River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Edisto's Fantasy of Rinks Mtn
(F) 07/10/2004
COI: 4.29%
Am CH Crekside's Engagement Time
(M) 10/14/1999
Bis Biss Am Ch Oakstone's Rock of Gilbraltar
(M) 01/20/1995
WP62110607; Fawn
BIS, BISS, Am Ch Owlwatch Aztec Sun CGC

WP31743201; Fawn
Am CH Dundane's Bacarat V Brookside

(M) 02/17/1984
WF552280; Brindle
Am CH Sheenwater Ace in the Hole
WE896595; Brindle
Am CH Bodane Tourister
(M) 01/15/1978
WE26197; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
Bodane Sophisticated Lady
WD289464; Fawn
Murlo Caius
Bodane's April Folly
Sheenwater X-Clamation
WE368104; Brindle
Am CH Sheenwater Phoenix
(M) 03/19/1977
WD652312; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jokers Wild
Am CH Sheenwater Heat Wave
Sheenwater Lily's Laughter
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Sheenwater Gilded Lily
Brookside's Abby of Dundane CD
(F) 07/28/1979
WE446172 6-82; Fawn
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
WB547019; Brindle
Am CH Duffy Don of Hayron
Smith's Regina D'Oro
Am CH Dundane's Catrinka
(F) 12/09/1976
WD661206; Fawn
Am CH Dagons Spartacus V Phylldane
(M) 05/26/1975
WD187988; Fawn
Am CH Shayne's Samson Von Solomon
Am CH Imperial J's Joyous Lyndee
Beba Valerie's Little Libra
; Fawn
Dunne's Finn Mckool
Shasta of Steeplewood
Am CH Annan's Brandywyne CCS
WG013864; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Go For It
WF487454; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
(F) 04/15/1975
WD176151; Fawn
Pine Hollow's Gamblin Man
Reann's Charming Aleathea CD
Am CH Honey Lane's Let's Do It Again
WE016123; Fawn
Am CH Can CH Furylane's Romeo
(M) 01/12/1974
WC724415; Fawn
Furylane's Socrates
Furylane's Dolly Madison
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
HoneyLane's Keeley
Dagon's Flashdancer
(F) 06/20/1983
WF522471; Fawn
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
(M) 10/29/1981
WF192606; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
Am CH Dagons I'm Pixie
(F) 02/06/1977
WD689138; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
BISS Ch Dagon's Veroushka von Samson
Am CH Dagons Jarmata of Witch Hill
(F) 08/18/1978
WE243760; Fawn
Am CH Dagons Spartacus V Phylldane
(M) 05/26/1975
WD187988; Fawn
Am CH Shayne's Samson Von Solomon
Am CH Imperial J's Joyous Lyndee
Shannon's Bric-A-Brac
WD356426; Fawn
BIS Ch E Frazier Keppen of Tamerlane
Piper's Ragalia v Earl-Mar
Am CH Limerick's Lovesong
(F) 11/14/1990
WP32241503; Fawn
Am CH Sandale Larjo All That Jazz
WG150716; Fawn
BIS BISS BIF Am CH Von Shrado's I'm A Knock Out HOF ROM
(M) 09/07/1986
WF897365; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Sandale's What A Guy ROM HOF
(M) 02/16/1985
WF705504; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Georgia Pacific
(M) 02/21/1983
WF381347; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
Am CH Stone River's Delta Dawn
Murlo Sybil of Sandale ROM
WE937581; Fawn
Am CH Regal Corbett
Murlo Que Sera' Sera'
Am CH Von Shrado's Easter Bonnet
(F) 04/11/1982
WF175319; Fawn
Am CH Von Shrado's Bit of Sun Shine
(M) 07/10/1979
WE358674; Fawn
Am CH Grenadilla's Bit O'Tallbrook
Am CH Von Shrado's Bit of Grenadilla
Am CH Von Shrado's Bit of Grenadilla
(F) 03/25/1977
WE265630; Fawn
Am CH Cherokee of Dane Oaks
Brandy of Edendane
Am CH Sandale's Private Dancer
(F) 02/16/1985
WF706002; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Georgia Pacific
