River Rock Great Danes
Pedigree of:
Am CH Goodwin's Great Imposter
(M) 10/01/1987
COI: 1.47%
Deja's Clyde Barrow v Hauer
(M) 07/11/1986
WG089914; Fawn
Am CH SDS Bugsey Malone
WF536691; Fawn
BISS BIS Am Ch Aquino's Little Dooz Coupe SDS

WF317059; Fawn
Am CH Brier's Deusenberg V Hauer

(M) 04/02/1980
WE564118; Fawn
Am CH O'Lorcain's Townleigh V Hauer
WD354208; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jokers Wild
WC723487; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
Sheenwater Grassfire
WB835342; Fawn
Can Ch Sheenwater Capital Gains
Singing Sue Of Marydane
Am, Mex & Can Ch Von Raseac's Quintessence
(F) 06/13/1970
WB655639; Fawn
Am CH Great Caesar's Ghost Von Raseac
(M) 02/18/1968
WB119156; Fawn
Am CH Dana's Zeus of Quindane
Am CH Caesar's Lorelei Von Overcup
Cameo's Lilabet of Jason
WB249111; Fawn
Am CH Overcup's Jason Sacerdotes
Bodon's Cameo Girl von Fury
Mirando's Match Point Mandy
WD935746; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jokers Wild
WC723487; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
Sheenwater Grassfire
WB835342; Fawn
Can Ch Sheenwater Capital Gains
Singing Sue Of Marydane
Mirando's Kima De Juan
WD035850; Fawn
Barrister's Don Juan
(M) 04/30/1972
WC221884; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Brandt's Barrister of Dane Oak
Dinro's Lollipop
Mirando's Cindy of Danewin
BISS Am Ch Brandt's Barrister of Dane Oak
Mirando's Maya the Mooch
Am CH Aquino's Mischevious of Tycho

(F) 02/27/1980
WE697847; Fawn
Biss Am Ch Shannon's Tycho Brae
(M) 01/05/1978
WE019736; Brindle
BIS BISS Am & Can Ch Windane's Zephyr
(M) 01/13/1976
WD332669; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH Windane's April Storm CD
WB547019; Brindle
Am CH Duffy Don of Hayron
Smith's Regina D'Oro
Piper's Ragalia v Earl-Mar
WC071532; Fawn
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
(M) 06/26/1968
WB254596; Fawn
Von Riesenhof The Bandit Bee
Am CH Von Riesenhof Go-Josie-Go
Am CH Earl-Mar's Sandpiper
WB321340; Fawn
Am CH Kent's Brandt of Northcliff
Am CH Nandane's Morning Star of Padi
Shannon's Bric-A-Brac
WD356426; Fawn
BIS Ch E Frazier Keppen of Tamerlane
(M) 03/21/1973
WC520615; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Am CH C. U. of Tamerlane
(F) 11/28/1970
WB900898; Fawn
Am CH Mr. Pacific Of Marydane
Am CH Lyons' Pride Heidi
Piper's Ragalia v Earl-Mar
WC071532; Fawn
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
(M) 06/26/1968
WB254596; Fawn
Von Riesenhof The Bandit Bee
Am CH Von Riesenhof Go-Josie-Go
Am CH Earl-Mar's Sandpiper
WB321340; Fawn
Am CH Kent's Brandt of Northcliff
Am CH Nandane's Morning Star of Padi
Brier's Indian Sunset v Hauer
(F) 11/14/1981
WF073502; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Hauerdane's War Bonnet

