Debuce the Heavyweight
(M) 11/15/1985 ; Blue COI=0.26%
Zeus Canis Major
(M) 12/16/1981 ; Blue COI=0.25%
Yaresville Midnight Flyer
(M) 08/26/1980 ; Black
UK & Nor Ch Chapala Sherman
(M) 08/24/1979 S02210/82; Harlequin
Blaaholms Pancho Villa of Chapala
(M) KCC99409D3; Harlequin
World Int & Den Ch Blaaholms Husar
(M) 11/06/1973 DK01225/74; Harlequin
Harras-ben-el-eick V Furst Bismarck
(M) 61098; Harlequin
Int, Gdr, Ben & Swz Ch Eick Imperial
Inka V D Ratsmühle
Blaaholms Diana
(F) DK18609/69; Harlequin
Int, Nord, Den & Swd Ch Faust von der Rosshalde
Blaaholms Fabiola
Dk Ch Blaaholms Lady Ann
(F) DK06252/75; Harlequin
Husar-ben-el-eick V Furst Bismarck
(M) 61103; Harlequin
Int, Gdr, Ben & Swz Ch Eick Imperial
Inka V D Ratsmühle
Nadja V D Rosshalde
(F) ; Harlequin
Xander von der Nürburg
Candy vom Riedstern
Impton Catalina of Chapala
(F) ; Blue
Impton Cheyenne
(M) 09/15/1973 ; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
(M) 04/25/1969 11BH; Black
Nord Itl Ch Harmony Hill Lied of Airways
Nordic & Int Ch Chan-Sonette of Doggline
Menina of Merrowlea
(F) 05/13/1967 ; Blue
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Baron
Marpesa of Merrowlea
Leblon Blue Farah of Impton
(F) 88519/75; Blue
Obispo of Impton
(M) 12/18/1970 ; Blue
Impton Pacific of Maradane
Marpesa of Merrowlea
Blue Sheba of Leblon
(F) ; Blue
Zariba of Beechfields
Hecate of Index
Sealskin Blue Devil of Yaresville
(F) ;
Impton Geronimo
(M) ;
Obispo of Impton
(M) 12/18/1970 ; Blue
Impton Pacific of Maradane
(M) 85628/70; Blue
Am CH Glen-Glo's Bucephalus
Am & Mex Ch Cacique Urimare of Maradane
Marpesa of Merrowlea
(F) KC75401/63; Blue
Blendon Blue Blend of Newton Regis
Miss Saphire of Merrowlea
Impton Wichita
(F) 08/27/1974 3713BJ; Black
Eng Ch Big Sur of Impton
(M) 05/04/1970 ; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
Marpesa of Merrowlea
UK Ch Impton Duralex Burnita
(F) 04/25/1969 ; Black
Nord Itl Ch Harmony Hill Lied of Airways
Nordic & Int Ch Chan-Sonette of Doggline
Kilcroney Kibbit
(F) ;
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Stewart
(M) 09/02/1968 53BG; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
(M) 03/22/1963 538AX; Blue
Sarzec Bluebahni of Newton Regis
Sarzec Sapphire of Myrtle Manor
Trousseau of Moonsfield
(F) ; Blue
Blendon Blue Blend of Newton Regis
Serial of Leesthorphill
Irish Ch Kilcroney Kerine
(F) ; Blue
Sarzec Blue in the Night
(M) ; Blue
Irish Ch Kassandra of Kilcroney
(F) 08/25/1967 ; Blue
Horace of Nightsgift
Kana of Kilcroney
Valleyrise My Mistress
(F) 10/11/1979 ; Black
Dicarl the Condor
(M) 09/20/1975 ; Fawn
Eng Ch Dicarl the Heavyweight
(M) 11/03/1973 1927BJ; Fawn
Eng Ch Gowerfield Galestorm of Aysdaine
(M) 07/25/1971 1773BI; Fawn
Golden Reward of Lisvane
(M) 04/23/1967 ; Fawn
Oldmanor Titabo of Moonsfield
Froniga of Lisvane
UK Ch Gowerfield Tartan Muse of Moonsfield
(F) 01/20/1968 ; Fawn
Eng Ch Telaman of Moonsfield
Tartan of Moonsfield
Dicarl Tardub
(F) ; Brindle
Target of Moonsfield
(M) 07/22/1967 ; Brindle
Eng Ch Telaman of Moonsfield
Eng Ch Telera of Moonsfield
Dicarl Double-up
(F) ;
Eng Ch Meletalyon of Oldmanor
Jayessem Jacamiranda
Dicarl Tarbaby
(F) 08/18/1970 ; Fawn
Target of Moonsfield
(M) 07/22/1967 ; Brindle
Eng Ch Telaman of Moonsfield