(M) 02/21/1983
WF381347; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
Am CH Stone River's Delta Dawn
WE008684; Fawn
Sheenwater Open Sesame
Rockbridge's Texas Lady
Murlo Sybil of Sandale ROM
WE937581; Fawn
Am CH Regal Corbett
(M) 05/30/1976
WD392947; Fawn
Murlo Ahab
Am & Can Ch Murlo Jezabell
Murlo Que Sera' Sera'
WD417356; Fawn
Murlo Ahab
Murlo Gretta
Willowdane's Fable Von Raseac TT
(F) 03/28/1986
TE564164 / WF977404; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Vikings Vaquero V Stockdale
WE798463; Fawn
Am CH Stockdales Rory O'more
WE000684; Brindle
Am CH Stockdale's Rudolph V Raseac
WD773654; Brindle
Am CH Raseac's Great Ceasar's Quote
Jephtha's Gypsy of Granada
Polldane's Sparkle Plenty
Am CH Jeffrey Mc Davis
Polldane's Genuine Sparkle
Am CH Viking Dane's Tara Belle
(F) 05/30/1978
Am & Can Ch Tara's Sir Fredric Freeloader
(M) 01/13/1974
WC715795; Fawn
Am CH Von Riesenhof Star Trek
Am CH Tara's Bierka of Four Winds
Ding Dong's Hannah Belle
Am CH Woodland Dane's Ding Dong
Cannibal's Hannah D Von Neff
Am & Can Ch Willowdane's Just A Breeze
(F) 01/30/1983
WF553100; Fawn
CH Von Raseac's County Cork
WE363925; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseacs Valor of Tybo
WD724353; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseac's Tybo O'Lorcain
Am CH Von Raseacs Sierra V Lincoln
Am CH Von Raseacs Windsong
WD363925; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseac's Tybo O'Lorcain
Am & Can Ch Von Raseac's Quite a Gal
Can Ch Deedane Blond Venus
(F) 07/12/1977
WE660650; Fawn
Thunderbolt of Fairchild
Lincoln's My Destiny-V-Deedane
(F) 05/01/1974
WC995319; Fawn
Handsome's Hundchen Jetzt
Lincoln's Rustic Lady
Am CH Creksides The Time Of My Life CGC

(F) 06/19/1997
WP79278104; Fawn
Bis Biss Am & Can Ch Wyntrebrook's Sun Dancer

(M) 06/23/1994
WP55895501; Fawn
Am CH Maitau's Top Billing CGC, ROM, HOF

WP32582508 9-92; Brindle
BISS Am Ch Sandale's What A Guy ROM HOF
(M) 02/16/1985
WF705504; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Georgia Pacific
(M) 02/21/1983
WF381347; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
Am CH Stone River's Delta Dawn
WE008684; Fawn
Sheenwater Open Sesame
Rockbridge's Texas Lady
Murlo Sybil of Sandale ROM
WE937581; Fawn
Am CH Regal Corbett
(M) 05/30/1976
WD392947; Fawn
Murlo Ahab
Am & Can Ch Murlo Jezabell
Murlo Que Sera' Sera'
WD417356; Fawn
Murlo Ahab
Murlo Gretta
Maitau's Village Gossip ROM
WG186491 6-91; Brindle
Am CH Dundane's Bacarat V Brookside
(M) 02/17/1984
WF552280; Brindle
Am CH Sheenwater Ace in the Hole
WE896595; Brindle
Am CH Bodane Tourister
Sheenwater X-Clamation
Brookside's Abby of Dundane CD
(F) 07/28/1979
WE446172 6-82; Fawn
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
Am CH Dundane's Catrinka
Am CH Maitau's Tattletale
(F) 07/29/1985
WF753906; Brindle
Am CH Winhurst Cherokee Red
WF565909 8-85; Fawn
Am CH Caprata's Simba
Winhurst Fanfare
Am CH Maitau's Conversation Piece
WF471325 1-86; Fawn
Am CH Darrdane's Opening Bid
Countess Natasha of Tarra
Am CH Wyntrebrook's Wyndancer
WP34625503; Fawn
BISS Ch Honey Lane's Casablanca
WF830956; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Go For It
WF487454; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
Am CH Honey Lane's Let's Do It Again
WE016123; Fawn
Am CH Can CH Furylane's Romeo
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