(M) 05/09/1979
WE304590; Fawn
Am CH O'Lorcain's Townleigh V Hauer
WD354208; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jokers Wild
WC723487; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
Sheenwater Grassfire
WB835342; Fawn
Can Ch Sheenwater Capital Gains
Singing Sue Of Marydane
Am, Mex & Can Ch Von Raseac's Quintessence
(F) 06/13/1970
WB655639; Fawn
Am CH Great Caesar's Ghost Von Raseac
(M) 02/18/1968
WB119156; Fawn
Am CH Dana's Zeus of Quindane
Am CH Caesar's Lorelei Von Overcup
Cameo's Lilabet of Jason
WB249111; Fawn
Am CH Overcup's Jason Sacerdotes
Bodon's Cameo Girl von Fury
Am CH Rysco's Million Dollar Baby
WD557965; Fawn
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
(M) 06/26/1968
WB254596; Fawn
Von Riesenhof The Bandit Bee
(M) 10/14/1965
WA866910; Fawn
Am CH Deacon's Fury V Geordon
Am CH Von Riesenhof Brandi Bee
Am CH Von Riesenhof Go-Josie-Go
(F) 02/16/1966
WA888525; Fawn
Killian's Prince Norris
Thendara Dolly Von Riesenhof
Am CH Sheenwater Jubilee
WC723485; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
Sheenwater Grassfire
WB835342; Fawn
Can Ch Sheenwater Capital Gains
Singing Sue Of Marydane
Mirando's Match Point Mandy

WD935746; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jokers Wild
WC723487; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
(M) 12/05/1967
WB107539; Fawn
Am CH Danel's Caius of Mountdania
Danel's Angee of Mountdania
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
(F) 09/29/1969
WB576454; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Mr Kelly
Daneboa's Li'l Algee
Sheenwater Grassfire
WB835342; Fawn
Can Ch Sheenwater Capital Gains
WA790032; Fawn
Am CH Reggen's Marcus Of Marydane
Cheerie Cathy Of Marydane
Singing Sue Of Marydane
; Brindle
Am CH Reggen's Marcus Of Marydane
Jupiter's Adorable Diana
Mirando's Kima De Juan
WD035850; Fawn
Barrister's Don Juan
(M) 04/30/1972
WC221884; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Brandt's Barrister of Dane Oak
(M) 12/10/1968
WB283675; Fawn
Am CH Kent's Brandt of Northcliff
Dinro Miss Mischief
Dinro's Lollipop
(F) 05/13/1968
WB485735; Fawn
Turkadana Hornpipe
Dinro Jinx
Mirando's Cindy of Danewin
BISS Am Ch Brandt's Barrister of Dane Oak
(M) 12/10/1968
WB283675; Fawn
Am CH Kent's Brandt of Northcliff
Dinro Miss Mischief
Mirando's Maya the Mooch
Am CH Pierre of Lyondane
Indya of Eron
Am CH Honey Lane's Bon Jour
WF327819; Fawn
Am CH Marmaduke of Yoredane
WE778265; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Rojon's Captain Fowler

