Trial Mating
River Rock Great Danes
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Pedigree of:
Rankeillor Remus
(M) 04/29/1965
62/769/65; Black
COI: 2.84%
[Vertical Pedigree]
[Reverse Pedigree]
[External Pedigree]
Eng Ch
Arex of Aranton
(M) 02/04/1961
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Arab of Aranton
(M) 08/06/1955
; Fawn
Brinsley of Barvae
(M) 12/01/1950
Brinsley of Blendon
(M) 10/20/1948
Fingard's King of Kings of Blendon
; Fawn
Fingard's Joe Louis
179001; Fawn
Can Ch
King of Roxdane
171332; Fawn
Scheutze's King
Freia of Roxdane
Allure of Garfield 2nd
; Fawn
Ace of Lyn-Dee
Princess Trilby of Kindon
Fingard's Venus
; Fawn
Can Ch
King of Roxdane
171332; Fawn
Scheutze's King
Freia of Roxdane
Eng Ch
Wischers Duley
; Black
Am & Can Ch
Bella Von Venus
Belle Fleur of Blendon
(F) 01/16/1947
1240AF; Fawn
Irish Ch
Hyawatha of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Hyperion of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
Pandora of Ladymeade
Olga of Ladymeade
; Black
Bafflino of Blendon
Quitte of Trayshill
Avia of Rollight
; Black
Half Caste of Islip
Herman of Blundell
Jill of Islip
Havoc of Livingstone
Osiris of Lullingstone
Sweetheart of Trayshill
Eng Ch
Bon Adventure of Barvae
(F) 01/10/1946
; Fawn
Rebellion of Ouborough
(M) 03/07/1939
30WW; Fawn
Eng Ch
Raider of Ouborough
220TT; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffian of Ouborough
(M) 03/12/1931
54NN; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffler of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Rowena of Ouborough
Zarte V Birkenhof of Oubough
(F) 05/18/1934
25474; Brindle
Cyrus V Herkules
Thora vom Birkenhof
Eng Ch
Rebeller of Ouborough
(F) 06/10/1934
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Bellovien of Ouborough
(M) 07/17/1927
680JJ; Brindle
Eng Ch
Bello von Schonbuch of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Revive of Ouborough
(F) 03/21/1931
; Fawn
Faun of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Vivien of Ouborough
Bridesmaid of Barvae
Aristocrat of Trion
; Brindle
Eng Ch
Recall of Ouborough
(M) 08/04/1935
768SS; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruler of Ouborough
Reel of Ouborough
Rin of Ouborough
(F) 07/08/1935
Eng Ch
Ruffian of Ouborough
Gazelle von Loheland (of Ouborough)
Wendy of Barvae
Cito of Albernell
Bastwell Pride
Mild Tempest of Maubry
Kerensa of Ashthorpe
; Fawn
Aust Ch
Gold of Ashthorpe
(M) 05/07/1956
43842/56; Fawn
Eng Ch
Boniface of Blendon
(M) 06/01/1951
43842/56; Fawn
Eng Ch
Bonhomie of Blendon
(M) 12/12/1949
; Brindle
Bonheur of Blendon
170AF; Brindle
Irish Ch
Hyawatha of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Hyperion of Ladymeade
Olga of Ladymeade
Avia of Rollight
; Black
Half Caste of Islip
Havoc of Livingstone
Jhelum of Winome
(F) 09/13/1947
; Fawn
Fingard's King of Kings of Blendon
; Fawn
Fingard's Joe Louis
Fingard's Venus
Juno of Winome
(F) 06/24/1944
; Fawn
Bafflino of Blendon
Brindle Lady of Winome
Eng Ch
Berynthia of Blendon
(F) 03/17/1948
; Fawn
Fingard's King of Kings of Blendon
; Fawn
Fingard's Joe Louis
179001; Fawn
Can Ch
King of Roxdane
Allure of Garfield 2nd
Fingard's Venus
; Fawn
Can Ch
King of Roxdane
Eng Ch
Wischers Duley
Baffette of Blendon
Dominic of Ladymeade
; Black
Eng Ch
Baffler of Blendon
Penelope of Ladymeade
Juno of Littleover
Hyperion of Ladymeade
Remere of Ouborough
Aurelia of Ashthorpe
(F) 10/09/1951
88383/51; Fawn
Aurorus of Rorydale
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Dawnlight of Ickford
(M) 11/28/1947
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Royalism of Ouborough
(M) 07/15/1945
552AE; Fawn
Eng Ch
Rafels of Ouborough
Rezhitsa of Ouborough
Radiance of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Hyperion of Ladymeade
Olga of Ladymeade
Joyous of Khumbirgram
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Basra of Bringtonhill