Am CH Honey Lane's Sylvia V Rimac
WF518893; Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Doctor LY
(M) 11/12/1980
WE748104; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Rojon's Captain Fowler
Am CH Honey Lane's Lolli Pop
Am CH Honey Lane's Nutmeg CD
WD921079; Fawn
Am CH HoneyLane's Knight Service
Am CH Honey Lane's Indian Summer
Am CH Wyntrebrook's Whitney
(F) 11/13/1987
WG144306; Brindle
Am CH Oak Hill's Kilimanjaro
(M) 05/16/1986
WF851106; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Donn Tomas de Chia
(M) 06/10/1981
WE951558; Brindle
Am CH Penedane's Justinian
Am CH Castile's Buttercup V Winfall
Am CH Oak Hill's Sarajevo
(F) 12/05/1983
WF507532; Brindle
Ashley von Reuben
Mountdania's Sheeza Knockout
Oak Hill's Misty Harbour
(F) 03/19/1986
WF827176; Fawn
Runnymede Tariff V Kai-Dane
Am CH Ashbun Acres Embargo
Am CH Geojo's Hey Kizzy
Brinlann's Ash-Lee of Deer run
(F) 07/25/1981
WF061020; Fawn
BISS BIS Am Ch Mountdania's Ashley ROM HOF
Castile's Loni of Deer Run
Am CH Glencora of Creekside CD
(F) 10/08/1990
WP32238203; Fawn
Am CH Von Shrado Silas of Creekside
(M) 07/02/1987
WG021864; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Sandale's What A Guy ROM HOF
(M) 02/16/1985
WF705504; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Georgia Pacific
(M) 02/21/1983
WF381347; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
Am CH Stone River's Delta Dawn
WE008684; Fawn
Sheenwater Open Sesame
Rockbridge's Texas Lady
Murlo Sybil of Sandale ROM
WE937581; Fawn
Am CH Regal Corbett
(M) 05/30/1976
WD392947; Fawn
Murlo Ahab
Am & Can Ch Murlo Jezabell
Murlo Que Sera' Sera'
WD417356; Fawn
Murlo Ahab
Murlo Gretta
Am CH Von Shrado's Solitaire
(F) 06/07/1981
WE931270; Fawn
Am CH Misty Valley's Andromeda
(M) 02/04/1979
WE297058; Fawn
Am CH Sunridge's Ragtime Cowboy Joe
(M) 05/09/1975
WD126162; Fawn
Am CH Jeffrey Mc Davis
Am CH Sunridge's Li'l Liza Jane
Rockbridges September Inga
WD246726; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Mountdania's Tuff Decision
Am CH Von Shrado's Bit of Grenadilla
(F) 03/25/1977
WE265630; Fawn
Am CH Cherokee of Dane Oaks
WC258104; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Monarch
Athena of Dane Oaks
Brandy of Edendane
(F) 10/22/1974
WD564146; Fawn
Barrister's Don Juan
Miller's Samantha of Edendane
Mardane's Rainbow Magic
(F) 01/03/1988
CH Cybone's Redneck Gambler
BIS BISS Am Ch Sheenwater Gamble on Me HOF ROM
(M) 02/21/1983
WF381346; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
Am CH Stone River's Delta Dawn
WE008684; Fawn
Sheenwater Open Sesame
Rockbridge's Texas Lady
Ashbun Acres Luck of the Draw
(F) 06/01/1981
; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Koenig V Ashbun A
(M) 02/03/1975
WD009948; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Sheenwater Grassfire
Ashbun Acres Dealer's Choice
; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jokers Wild
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
Rainbow's Just Another Gypsy
CH Rainbow's Sneaky Pete
Dushenka's Thea Nakema
(F) 05/04/1982
WF184832; Fawn
Am CH Tyler Lovett of Falconroc
(M) 03/26/1978
WE013531; Fawn
Am CH Dinro H Lovett
Dante's Lucky Lady
Waldenthree's Mozart A Nikki
(F) 09/25/1980
WE713439; Fawn
Am CH Waldenthree's Tecumseh
Mtdania Atheni O Waldenthree CD
Avalon's Bright Star
(F) 02/15/2000
Am CH MCM Anj Eleanor's Roosevelt
(M) 08/28/1997
WP80941605; Fawn
Am CH Our Danes Fabulous Fabio