(M) 01/23/1962 651AW; Fawn
Eng Ch Telluson of Moonsfield
Taral of Moonsfield
Eng Ch Telera of Moonsfield
(F) 05/18/1965 71560/65; Brindle
Eng Ch Telton of Moonsfield
Neara of Tayntemead
Dicarl Double-up
(F) ;
Eng Ch Meletalyon of Oldmanor
(M) 12/06/1966 ; Fawn
Eng Ch Telaman of Moonsfield
Eng Ch Meleta of Oldmanor
Jayessem Jacamiranda
(F) ; Fawn
Jayessem Jovanka
Jayessem Beatrix
Francisco Babe of Evansville
(F) ;
Ritzieblue Aster
(F) 09/07/1982 ; Blue
Gaylord v. t. Buitengebeuren of Impton
(M) E9066903E09; Blue
The Old Favorite Castor
(M) NHSB 738789; Blue
CH The Old Favorite Blanka
(M) NHSB 431645; Blue
Ivo of Lynn-mar
(M) NHSB 318929; Black
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald
(M) 03/31/1958 VDH/DDC 43495; Blue
Amiko von Lippe-Detmold
Edda von der Wotanshütte
CH Edda vom Himmelsfürst
(F) 04/07/1959 VDH/DDC 44342; Blue
Bushido aus dem Tierparadies
Cordula vom Himmelsfürst
Hercules Brigitta
(F) NHSB 282081; Blue
Carlo vom Hause Brugger
(M) ;
CH Dago aus dem Winkel
Elma vom Aberg
Ingrid du Domaine de La Ferté
(F) LOSH 188828;
Vania von Cent Soucis
The Old Favorite Alwina
(F) NHSB 553575; Blue
Astor v Rotenberger Schloß
(M) VDH/DDC 50922; Blue
Heiko von der Eremitage
(M) DDZB 46888; Blue
Vasar von der Eremitage
Lady vom Föhrenstein
Bella von Burg Karlsdorf
(F) 05/03/1963 VDH/DDC 47972; Black
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald
Carmen vom Leininger Land
The Old Favorite Swanta
(F) NHSB 480871; Blue
Int Ch Domofendi's Nick
(M) LOSH226883; Blue
Errol aus dem Schwarzwald
Babette Von Blauwe Engel
CH The Old Favorite Olga
(F) NHSB 431647; Blue
Ivo of Lynn-mar
Hercules Brigitta
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
(F) 10/21/1974 WC957397; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
(M) 06/12/1971 WC106262; Black
Am CH Ravon's Ruwenzori Rye CDX
(M) WB207202; Black
Am CH Glen-Glo's Bucephalus
(M) 02/12/1967 WA889016; Blue
Am CH Baron Von Hessel of Maradane
Ebony Shadow CDX
Kali Kalua Kilaeueau CDX
(F) WA766610; Black
Bell-Nevis Steamboater
Kalmar's Holly of Holly Hill
Ross' Blue Shadows of Dawn CD
(F) WB141171; Blue
Tegar Dean
(M) WA557428; Black / White
Blue Indigo of Downs-Crest
Sheba IV
Blue Storm of Dun Roman
(F) ; Blue
The Four C's Mr. Blue
Midnight of Downs crest
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
(F) 07/05/1970 WC216946; Blue
Am CH Zoro aus dem Schwarzwald
(M) 02/28/1967 WB62326; Blue / White
Blue Victor of Bedrule
(M) 108584/61; Blue
Sarzec Bluebahni of Newton Regis
Bedina of Newton Regis
Fr Ch Lunica aus dem Schwarzwald
(F) 47353; Blue
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald
Fee aus dem Schwarzwald
Mako's Fancy Blue Lace
(F) WA784714; Blue
Lex aus dem Schwarzwald
(M) ; Blue
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald
Fee aus dem Schwarzwald
Am CH Haas Raptureous Blue Dana
(F) 03/23/1964 WA482510; Blue
Am CH Indigo's Luster of Downcrest
Victoria Marma Dutchess CD
Ritzie Blue Pride
(F) ;
Shellanda Pride of Wings
(F) 03/12/1988 ; Blue COI=1.81%
Nordsea Blue Grass
(M) 04/09/1986 ; Blue COI=13.25%
Nordsea Blue Aristocrat
(M) 12/23/1983 ; Blue
Gaylord v. t. Buitengebeuren of Impton
(M) E9066903E09; Blue
The Old Favorite Castor
(M) NHSB 738789; Blue