(M) 06/23/1944
712AD; Fawn
Hyperion of Ladymeade
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
Shirlee of Oldmanor
; Fawn
Regent of Oldmanor
Choice of Oldmanor
Khumbirgram Attraction
(F) 05/10/1948
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Basra of Bringtonhill
(M) 06/23/1944
712AD; Fawn
Hyperion of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
Pandora of Ladymeade
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
(F) 03/09/1938
721AD; Black
Eng Ch
Igor of Trayshill
Reine de Blue
Shirlee of Oldmanor
; Fawn
Regent of Oldmanor
Duke of Oldmanor
Choice of Oldmanor
Duke of Oldmanor
Ronau of Oldmanor
Atnena Ancholme
Rankeillor Barsheila of Bringtonhill
; Black
Brunel of Newton Regis
81362/54; Blue
Bahni of Bringtonhill
(M) 05/09/1947
173AF; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
722AD; Black
Hyperion of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
1907PP; Brindle
Bravado of Blendon
(M) 10/22/1931
; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffler of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Ruth of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Bedina of Blendon
1000LL; Fawn
Urlus Volbloed of Send
Belinda of Blendon
Pandora of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Apollo of Ladymeade
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
Nelly of Trayshill
Quitte of Trayshill
(F) 03/23/1938
1497VV; Brindle
Hansel of Trayshill
Swiss Ch
Nicette von Eisenhof of Trayshill
Blue Blaze of Bringtonhill
; Blue
; Black
; Fawn
Irene of Send
; Black
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
(F) 03/09/1938
721AD; Black
Eng Ch
Igor of Trayshill
; Fawn
Mars of Trayshill
Thelma of Ouborough
Reine de Blue
; Blue
Lancelot of Send
Blue Deroi of Blendon
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
(F) 03/09/1938
721AD; Black
Eng Ch
Igor of Trayshill
; Fawn
Mars of Trayshill
Traveller of Trayshill
Patricia of Stonehurst
Thelma of Ouborough
(F) 04/25/1929
; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
(M) 07/28/1923
1418EE; Brindle
Eng Ch
Rufflyn Regan
Primley Nina
Anny of Ouborough
; Fawn
Reine de Blue
; Blue
Lancelot of Send
(M) 05/13/1928
; Blue
Urlus Volbloed of Send
(M) 06/12/1923
; Fawn
Hedwigs Nestor
Hedwigs Niza
Alani of Sendale
(F) 02/25/1925
; Blue
Dion Dicksonia
Lally of Axwell
Blue Deroi of Blendon
; Blue
Blue Beau of Blendon
; Blue
Blue Belle of Blendon
; Blue
Newton Regis Belle
(F) 05/30/1953
; Blue
Eng Ch
Blacjack of Bringtonhill
(M) 04/11/1951
; Black
Eng Ch
Dawnlight of Ickford
(M) 11/28/1947
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Royalism of Ouborough
(M) 07/15/1945
552AE; Fawn
Eng Ch
Rafels of Ouborough
(M) 07/25/1943
; Fawn
Rebellion of Ouborough
Rockfern of Ouborough
Rezhitsa of Ouborough
(F) 11/13/1943
; Fawn
Rebellion of Ouborough
Rola of Ouborough
Radiance of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Hyperion of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
Pandora of Ladymeade
Olga of Ladymeade
; Black
Bafflino of Blendon
Quitte of Trayshill
Eng Ch
Banshee of Bringtonhill
(F) 05/09/1947
172AF; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
722AD; Black
Hyperion of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
Pandora of Ladymeade
Blue Blaze of Bringtonhill
; Blue
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
(F) 03/09/1938
721AD; Black
Eng Ch
Igor of Trayshill
; Fawn
Mars of Trayshill
Thelma of Ouborough
Reine de Blue
; Blue
Lancelot of Send
Blue Deroi of Blendon
Basrella of Bringtonhill
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Barry of Bringtonhill
; Blue
Eng Ch
Basra of Bringtonhill
(M) 06/23/1944
712AD; Fawn
Hyperion of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
Pandora of Ladymeade
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
(F) 03/09/1938
721AD; Black
Eng Ch
Igor of Trayshill
Reine de Blue