(M) 04/24/1994
WP55525707; Fawn
Am CH Brislyn Plain Havoc V Varick

(M) 03/02/1991
WP33980009; Fawn
BISS Ch Hauerdane's Plain James V Rika
(M) 07/02/1988
WG194161; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseacs French Dandy
(M) 08/08/1985
WF789465; Fawn
Von Raseac's French Gigolo
(M) 07/27/1982
WF357098; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
Am CH Von Raseac's Cerissa V Song
Hillview's Chantilly
(F) 03/06/1984
WF547494; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseac's Chaz of Hillview
Am CH Kingwood-Hillview Irish Rose
Am CH Rika's Plain Jane v Hauer ROM
WF462539; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Hauerdane's War Bonnet
(M) 05/09/1979
WE304590; Fawn
Am CH O'Lorcain's Townleigh V Hauer
Am CH Rysco's Million Dollar Baby
Am CH Kingswood Phoebe Snow
WE540247; Fawn
Am CH Jecamo's Aalborg V Dibo
Am CH Kingswood Lily Langtry
Am CH Varick's Maddie Hayes
WG109575; Brindle
BISS Ch Honey Lane's Casablanca
WF830956; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Go For It
WF487454; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
Am CH Honey Lane's Let's Do It Again
Am CH Honey Lane's Sylvia V Rimac
WF518893; Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Doctor LY
Am CH Honey Lane's Nutmeg CD
Varick's Celebrity V Brislyn
WF408857; Brindle
Am CH Varick's Pot O'Gold of Brislyn
WD887329; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Von Raseac's Westwind
Am CH Varick's Lil' Bit Fancier
Varick's Razzy Ripple
(F) 06/07/1980
WE636437; Brindle
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
Varick's Pumpkin Pie v Mandi
Am CH Our Danes Glory She's a ten
WP31214803; Fawn
Am CH Danesfield's Where Eagles Fly
(M) 06/14/1987
WG050903; Fawn
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
(M) 10/29/1981
WF192606; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
Am CH Dagons I'm Pixie
(F) 02/06/1977
WD689138; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
BISS Ch Dagon's Veroushka von Samson
Am & Can Ch Avanti's Tysina Danesfield
(F) 09/01/1984
WF704950; Fawn
Can Ch Avanti's Mr Ziegfeld
WE665759; Fawn
Can Ch Milledane's Mr J B Davos
Zingara's Shakira
Am CH Milledane's Twice as Nice
PU325461; Fawn
Am CH Davos' Rameses III
Milledane Twenty Carat Gold
Azuza of Orchardview
(F) 06/28/1986
WE984909; Fawn
Essek Louie
(M) 07/08/1982
WF302060; Fawn
Leo Leon
(M) 12/25/1979
WE483044; Fawn
The Will of Duchess
Cody's Lady Dana
(F) 08/01/1980
Master Bradley Razmus
Jessica Bartholomew
Angelic of Essek
(F) 06/28/1983
WF429625; Fawn
Sir Reginald III
(M) 03/24/1980
Ga-Mac's Shadrack
Dana of Possum Hollow
Danny's Jenny Girl
(F) 11/18/1980
Matthew's Mamaduke
Margie's Ginger Snap
Am CH McEmn's Eleanor Riggsbee
(F) 04/10/1994
WP54382904; Fawn
McEmn's Raisin' Cain
(M) 07/04/1987
WG016054; Brindle
Am CH Loxley Breezyknoll's Up-N-Adam
(M) 05/19/1985
WF702723; Fawn
Mountdania's Lobo of Deer Run
(M) 07/18/1981
WF043114; Fawn
Am CH Bodane Tourister
(M) 01/15/1978
WE26197; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Bodane Sophisticated Lady
Am CH Jandb's Mountdania Melody
WD741257; Brindle
BISS BIS Am Ch Mountdania's Ashley ROM HOF
Am CH J And B's One For The Money
Breezyknoll's Bonny Natasha
(F) 12/05/1983
WF547545; Fawn
Ashley von Reuben
(M) 07/25/1981
WF230844; Brindle
BISS BIS Am Ch Mountdania's Ashley ROM HOF
Castile's Loni of Deer Run
Mountdania's Sheeza Knockout
