M) 09/25/1967
WB044825; Fawn
Am CH Honey Hollow Tall Timber
WA280951; Black
Am CH Honey Hollow Great Donner
Honey Hollow Margo of Tomar
Honey Hollow Rob's Me Too
Myer's Black Mariah
Honey Hollow Sir Lancelot II
; Black
Am CH Honey Hollow Stormi's Apache
Honey Hollow Black Susan
Myer's Ebony Girl
; Black
Cleo McPatra's Ty's Hoss
; Blue
Outlaw Safire Blue Smoke
WF756001; Blue
Am CH Kolyer's the Outlaw of Sundown
(M) 12/10/1981
WF173046; Black
Am CH Sundown's Midnite Moonshadow
(M) 06/14/1977
WD908535; Black
Diamonds Ultra Omen
(M) 08/09/1975
WD669550; Black
Am & Mex Ch Rodane's Noble Othello
WC416976; Black
Jecamo's Old Fitzgerald
WC211302; Brindle
Am CH Bartholomew Von Overcup
Jecamo's Chablis on The Rox
Jecamo's Precious' of Rodane
WC165653; Black
Jecamo's Black Label of Landy
Suti of Rodane
Octavia Mystic Shadow of Dess
WC709946; Black
Am CH Disis Ebony Odd Bodkins
WB371404; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle
Jimitee Spooky's Jolly Jinx
Odessa Pavlova Bella-Dane
Sundown's Queen of Sheba
(F) 05/24/1975
WD129204; Black
Ebony Goliath of Bodkins
WC076135; Black
Am CH Disis Ebony Odd Bodkins
WB371404; Black
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Chazet of Eagle
Jimitee Spooky's Jolly Jinx
Lady Jill Miller
WB646772; Black
Myers Commancho Boy
Myer's Black Mariah
Charlemange of Noblewood
WC641772; Black
Midnite Mikie Dikie
Tall Timber's Comet of Ravenblu
Honey Hollow Dasvi-Donya
Midnite's Lady Babe
Ravenblu's Franz Joseph
Dasvi-Donya Jus' Plain Freddie CD
Kolyer's Black Lily
(F) 10/14/1977
WE393115; Black
Kolyer's Bandolero
(M) 03/25/1974
WD628571; Black
Kolyer's Blueberry
(F) 04/30/1973
WD576695; Blue
Dann Lin's Opal Safire
WF39371; Blue
Islanders Dark of The Moon
WE239549; Black
Ridgewind Aurora V Willowrun
WF075752; Blue
Goodies Tasha Blue
; Blue
Sir Blue Lee Hasting
WE601821; Blue
Der Konig Samson Blau
WE200841; Blue
Islanders King Kamehameha II
(M) 04/01/1977
WD814434; Black
Islanders Pupule Kanaka
(M) 09/28/1975
WD191207; Black / White
Shadow Blue II
Danetown's Blue Horizon
Shannon VII
Islanders Queen of Sheba
Von Blue Max
Maile of Hawaii
Islanders Black Orchid
WD003992; Black
Avatar Margrave Faust
Moses of Dane Hill
Erin's Midnight Jude
Heidi of Tuscarora
Hartslog Brute
Windihill's Angel Sonata
Buckeye Daisy Blue
WD394853; Blue
Lindestar Once In A Bluemoon
WC833619; Blue
Glen-Glo's Tagatha
(F) 08/27/1971
WC136682; Blue
Glen-Glo's Shad of Boomerdane CDX
WB583733; Blue
Am CH Glen-Glo's Bucephalus
Zara Sultana Khan
Ebony Shadow CDX
(F) 11/26/1964
WA536228; Black
Blue Indigo of Downs-Crest
Sheba IV
Tasha Bleu
WE143350; Blue
Blue Rags
WD288035; Blue
Von Lichtgarn's Blue Vendetta
WC943375; Blue
Aristophanes vom Sommerwind
WC049362; Blue
Am CH Zoro aus dem Schwarzwald
Dunja-Royal von der Ordenburg
Refugio's Furiosa of The Azul
(F) 06/21/1973
WC473325; Blue
Refugio's Blue Achilles
Monro's Lady of Robinhood
Refugio's Furiosa of The Azul
(F) 06/21/1973
WC473325; Blue
Refugio's Blue Achilles
WB704353; Blue
Pero's Black Jax of Northwood
Refugio's Reina Jezebel
Monro's Lady of Robinhood
WB447087; Blue
Am CH Glen-Glo's Bucephalus
Am & Mex Ch Cacique Urimare of Maradane
Bleu Jeans
WD380728; Black
Am CH Pinebrooks Blue Magoo
WC094234; Blue
Boris von der Stadt Munchen
(M) 11/25/1968
WB496406; Blue
Robinson aus dem Schwarzwald
CH Doina Bruyant
Kim's Misty Blue
WB559104; Blue
Duke of Haverford
Velvet's Kim Kan
Shadygroves' Ebony Cleopatra
WC769615; Black
Chitwood's Mighty Sam
WB663557; Black
Kalmar's Bonn Jester
Kalmar's Lady Jester
Miss Cleopatra II
WC155510; Black
Sir Brutus III
Potrenka Das
Ridgewind's Blue Shelby
; Blue