(M) 04/22/1997
WE363795; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review
WD865509; Fawn
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
(M) 06/26/1968
WB254596; Fawn
Von Riesenhof The Bandit Bee
Am CH Von Riesenhof Go-Josie-Go
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
WA783166; Brindle
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco
Jones Cleo of Erin-Dane
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
HoneyLane's Keeley
(F) 02/25/1972
WC106093; Fawn
Am CH Emperor's Nero of Kalidane
Cranedane's Eternal Flame
Am CH Rojon's Please Me
WC700897; Brindle
Am CH Woodland Dane's Ding Dong
(M) 03/30/1971
WB816055; Fawn
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
(M) 06/26/1968
WB254596; Fawn
Von Riesenhof The Bandit Bee
Am CH Von Riesenhof Go-Josie-Go
Electra's Gypsy Tiger
(F) 08/19/1969
WB452207; Brindle
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco
Keefe's Countess Electra
Rojon's Magda V Hustler
(F) 05/20/1972
WC451414; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
Vonriesenhof Rockhill Robin
WB356565; Fawn
Von Riesenhof The Bandit Bee
Von Riesenhof Cat Ballou
Am CH Yoredane's Solitaire
(F) 12/16/1976
WD674871; Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Axel
(M) 09/22/1971
WB994652; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
(M) 12/05/1967
WB107539; Fawn
Am CH Danel's Caius of Mountdania
WA804395; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Taboo Again
Am CH Mountdania's Glamour Girl
Danel's Angee of Mountdania
WA434701; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Dinro Taboo
Am CH Mountdania's Glamour Girl
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
(F) 09/29/1969
WB576454; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Mr Kelly
(M) 12/22/1966
WA913820; Fawn
Am CH Fury's Thunder of Daneboa
Daneboa's Golden Mist
Daneboa's Li'l Algee
WB141365; Fawn
Daneboa's Great Impact
Neudane's Sassy Lady
Am CH Yoredane's Ms D.D. Marston
WC678941; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
(M) 12/05/1967
WB107539; Fawn
Am CH Danel's Caius of Mountdania
Danel's Angee of Mountdania
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
(F) 09/29/1969
WB576454; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Mr Kelly
Daneboa's Li'l Algee
Am & Can Ch Cranedane's Javelin
WB525095; Fawn
Am CH Crane's Mr. Terrific of Radwin
(M) 01/01/1967
WA932182; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco
Radwin's Honey-Liz
Cranedane's Cashmere Angel
WB092972; Fawn
Am CH Jumpin Ken Of Marydane
Radwin's Honey-Liz
Honey Lane's Me Only
(F) 03/08/1980
WE597982; Fawn
Honey Lane's Ragtime Cowboy
WD865510; Brindle
BISS Am Ch & Can Ch Rojon's The Hustler
(M) 02/13/1970
WB660956; Brindle
Am CH Von Riesenhof's The Boss
(M) 06/26/1968
WB254596; Fawn
Von Riesenhof The Bandit Bee
(M) 10/14/1965
WA866910; Fawn
Am CH Deacon's Fury V Geordon
Am CH Von Riesenhof Brandi Bee
Am CH Von Riesenhof Go-Josie-Go
(F) 02/16/1966
WA888525; Fawn
Killian's Prince Norris
Thendara Dolly Von Riesenhof
Cinderama III of Lindi Dane
WA783166; Brindle
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco
(M) 06/18/1961
WA181677; Brindle
Am CH Rori of Noblebrook
Am CH Nandane's Gypsy of Way Mar
Jones Cleo of Erin-Dane
WA555653; Fawn
Am CH Erin-Dane's El Teager
Cleopatra Jones
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
(M) 12/05/1967
WB107539; Fawn
Am CH Danel's Caius of Mountdania
Danel's Angee of Mountdania
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
(F) 09/29/1969
WB576454; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Mr Kelly
Daneboa's Li'l Algee
HoneyLane's Keeley
(F) 02/25/1972
WC106093; Fawn
Am CH Emperor's Nero of Kalidane
(M) 04/07/1969
WB336363; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Heming's Yankee Valor V Hei-Dan
Karla of Kalidane
Cranedane's Eternal Flame
WB595573; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Heming's Yankee Valor V Hei-Dan
Radwin's Honey-Liz
Honey Lane's Gentle on My Mind
WD473514; Brindle
Am CH Ashbun Acres Axel
(M) 09/22/1971
WB994652; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
(M) 12/05/1967
WB107539; Fawn
Am CH Danel's Caius of Mountdania
WA804395; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Taboo Again
Am CH Mountdania's Glamour Girl
Danel's Angee of Mountdania
WA434701; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Dinro Taboo
Am CH Mountdania's Glamour Girl
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
(F) 09/29/1969
WB576454; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Mr Kelly
(M) 12/22/1966
WA913820; Fawn
Am CH Fury's Thunder of Daneboa
Daneboa's Golden Mist
Daneboa's Li'l Algee
WB141365; Fawn
Daneboa's Great Impact
Neudane's Sassy Lady
Am CH Honey Lane's Worth Waiting For
WC093861; Brindle
Yankee's Rebal of Kalidane
Am & Can Ch Heming's Yankee Valor V Hei-Dan
(M) 05/18/1966
WA754128; Fawn
Am CH Yankee Doodle of Hei-Dan
Am, Can & Berm Ch Thorn Run's Sibyl of Sandy Knob CD
Karla of Kalidane
; Brindle
BISS Am Ch Nandane's Tamanaco
Sugar Plum of Doodle Dane
Biamca's Miss Chee Vus v Crane
Am CH Jumpin Ken Of Marydane
(M) 11/09/1964
WA566490; Fawn
Cheerie Charlie Of Marydane
Kencanis Lady Poppins
Radwin's Honey-Liz
WA674324; Fawn
Radwin's Duke of Markham
Bonnays Jeannie
Goodwin's Saffron Silk
Am CH Von Schatz Genghis Khan
(M) 07/27/1973
WC559026; Brindle
Am CH Raseac's Great Ceasar's Quote