CH The Old Favorite Blanka
(M) NHSB 431645; Blue
Ivo of Lynn-mar
(M) NHSB 318929; Black
Int Ch Cyrus aus dem Schwarzwald
CH Edda vom Himmelsfürst
Hercules Brigitta
(F) NHSB 282081; Blue
Carlo vom Hause Brugger
Ingrid du Domaine de La Ferté
The Old Favorite Alwina
(F) NHSB 553575; Blue
Astor v Rotenberger Schloß
(M) VDH/DDC 50922; Blue
Heiko von der Eremitage
Bella von Burg Karlsdorf
The Old Favorite Swanta
(F) NHSB 480871; Blue
Int Ch Domofendi's Nick
CH The Old Favorite Olga
BISS Ch Willowrun's Blue V Riverwood
(F) 10/21/1974 WC957397; Blue
Am CH Ross' Quixotic Ghosts of Love
(M) 06/12/1971 WC106262; Black
Am CH Ravon's Ruwenzori Rye CDX
(M) WB207202; Black
Am CH Glen-Glo's Bucephalus
Kali Kalua Kilaeueau CDX
Ross' Blue Shadows of Dawn CD
(F) WB141171; Blue
Tegar Dean
Blue Storm of Dun Roman
Starphire Joqui V Riverwood
(F) 07/05/1970 WC216946; Blue
Am CH Zoro aus dem Schwarzwald
(M) 02/28/1967 WB62326; Blue / White
Blue Victor of Bedrule
Fr Ch Lunica aus dem Schwarzwald
Mako's Fancy Blue Lace
(F) WA784714; Blue
Lex aus dem Schwarzwald
Am CH Haas Raptureous Blue Dana
Nordsea Blue Charmer
(F) ;
Beechfields Blue Moon
(M) ; Blue
Impton Cheyenne
(M) 09/15/1973 ; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
(M) 04/25/1969 11BH; Black
Nord Itl Ch Harmony Hill Lied of Airways
Nordic & Int Ch Chan-Sonette of Doggline
Menina of Merrowlea
(F) 05/13/1967 ; Blue
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Baron
Marpesa of Merrowlea
Zaria of Beechfields
(F) ; Black
Zariba of Beechfields
(M) 08/07/1969 ; Black
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Baron
Zulu of Beechfields
Solitaire of Beechfields
(F) 05/19/1964 ; Fawn
Eng Ch Telton of Moonsfield
Mouseley of Oldmanor
Nordsea Black Beauty
(F) ;
Nordsea Argonaut
(M) ;
Blue Girl of Nordsea
(F) ;
Nordsea Blue Stocking
(F) 07/02/1982 ;
Branella Blue Tyr
(M) 10/11/1977 ;
Impton Geronimo
(M) ;
Obispo of Impton
(M) 12/18/1970 ; Blue
Impton Pacific of Maradane
(M) 85628/70; Blue
Am CH Glen-Glo's Bucephalus
Am & Mex Ch Cacique Urimare of Maradane
Marpesa of Merrowlea
(F) KC75401/63; Blue
Blendon Blue Blend of Newton Regis
Miss Saphire of Merrowlea
Impton Wichita
(F) 08/27/1974 3713BJ; Black
Eng Ch Big Sur of Impton
(M) 05/04/1970 ; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
Marpesa of Merrowlea
UK Ch Impton Duralex Burnita
(F) 04/25/1969 ; Black
Nord Itl Ch Harmony Hill Lied of Airways
Nordic & Int Ch Chan-Sonette of Doggline
Rhinegold Humming Bird
(F) ;
Nordsea Blue Charmer
(F) ;
Beechfields Blue Moon
(M) ; Blue
Impton Cheyenne
(M) 09/15/1973 ; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
(M) 04/25/1969 11BH; Black
Nord Itl Ch Harmony Hill Lied of Airways
Nordic & Int Ch Chan-Sonette of Doggline
Menina of Merrowlea
(F) 05/13/1967 ; Blue
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Baron
Marpesa of Merrowlea
Zaria of Beechfields
(F) ; Black
Zariba of Beechfields
(M) 08/07/1969 ; Black
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Baron
Zulu of Beechfields
Solitaire of Beechfields
(F) 05/19/1964 ; Fawn
Eng Ch Telton of Moonsfield
Mouseley of Oldmanor
Nordsea Black Beauty
(F) ;
Nordsea Argonaut
(M) ;
Blue Girl of Nordsea
(F) ;
Denia Blue Duchess
(F) 11/23/1985 ; Blue COI=37.55%