(F) 11/05/1979
WE445812; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Knock Out
Meadowbrook's Bathsheba
Am CH McEmn's Alexis
WF630515; Brindle
Am CH Rojon's Oh Boy V Mecca Dane
(M) 11/02/1978
WE409496; Fawn
Am CH Caprata's Simba
(M) 01/26/1977
WD638716; Brindle
Am CH Daneaura's Hunter
Rojon's Risque
Mecca Dane's Cynarra V Windane
WD430050; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Windane's Hello Sunshine
Am CH Mountdania's Meg of Janik
(F) 04/18/1981
WE875741; Brindle
BISS BIS Am Ch Mountdania's Ashley ROM HOF
(M) 12/27/1975
WD358051; Brindle
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Mountdania's Katie O'Kauffman
Castile's Calliope v Mtdania
(F) 04/16/1976
WD450461; Fawn
Am CH Castile's Gent of Mountdania
Am CH Castile's Carousel
McEmn's Emily the Sequel
(F) 03/14/1992
WP41479901; Fawn
Am CH McEmn Emily's Dickenson CD
WG511940; Fawn
Am CH Mel-San's Tysun
(M) 05/20/1988
WG213123; Fawn
Am CH Ga-mac's Risky Business
(M) 04/20/1986
WF906951; Brindle
Ga-Mac's Morgan
Am CH Ga-Mac's Dynasty Von Sutton
Am CH Mel-San's Niki Ann
WF386876; Fawn
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
Mel-San's Ecstasy
McEmn's Fay Wray
WG024918; Fawn
Am CH Mtn'neer's Postmark v Wagon Ho's
WF667490; Fawn
Brislyn's Post Script V Varick
Am CH Wagon Ho's Bebe Brandy
Am CH Rojon's Emily of Janik
(F) 05/28/1982
WF214686; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Rojon's Captain Fowler
Am CH Honey Lane's Lolli Pop
McEmn's Fay Wray
WG024918; Fawn
Am CH Mtn'neer's Postmark v Wagon Ho's
WF667490; Fawn
Brislyn's Post Script V Varick
WF410496; Fawn
Am CH Varick's Pot O'Gold of Brislyn
Varick's Razzy Ripple
Am CH Wagon Ho's Bebe Brandy
WF358931; Brindle
Waterwoods Abba V Mountdania
Kahlua Queen of Shady Pines
Am CH Rojon's Emily of Janik
(F) 05/28/1982
WF214686; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Rojon's Captain Fowler
(M) 04/22/1997
WE363795; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
Am CH Rojon's Please Me
Am CH Honey Lane's Lolli Pop
WE016121; Fawn
Am CH Can CH Furylane's Romeo
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
Camelot's Morganlefay V Azriel
(F) 10/26/1996
WP73996001; Fawn
Winston of Possum Holow
WG448523; Fawn
Excaliburs Show Em 'the Duke'
(M) 01/01/1986
WG050237; Fawn
Donnadane's Guy of Jaylor
(M) 11/15/1983
WF504290; Fawn
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
(M) 10/29/1981
WF192606; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
Am CH Dagons I'm Pixie
(F) 02/06/1977
WD689138; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
BISS Ch Dagon's Veroushka von Samson
Rainbow's Mini Maus
Am CH Willow Lakes Crackerjack
(M) 12/02/1975
WD283993; Fawn
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Questenburys Hesha Besha
Sheeba IX
Gretchen Sapphira MGM
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
HoneyLane's Keeley
Shalimar's Athena A'Sparklin
BIS Am & Can Ch Devrok's Zartanian V Sheboane
(M) 04/03/1975
WD291011; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Devrok's Quite A Doll
Am CH Shalimar's Dusty Springfield
WC408837; Brindle
Nj's Thunder Cloud of Brislyn
Devrok's Something Wonderful
Zucker Kindlein
(F) 06/02/1985
WF752226; Fawn
Gentleman of Cedarhill
Chris's Blaze of Sunshine
Sneezer's Burst of Sunshine
Bronze Day Samantha
Golden Princess Von Doggenhevn
Duke of York II
Lady Von Shanar
Brennan's Dazzling Delilah