(M) 06/13/1970
WB745373; Fawn
Am CH Great Caesar's Ghost Von Raseac

(M) 02/18/1968
WB119156; Fawn
Am CH Dana's Zeus of Quindane
WA446480; Fawn
Am, Mex & Can Ch Jecamo's Caesar of AAA
(M) 03/19/1962
Wa271009; Fawn
Trailblazer of Los Vientos
(M) 01/13/1959
WA055117; Fawn
Am & Mex Ch Honey Hollow That's Jim Again
Flaming Flirt of Los Vientos
Am CH Kelsey's Annie Laurie
(F) 08/14/1959
WA16468; Fawn
Am CH Highfield's Buchanan
Gilbert's Crestview Bonnie
Jecamo's Dana of Quindane
; Fawn
Trailblazer of Los Vientos
(M) 01/13/1959
WA055117; Fawn
Am & Mex Ch Honey Hollow That's Jim Again
Flaming Flirt of Los Vientos
Moreno's Gala Gay Nina de Oro
Am CH Ladymeade Galahad
Sutton's Lady Gay
Am CH Caesar's Lorelei Von Overcup
WA787535; Fawn
Am, Mex & Can Ch Jecamo's Caesar of AAA
(M) 03/19/1962
Wa271009; Fawn
Trailblazer of Los Vientos
(M) 01/13/1959
WA055117; Fawn
Am & Mex Ch Honey Hollow That's Jim Again
Flaming Flirt of Los Vientos
Am CH Kelsey's Annie Laurie
(F) 08/14/1959
WA16468; Fawn
Am CH Highfield's Buchanan
Gilbert's Crestview Bonnie
Am CH Thendara Henriette Keppen
(F) 05/14/1961
WA204090; Fawn
Thendara Kurt
; Fawn
Am CH Chasnell Sheik of Highfield
Am CH Miss Erikke Von Riesenhof
Keppen's Kati
; Fawn
Am CH Thendara Theodoric
Keppen's Kim
Cameo's Lilabet of Jason

WB249111; Fawn
Am CH Overcup's Jason Sacerdotes
(M) 06/22/1964
WA505182; Fawn
Am CH Sham's Sacerdotes
(M) 12/12/1962
WA352789; Brindle
Am CH Treseder's Siegfried of Imes
(M) 02/27/1961
WA238585; Brindle
Am CH Temple Dell's Prince Igor
Kay Rio's Sariah
(F) 11/11/1960
; Fawn
Am CH Sugar Dane's Gambler
Royal Wan's Sugar
Am CH Thendara Henriette Keppen
(F) 05/14/1961
WA204090; Fawn
Thendara Kurt
; Fawn
Am CH Chasnell Sheik of Highfield
Am CH Miss Erikke Von Riesenhof
Keppen's Kati
; Fawn
Am CH Thendara Theodoric
Keppen's Kim
Bodon's Cameo Girl von Fury
(F) 05/02/1966
WA 847073; Fawn
Am CH Deacon's Fury V Geordon
(M) 05/27/1959
WA26734; Fawn
Am CH Lillard's Deacon of Vizier
(M) 08/06/1955
W627326; Fawn
Am CH Robertson's Valiant Vizier CD
Carliss Donna
Am CH Geordons Von Riesenhof CD
W707515; Fawn
Prince Valient Von Riesenhof
Am CH Golden Girl Von Riesenhof
Bodon's Miss Assist
(F) 05/30/1964
WA 527635; Fawn
Am CH Charbo's Regenbogen
(M) 12/30/1962
WA321778; Fawn
Am CH Deacon's Fury V Geordon
Charbo's Gilda's Gehenna
Am CH Harmon's Sheba
(F) 12/19/1961
WA108388; Fawn
Am CH Major Herman
Bryndane's Bianca
Frae-Bo's Danielle v Schatz
Sun-E-Tempo's Hickory