Sultan Flyer
(M) 12/16/1981 ; Blue
Yaresville Midnight Flyer
(M) 08/26/1980 ; Black
UK & Nor Ch Chapala Sherman
(M) 08/24/1979 S02210/82; Harlequin
Blaaholms Pancho Villa of Chapala
(M) KCC99409D3; Harlequin
World Int & Den Ch Blaaholms Husar
(M) 11/06/1973 DK01225/74; Harlequin
Harras-ben-el-eick V Furst Bismarck
Blaaholms Diana
Dk Ch Blaaholms Lady Ann
(F) DK06252/75; Harlequin
Husar-ben-el-eick V Furst Bismarck
Nadja V D Rosshalde
Impton Catalina of Chapala
(F) ; Blue
Impton Cheyenne
(M) 09/15/1973 ; Black
Int, Nord & Eng Ch Impton Duralex Bernando
Menina of Merrowlea
Leblon Blue Farah of Impton
(F) 88519/75; Blue
Obispo of Impton
Blue Sheba of Leblon
Sealskin Blue Devil of Yaresville
(F) ;
Impton Geronimo
(M) ;
Obispo of Impton
(M) 12/18/1970 ; Blue
Impton Pacific of Maradane
Marpesa of Merrowlea
Impton Wichita
(F) 08/27/1974 3713BJ; Black
Eng Ch Big Sur of Impton
UK Ch Impton Duralex Burnita
Kilcroney Kibbit
(F) ;
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Stewart
(M) 09/02/1968 53BG; Blue
Sarzec Blue Saxon
Trousseau of Moonsfield
Irish Ch Kilcroney Kerine
(F) ; Blue
Sarzec Blue in the Night
Irish Ch Kassandra of Kilcroney
Valleyrise My Mistress
(F) 10/11/1979 ; Black
Dicarl the Condor
(M) 09/20/1975 ; Fawn
Eng Ch Dicarl the Heavyweight
(M) 11/03/1973 1927BJ; Fawn
Eng Ch Gowerfield Galestorm of Aysdaine
(M) 07/25/1971 1773BI; Fawn
Golden Reward of Lisvane
UK Ch Gowerfield Tartan Muse of Moonsfield
Dicarl Tardub
(F) ; Brindle
Target of Moonsfield
Dicarl Double-up
Dicarl Tarbaby
(F) 08/18/1970 ; Fawn
Target of Moonsfield
(M) 07/22/1967 ; Brindle
Eng Ch Telaman of Moonsfield
Eng Ch Telera of Moonsfield
Dicarl Double-up
(F) ;
Eng Ch Meletalyon of Oldmanor
Jayessem Jacamiranda
Francisco Babe of Evansville
(F) ;
Sandy's Blue Babe
(F) 06/02/1984 ; Blue
Sultan Flyer
(M) 12/16/1981 ; Blue
Yaresville Midnight Flyer
(M) 08/26/1980 ; Black
UK & Nor Ch Chapala Sherman
(M) 08/24/1979 S02210/82; Harlequin
Blaaholms Pancho Villa of Chapala
(M) KCC99409D3; Harlequin
World Int & Den Ch Blaaholms Husar
Dk Ch Blaaholms Lady Ann
Impton Catalina of Chapala
(F) ; Blue
Impton Cheyenne
Leblon Blue Farah of Impton
Sealskin Blue Devil of Yaresville
(F) ;
Impton Geronimo
(M) ;
Obispo of Impton
Impton Wichita
Kilcroney Kibbit
(F) ;
Eng Ch Sarzec Blue Stewart
Irish Ch Kilcroney Kerine
Valleyrise My Mistress
(F) 10/11/1979 ; Black
Dicarl the Condor
(M) 09/20/1975 ; Fawn
Eng Ch Dicarl the Heavyweight
(M) 11/03/1973 1927BJ; Fawn
Eng Ch Gowerfield Galestorm of Aysdaine
Dicarl Tardub
Dicarl Tarbaby
(F) 08/18/1970 ; Fawn
Target of Moonsfield
Dicarl Double-up
Francisco Babe of Evansville
(F) ;
Valleyrise My Mistress
(F) 10/11/1979 ; Black
Dicarl the Condor
(M) 09/20/1975 ; Fawn
Eng Ch Dicarl the Heavyweight
(M) 11/03/1973 1927BJ; Fawn
Eng Ch Gowerfield Galestorm of Aysdaine
(M) 07/25/1971 1773BI; Fawn
Golden Reward of Lisvane
UK Ch Gowerfield Tartan Muse of Moonsfield
Dicarl Tardub
(F) ; Brindle
Target of Moonsfield
Dicarl Double-up
Dicarl Tarbaby
(F) 08/18/1970 ; Fawn
Target of Moonsfield
(M) 07/22/1967 ; Brindle
Eng Ch Telaman of Moonsfield
Eng Ch Telera of Moonsfield
Dicarl Double-up
(F) ;
Eng Ch Meletalyon of Oldmanor
Jayessem Jacamiranda
Francisco Babe of Evansville
(F) ;