Biddy of Bringtonhill
(F) 06/01/1948
; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
722AD; Black
Hyperion of Ladymeade
Blue Blaze of Bringtonhill
Tessa of Clinbury
; Black
Eng Ch
Banshee of Bringtonhill
(F) 05/09/1947
172AF; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
722AD; Black
Hyperion of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
Pandora of Ladymeade
Blue Blaze of Bringtonhill
; Blue
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
(F) 03/09/1938
721AD; Black
Eng Ch
Igor of Trayshill
; Fawn
Mars of Trayshill
Thelma of Ouborough
Reine de Blue
; Blue
Lancelot of Send
Blue Deroi of Blendon
Barsheba of Bringtonhill
(F) 07/20/1954
Eng Ch
Barry of Bringtonhill
; Blue
Eng Ch
Basra of Bringtonhill
(M) 06/23/1944
712AD; Fawn
Hyperion of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
1907PP; Brindle
Bravado of Blendon
(M) 10/22/1931
; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffler of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Ruth of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Bedina of Blendon
1000LL; Fawn
Urlus Volbloed of Send
Belinda of Blendon
Pandora of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Apollo of Ladymeade
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
Nelly of Trayshill
Quitte of Trayshill
(F) 03/23/1938
1497VV; Brindle
Hansel of Trayshill
Swiss Ch
Nicette von Eisenhof of Trayshill
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
(F) 03/09/1938
721AD; Black
Eng Ch
Igor of Trayshill
; Fawn
Mars of Trayshill
Traveller of Trayshill
Patricia of Stonehurst
Thelma of Ouborough
(F) 04/25/1929
; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
Anny of Ouborough
Reine de Blue
; Blue
Lancelot of Send
(M) 05/13/1928
; Blue
Urlus Volbloed of Send
Alani of Sendale
Blue Deroi of Blendon
; Blue
Blue Beau of Blendon
Blue Belle of Blendon
Biddy of Bringtonhill
(F) 06/01/1948
; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
722AD; Black
Hyperion of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
1907PP; Brindle
Bravado of Blendon
Eng Ch
Bedina of Blendon
Pandora of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Apollo of Ladymeade
Quitte of Trayshill
Blue Blaze of Bringtonhill
; Blue
; Black
Irene of Send
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
(F) 03/09/1938
721AD; Black
Eng Ch
Igor of Trayshill
Reine de Blue
Tessa of Clinbury
; Black
Eng Ch
Banshee of Bringtonhill
(F) 05/09/1947
172AF; Blue
Bahram of Bringtonhill
722AD; Black
Hyperion of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
1907PP; Brindle
Bravado of Blendon
(M) 10/22/1931
; Brindle
Eng Ch
Ruffler of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Ruth of Ouborough
Eng Ch
Bedina of Blendon
1000LL; Fawn
Urlus Volbloed of Send
Belinda of Blendon
Pandora of Ladymeade
; Fawn
Apollo of Ladymeade
Eng Ch
Benvolio of Blendon
Nelly of Trayshill
Quitte of Trayshill
(F) 03/23/1938
1497VV; Brindle
Hansel of Trayshill
Swiss Ch
Nicette von Eisenhof of Trayshill
Blue Blaze of Bringtonhill
; Blue
; Black
; Fawn
Irene of Send
; Black
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
(F) 03/09/1938
721AD; Black
Eng Ch
Igor of Trayshill
; Fawn
Mars of Trayshill
Thelma of Ouborough
Reine de Blue
; Blue
Lancelot of Send
Blue Deroi of Blendon
Black Beauty of Bringtonhill
(F) 03/09/1938
721AD; Black
Eng Ch
Igor of Trayshill
; Fawn
Mars of Trayshill
Traveller of Trayshill
Patricia of Stonehurst
Thelma of Ouborough
(F) 04/25/1929
; Brindle
Eng Ch
Primley Pericles of Ouborough
(M) 07/28/1923
1418EE; Brindle
Eng Ch
Rufflyn Regan
Primley Nina
Anny of Ouborough
; Fawn
Reine de Blue
; Blue
Lancelot of Send
(M) 05/13/1928
; Blue
Urlus Volbloed of Send
(M) 06/12/1923
; Fawn
Hedwigs Nestor
Hedwigs Niza
Alani of Sendale
(F) 02/25/1925
; Blue
Dion Dicksonia
Lally of Axwell
Blue Deroi of Blendon
; Blue
Blue Beau of Blendon
; Blue
Blue Belle of Blendon
; Blue