(M) 02/03/1969
WB369382; Brindle
Am CH Sham's Sacerdotes
(M) 12/12/1962
WA352789; Brindle
Am CH Treseder's Siegfried of Imes
(M) 02/27/1961
WA238585; Brindle
Am CH Temple Dell's Prince Igor
(M) 01/17/1960
WA75013; Brindle
Am & Mex Ch Honey Hollow That's Jim Again
Honey Hollow Ampa Joli
Kay Rio's Sariah
WA094980; Fawn
Am & Mex Ch Honey Hollow That's Jim Again
Kay Rio's Paragon of Norvid
(F) 11/11/1960
; Fawn
Am CH Sugar Dane's Gambler
W908623; Fawn
Am CH Anadane's Idol
Kay Rio's Miss Sugar Candy
Royal Wan's Sugar
; Fawn
Rock 'n Roll of Guilerdane
Duchess Delmonte Blunk
Am CH Soc's Operetta of Tempodane
(F) 11/16/1966
WA927922; Brindle
Am CH Sham's Sacerdotes
(M) 12/12/1962
WA352789; Brindle
Am CH Treseder's Siegfried of Imes
(M) 02/27/1961
WA238585; Brindle
Am CH Temple Dell's Prince Igor
Kay Rio's Sariah
(F) 11/11/1960
; Fawn
Am CH Sugar Dane's Gambler
Royal Wan's Sugar
Mardido of Tempodane
(F) 03/06/1964
; Fawn
Bolo's Ajax
(M) 06/01/1957
; Fawn
Am CH Astrid's Bodo
Am CH Ladymeade Quella
Dinah of Tempodane
Andante of Tempodane
Starla von Igoe
Am CH Frae-Bo's Doirde of Matilija
(F) 06/06/1969
Doirde's Zorba
(M) 12/10/1965
WA803255; Brindle
Am CH Overcup's Jason Sacerdotes
(M) 06/22/1964
WA505182; Fawn
Am CH Sham's Sacerdotes
(M) 12/12/1962
WA352789; Brindle
Am CH Treseder's Siegfried of Imes
Am CH Thendara Henriette Keppen
(F) 05/14/1961
WA204090; Fawn
Thendara Kurt
Keppen's Kati
Doirde's Aurora
(F) 03/11/1964
WA453834; Brindle
Am CH Gideon of Guilerdane
(M) 05/29/1957
W823937; Fawn
Lord Oscar of Guilerdane
Am CH Rocky-Bye of Guilerdane
Am CH Siers' Antoinette de Doiron
Siers' Bolero of De Coursey
Meg's Tonia of Guilerdane
Doirde's Tawni of Sword
(F) 01/28/1967
WB040073; Fawn
Bringold's Sword
(M) 01/04/1963
WA311736; Fawn
Am CH Gideon of Guilerdane
(M) 05/29/1957
W823937; Fawn
Lord Oscar of Guilerdane
Am CH Rocky-Bye of Guilerdane
Brandy of Alphadane
Sir Lancelot II of Guilerdane
Meg's Tonia of Guilerdane
Doirde's Ellie Mae
(F) 04/30/1965
WA835248; Brindle
Ime's Othello
(M) 02/27/1961
Am CH Temple Dell's Prince Igor
Kay Rio's Sariah
Am CH Siers' Antoinette de Doiron
Siers' Bolero of De Coursey
Meg's Tonia of Guilerdane
CH Sundance's Barona Shammy Doll