Dagon's Czar von Brendane
(M) 07/16/1982
WF264587; Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Oh Boy V Mecca Dane
(M) 11/02/1978
WE409496; Fawn
Am CH Caprata's Simba
Mecca Dane's Cynarra V Windane
Am CH Dagons Jarmata of Witch Hill
(F) 08/18/1978
WE243760; Fawn
Am CH Dagons Spartacus V Phylldane
Shannon's Bric-A-Brac
Am CH Dagons Jarmata of Witch Hill
(F) 08/18/1978
WE243760; Fawn
Am CH Dagons Spartacus V Phylldane
(M) 05/26/1975
WD187988; Fawn
Am CH Shayne's Samson Von Solomon
Am CH Imperial J's Joyous Lyndee
Shannon's Bric-A-Brac
WD356426; Fawn
BIS Ch E Frazier Keppen of Tamerlane
Piper's Ragalia v Earl-Mar
Azriel's Naomi
(F) 09/05/1992
WP43728011; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Big Ben
WG485800; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Sandale's What A Guy ROM HOF
(M) 02/16/1985
WF705504; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Georgia Pacific
(M) 02/21/1983
WF381347; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
Am CH Stone River's Delta Dawn
WE008684; Fawn
Sheenwater Open Sesame
Rockbridge's Texas Lady
Murlo Sybil of Sandale ROM
WE937581; Fawn
Am CH Regal Corbett
(M) 05/30/1976
WD392947; Fawn
Murlo Ahab
Am & Can Ch Murlo Jezabell
Murlo Que Sera' Sera'
WD417356; Fawn
Murlo Ahab
Murlo Gretta
Laureal's Daneboa Hanky-panky
WG066549; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Go For It
WF487454; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
Am CH Reann's Barefoot Contessa
Am CH Honey Lane's Let's Do It Again
WE016123; Fawn
Am CH Can CH Furylane's Romeo
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
Am CH Laureal's Forever Dreamin'
WE570884; Brindle
Honey Lane's Ragtime Cowboy
WD865510; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
Am CH Honey Lane's Once Upon a Dream
WD226969; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
HoneyLane's Keeley
Hauerdane's Amaretto von Sheron
(F) 11/02/1989
WG434090; Fawn
BISS Ch Hauerdane's Plain James V Rika
(M) 07/02/1988
WG194161; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseacs French Dandy
(M) 08/08/1985
WF789465; Fawn
Von Raseac's French Gigolo
(M) 07/27/1982
WF357098; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
Am CH Von Raseac's Cerissa V Song
Hillview's Chantilly
(F) 03/06/1984
WF547494; Fawn
Am CH Von Raseac's Chaz of Hillview
Am CH Kingwood-Hillview Irish Rose
Am CH Rika's Plain Jane v Hauer ROM
WF462539; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Hauerdane's War Bonnet
(M) 05/09/1979
WE304590; Fawn
Am CH O'Lorcain's Townleigh V Hauer
Am CH Rysco's Million Dollar Baby
Am CH Kingswood Phoebe Snow
WE540247; Fawn
Am CH Jecamo's Aalborg V Dibo
Am CH Kingswood Lily Langtry
Am CH Sheron's Kahlua and Cream
Am CH SDS Plain Brown Wrapper V Rika
(M) 06/25/1985
WF761288; Fawn
BISS BIS Am Ch Aquino's Little Dooz Coupe SDS
WF317059; Fawn
Am CH Brier's Deusenberg V Hauer
Am CH Aquino's Mischevious of Tycho
Am CH Rika's Plain Jane v Hauer ROM
WF462539; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Hauerdane's War Bonnet
Am CH Kingswood Phoebe Snow
Am CH Karmadane's Elite v Sheron
(F) 02/13/1984
WF544445; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Paquestone's Der Gut Kamerod
(M) 06/30/1981
WF067910; Brindle
AM Ch Barnette's Brave Warrior
Legendrock's Burlesque
Karmadane's Maid By Heaven
WE879468; Fawn
Am CH Karmadane's Arcturus Czarabo
Van Alstyne's Heather v Lovett